50 lbs. down, but cannot see a difference

I guess I'm just venting. In four months, I have lost fifty pounds. Everyone tells me that they notice a huge difference, and I suppose there is, because I have dropped four sizes in clothing. But when I look in the mirror, I just see the same fat, ugly girl from before. I just feel terrible and I do not know what to do.

Has anyone else experienced these feelings before? Any thoughts on how to deal with this?

Thanks. Sorry if I sound so negative. XD


  • sammiliegh
    sammiliegh Posts: 86 Member
    First of all...you're fricken gorgeous, so don't think otherwise.
    Second, 50 lbs?! that's amazing! *be proud*
    never ever look at yourself as being "the same fat ugly girl from before"...because you're not.
    You've made a decision to change, and you obviously have.
    You're not the same person. You are bettering your self more and more as each day goes on. We all have days where we look in the mirror and think bad things.. don't be so hard on yourself!
    You're doing amazing, and you ARE amazing!
    Keep it up! :) xoxo
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    First of all - congrats!! That took lots of hard work to do!! Keep it up.


    I don't think that's all that uncommon. I struggle with it too. You need to fight it though. Just as hard if not harder than you're fighting the weight. Go get a couple new outfits that you feel great in. Wear them out. Listen to what your friends and family say.... They aren't lying. Look in the mirror and tell yourself you're awesome/fierce/sexy/strong. Because you are.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Oh! And if you aren't already - take pictures! Monthly is good. Front, side and back. You can't deny the changes if you can see them.
  • it's not your body that's the problem - it's your mind. Your feel fat in your "new" body.

    You need to examine why you are so tough on yourself and then you might know why you feel the way you do.

    Congrats on the 50lbs!!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I do not believe you, we need photographic evidence.
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    Honestly it took me a long time for me to see the difference when I was down 100 lbs I still felt the same it took a couple of months and when I would look and pics I could see the difference but not looking in the mirror!!! So hang on it will come!!!!! Also great job ur doing amazing!!!!!!!
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    IMO, lifting weights would help. Lifting weights helps me keep my eyes on the prize by giving me little milestones to celebrate, so I can feel good about myself even when I don't see changes in my body or the scale or when I'm frustrated that my FRIGGING BUTT refuses to shrink or whatever.
  • kindlewalker
    kindlewalker Posts: 9 Member
    I think you look pretty.
  • Ash_ah_lee
    Ash_ah_lee Posts: 116 Member
    Wow.. thats rude.

    I do not believe you, we need photographic evidence.
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    First off, congrats! 50lbs is an amazing accomplishment!! That's how much i have to lose and i don't think i'll ever do! lol
    It takes your mind to adjust to your changes so don't sweat it. Either war, you are not ugly and you should be proud!
  • goodmans90
    goodmans90 Posts: 45 Member
    I know exactly what you mean, after losing 94 lbs. I still feel the same way!! Everyone around me always says something about my weight loss, but I just don't see it. I still see me with all the weight. I struggle with it all the time, and it is going to take some time for us to see ourselves any other way. I hope for you and me and the others that we do someday!! Add me if you like, would love to encourage you along your journey. I am on here several times a day, have been on here for 235 days now, and don't plan on leaving any time soon. Hugs to you, you are doing great....:flowerforyou:
  • snoopynut1972
    snoopynut1972 Posts: 49 Member
    I see a beautiful face in your profile picture!! :)

    Believe what everyone is telling you - they see the difference, so know it's there. You've dropped 4 sizes, have you bought new clothes that fit the new you? Show off your body in some stylin new outfits and be proud of your accomplishments.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Wow.. thats rude.

    I do not believe you, we need photographic evidence.

    I was joking, have a sense of humor. Her profile pic looks great so I have a hard time believing she does not see a difference. If I was a dude and I said that there would be a ton o f :drinker:
  • KoKoaQT
    KoKoaQT Posts: 6 Member
    Congrats! Your my hero! Keep up the good work.:wink:
  • Hey, it could be worse--I've dropped 50 this summer, and NOBODY HAS NOTICED YET!!! Seriously, when I got to 48, a coworker finally said something (I went from 380 to 332). Kind of the opposite of your story, where everyone can see it except you. In my case, NOBODY sees it except me!

    But yeah, the problem isn't your body, it's in your mind, get help with that. Or do what I'm planning: drop another fifty! And another after that!
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    sometimes it takes the mind a while to catch up...once you identify as an overweight person, it might be hard to cut yourself slack. Give it time and keep it up. Focus on the positive...you can do it! You are a very pretty girl! Work it!
  • hi, well, first are you married or in a relationship? it could be hes not responding the way you thought. Just metioning that because i experienced that myself in the past. if not it could be you just need to change more than your weight. 6 yrs ago i lost 89 lbs and felt the same way. And now thinking back it was more my surroundings than my weight. Start changing your routine and are you happy with your job or maybe your friends. Start writing a daily journal and at the end of the week. Look back at it and you will tell your own self whats the real issue. Hope this helps. oh and just metioning, I got pregnant and gained 50 of those lbs back. Im a newbie and from what i see this program is great! good luck in life to everyone!
  • I've decided I'm going to take pictures for every ten pounds I lose wearing the same clothes to see how I change in them. Out of all the people in this world that need to lose weight, there are not that many that can say they have lost 50 pounds. You're obviously doing an awesome job! Keep your head up and Congratulations!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    It took about a year before I started to see me differently. Notice I didn't say 'notice the weight loss' because that has little to do with it.

    I worked hard on self image. I am not allowed to say fat, old, stupid, b*tch, ugly........about someone else, why did I think it was Ok for me?

    Affirmations on my mirror. Reading great books. Also, I would look at other women and ask myself what I would say to them if I could walk right up to them and express my feelings. I NEVER thought those words! Always thought "Look at her hair" or "How lovely her eyes"

    I now give myself the same respect! Funny thing is I gained back about 15 pounds, and still felt the same. So the weighloss LEAD to me seeing myself differently.

    You are beautiful!:flowerforyou:
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    When I lost 50 lbs I could not see it. My family and friends were saying how good I looked, but I was/am still fat. I guess I thought that with 50lbs gone I would look like a completely different person, but I was still me. My husband decided to take pictures of me. He found a pic of me at my heavist and asked me to put on that shirt and jeans. Once I saw the pictures I could see what everyone else was saying. There was a remarkable change. And the clothes were so big that it made me feel better about myself. I still have a lot of weight to lose and sometimes I still just see a fat person staring back at me in the mirror. I think time will help that.