My caloric intake is low :(

I know I should be happy, but I think this is one of my main problems. I have a nasty habit of skipping breakfast, eat a light lunch (string cheese stick or an apple/banana) and having a big dinner to fill me up.

Thinking back at my meals, I don't think that I ever go over my suggested caloric intake for the day, yet I am still maintaining a body weight 50lbs over my desired.

My guess is that my metabolism is used to my low calorie intake and is slow.

So here's my question: After working out today, at the end of day one, I still have 1788 calories left to spend. Should I spend them to up my caloric intake in hopes to jump start my metabolism, or if doing so, will that just make me gain weight because my body is used to a certain caloric intake per day?

To be honest, I am not starving, but I know that I could have a snack later (albeit, it is already 7:40pm and that should be a no-no)?

Thanks in advance for any feedback or suggestions.


  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    One problem is that if you don't eat enough calories (I believe the rule of thumb is 1200 calories) your body actually goes into starvation mode and will make sure you keep all that fat on you. Its a survival technique bodies do naturally.
    At the very least, I would make sure that you are above 1200 calories every day (that's net calories).
    If you're eating at least that much I don't know what to tell you... Other than make sure what your eating is still healthy of course. If you still have problems getting the weight to come off you might want to talk to a nutritionist or personal trainer to see if he/she has any tips for you.

    Good luck!
  • mayhem1969
    mayhem1969 Posts: 27 Member
    You should never ever skip breakfast. After 8 hours of fasting, your body needs energy. Breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. I'd say you are right to think your metabolism is too low; it surely is. Frankly, in order to maximize your metabolism you should eat breakfast, lunch and dinner along with two to three snacks, one after breakfast and one after lunch or dinner. You should also try to stretch your calories over the entire day. Scientific evidence tends to support what most people suspect, that being, that large amounts of calories consumed later in the day tend to be stored as fat. However, don't be afraid to have a snack in the evening if you are hungry. Just don't make it a meal and don't make it too high in calories.

    I recommend you eat a sensible snack now and then start tomorrow with a good breakfast.
  • k1979k
    k1979k Posts: 94
    Breakfast is really important - I know that's sprouted everywhere but it's so true! It kick-starts your metabolism for the day. If you can't face a 'meal', try a protein shake or something, which can easily be drunk on the run and will also help to get you into a breakfast habit.