Looking for someone similar to share their diary...

I am a female, 5'5'', 165 lbs. I am currently trying to stay at 1300 calories with little to no exercise. I don't eat meat, but do eat seafood. Is there anyone who is similar to me who'd like to share their diary with me?? I'm in a rut and feel like I always am over on my carbs and under on protein.


  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I do eat meat, and I hate fish. No I don't just hate it. I despise it's very existence.

    I am 5 2 and now I am at 140 pounds I think idk I still have a few days before weigh in, hopefully less than that. I started at 211 pounds, 225 at my heaviest though. I may not be able to help too much but you can always add me if you'd like.
  • paperducks
    Hey, I'm 5'4'', 158lbs, and also a pescatarian like yourself. I think 1300 is too low for your daily caloric consumption. You shouldn't consume less than your BMR, and yours seems to be at around 1550. Try to get some exercise into your routine and you'll see results. Best of luck!
  • danni_l
    danni_l Posts: 144 Member
    Hey, Feel free to add me. Im 5 6" on around 1200 a day and trying to exercise fairly regularly. Just focusing on eating sensibly and cutting down on alcohol and unhealthy food.
    Feel free to add me :)