Two things that are possitive and make you happy today...

Mine......friends and candles! What's yours?:flowerforyou: :


  • gerripho
    gerripho Posts: 479 Member
    Sunshine and my friends at MFP.
  • I'm happy because I've been sticking to my diet and because tomorrow it's friday
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Tolerable weather here in the Dallas area, and I'm going to California next week for vacation. Yay!
  • imaswimmom2
    imaswimmom2 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm going to Bodega Bay and it's not as hot today as it was yesterday!
  • jen10st
    jen10st Posts: 325 Member
    I've managed to stay under my calorie goal even though I couldn't get to the gym today, and I'm going camping tomorrow with loads of calorie burning activities planned :)
  • Awesome!:happy:
  • Sweet! Have fun!
  • Snail313
    Snail313 Posts: 214 Member
    1. I don't have to work Saturday!
    2. I don't have to work Sunday!

  • My Dh as he is so darn funny and and a 90 year old client telling me she would love a certain young actor in her bed for just one night. I was giggling for hours after her comment!
  • wisters
    wisters Posts: 84 Member
    I'm happy today because i got to play tennis with my friend and found a gorgeous suit for work that fit perfectly (skirt size 4 and jacket size 8) at a garage sale for $4! Winner (though I did lose at tennis, but it was close ;-) )
  • LovesAdventure
    LovesAdventure Posts: 66 Member
    A nice looking guy flirted with me at the beach today
  • 2shoes123
    2shoes123 Posts: 204 Member
    I had a great day at work with two great co-workers/friends and I had a really great workout tonight.
  • wisters
    wisters Posts: 84 Member
    My Dh as he is so darn funny and and a 90 year old client telling me she would love a certain young actor in her bed for just one night. I was giggling for hours after her comment!


    At 90 wouldn't most actors be young? Personally I want Colin Firth, but that is a whole other story
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    Two positive things happened to me today.

    1. My Zumba instructor told me i was not allowed to hide in the back of the class any longer since i know the routines and can keep up without stopping .

    2. As i was leaving 2 people stopped me and told me how they can tell i am losing weight and that i have much more definition every time i come there.

    And that people, made me VERY happy today. It is what fuels me to keep on keeping on.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm happy because I'm pretty sure I will be hired for a part time job I interviewed for. Also because I have lost 8 pounds so far.
  • Crisitunity
    Crisitunity Posts: 98 Member
    I'm going to see a very cool new movie today (PARANORMAN!!) and I made a nice isometric bank at work today.

    Actually I had a lot more than two things that are positive and made me happy today :D
  • I love all the comments! They keep me happy and inspired....keep them coming. Mine today: my sister makes me happy and the fact that my yard work is done!!!! whooooo
  • verasdaughter
    verasdaughter Posts: 71 Member
    Beautiful weather that allows me to keep the windows open and being able to run 5 mins straight.....Woot Woot!!!
  • dinoskycm
    dinoskycm Posts: 267
    1. I have the best and most understanding manager in the world!

    2. The thought of getting back out there and swimming again!

    3. The thought of going back to college!!
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Gaming online with friends tonight
    Cat took a nap with me this afternoon and was generally adorable