Eating Disorders: anorexia nervosa



  • Nooshkabob
    You can be overweight and still be anorexic.
    I'd like to clarify that you WON'T be diagnosed with anorexia unless your BMI is under 17.5. If you have all the symptoms but are not underweight you will be diagnosed as EDNOS.
    Helpful tip, people with bulimia and anorexia nervosa tend to crave peanut butter. A normal person would get their craving satisfied in maybe a few tablespoons, but someone with an eating disorder craves it so much they can consume an entire bucket of peanut butter.
    Not necessarily. I've had anorexia and only once the entire time did i crave peanut butter. And if you restrict rather than b/p then i doubt you'd manage even half a bucket of peanut butter.
    And please note that if you recognize some signs of an eating disorder in someone, don't tell them to just stop it. It WILL worsen the problem. They need professional help.
    Definitely agree with this last one though...
  • healthychanges1
    They are still anorexic.... just because you hvnt REACHED underweight status doesnt mean one isn't anorexic... (many bulimics arent underweight)

    actually one of the criteria for an anorexia nervosa diagnosis is being 15% underweight.

    Exactly. A person with anorexic tendencies, but who is healthy or overweight, would be considered EDNOS. That doesn't undermine the severity of the eating disorder, it just changes the diagnosis. Please know what you are actually saying before you answer.
    -Coming from someone who was in residential eating disorder treatment and is VERY familiar with the current DSM.