Hangover Food. This is an emergency.

Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
Hello people int he know,

I've got a hangover from hell this morning and all I want to do right now is stuff my face with pizza, McDonalds, etc.

Can you suggest any healthy alternatives? I'm at work and there are a gazillion places around me that sell oh-so-naughty foods that I'm working hard to avoid!

Any help is much appreciated!


  • EmmaM2211
    EmmaM2211 Posts: 536 Member
    Do you have a kitchen at work? Or do you have to get something ready made?

    If you have a kitchen then could do poached egg, grilled bacon and grilled tomatoes with one slice of toast?

    I love Subway when I'm hungover - get plain chicken with loads of salad and light mayo and it's pretty healthy but the melted cheese hits the hangover spot (I usually get double cheese!)

    Boots meal deals are pretty good too, their shapers menu is great and all under 500cals! xx

    ETA - you probably dont have boots over there...sorry!! Failing that coffee...LOTS and LOTS of coffee!!! xx
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    Hello people int he know,

    I've got a hangover from hell this morning and all I want to do right now is stuff my face with pizza, McDonalds, etc.

    Can you suggest any healthy alternatives? I'm at work and there are a gazillion places around me that sell oh-so-naughty foods that I'm working hard to avoid!

    Any help is much appreciated!

    I don't have much experience with hangovers... and/or the food that makes you feel better when you have one...

    you can get healthy stuff at mcdonalds... grilled chicken... yogurt...

    I think you can almost find something healthy at any fast food store :) or at least healthier...
  • mluanne33
    mluanne33 Posts: 70 Member
    My all time fix is to drink a large soda fountain diet coke. Must be something about the carbonation that works for me
  • lOvEly805
    Toast with peanut butter Always helps me!
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    I might as well have written that. Every time Im hungover I have to eat terrible foods :(.

    Of course you can go buy a salad or a healthy sandwich or something but I promise in five minutes youll still be craving that pizza.

    Just cut your losses and go for a pizza but try and get the best option - vegetables on it etc.

    Work it off tommorow.

    Your body is craving sleep and sugar so it's sending your hunger sensor thingys into overdrive (sorry, GCSE Biology was a long time ago)

  • jane987
    jane987 Posts: 36 Member
    If you're anything like me you need something substantial to battle the hangover. Eating a salad is not going to hit the spot and you'll probably end up bingeing on crap later on. Better to have a slightly less healthy lunch and control the urge!

    I suggest carbs as it'll fill you up. Why not try an chicken and avocado sandwich toasted? They make me feel better! Or find a cafe that does a healthy pasta - a tomato based pasta with veggies, or even a noodle shop where you can get noodles, veggies and lean meat.

    Good luck!
  • lOvEly805
    If you're anything like me you need something substantial to battle the hangover. Eating a salad is not going to hit the spot and you'll probably end up bingeing on crap later on. Better to have a slightly less healthy lunch and control the urge!

    I suggest carbs as it'll fill you up. Why not try an chicken and avocado sandwich toasted? They make me feel better! Or find a cafe that does a healthy pasta - a tomato based pasta with veggies, or even a noodle shop where you can get noodles, veggies and lean meat.

    Good luck!
    A chicken Avacado sandwich sounds So GOOD! lol
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    Sorry, when I have a hangover I need grease. Try some bacon on whole wheat bread.
  • babydull
    babydull Posts: 727 Member
    How about a 6" hot turkey sub? (Go easy on the sauces)
    Nice mix of carbs and protein, should fulfil the craving and not do too much damage calories wise.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    Plenty of water as you will be dehydrated, brown toast with peanut butter :-)
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Thank you guys, I love you - this is GOOD HELP in making my decision. I'll keep you updated what happens next. I hate these days!
  • SovanJedi
    SovanJedi Posts: 27 Member
    You're at work with a hangover? You maverick!
  • mirandamayhem
    mac and cheese
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    My post-hangover necessities are scrambled eggs and bacon on toast. Chased by a powerade/gatorade. You need salt, grease and drastic rehydration.

  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Hello people int he know,

    I've got a hangover from hell this morning and all I want to do right now is stuff my face with pizza, McDonalds, etc.

    Can you suggest any healthy alternatives? I'm at work and there are a gazillion places around me that sell oh-so-naughty foods that I'm working hard to avoid!

    Any help is much appreciated!

    You are hungover. GO great pizza, mcDonalds, ice cream the whole lot.
  • mirandamayhem
    My post-hangover necessities are scrambled eggs and bacon on toast. Chased by a powerade/gatorade. You need salt, grease and drastic rehydration.


    berocca is a good one too. Funny thing is I crave OJ now, never used to.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Weird. When I'm hungover the thought of heavy greasy food makes me nauseous. I always crave fruit and sushi.
  • Hssh1988
    Hssh1988 Posts: 48 Member
    Eggs on toast.
  • mrscpm
    mrscpm Posts: 7 Member
    A BLT might work. Add sone cheese.

    I always like red gatorade- maybe a ton of crystal light? Def. drink as much ice water as you can hold.

    Or something I always did- get some deli tuna salad. I know, lots of mayo, but tuna on saltines always helped.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    Hardee's Monster Biscuit....if you're going down, go epic