Weight Loss Protein Shakes

Is anyone trying protein shakes as a weight loss tool after workouts or as a meal replacement? I dont know if need it or not since im female. I use Maxine's Burn protein shakes as an after workout meal.


  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Not sure about shakes but I have a Promax protein bar after a vigorous workout. I think the shakes and bars are pretty good for eating after a workout, helps repair the body :smile:
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Why shouldn't females have protein shakes?.... :huh:

    Protein shakes and bars are a useful thing to have around if you don't meet your protein quota for the day. They won't make you bulk up or anything else ridiculous like that....the same as they won't make you lose weight.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    The only reason to take any supplement from vitamins to protein powder is to give you something that you are not getting from your food diet. If you are eating a balanced diet, you should be getting enough protein from meat, fish, nuts and beans.

    That said, sometimes the lower calories when you are trying to lose with a deficit, make it tough to get what you need. Then the powder can be beneficial. I use it a few times a week instead of breakfast. I like eggs and salmon, but a protein shake give me about the same protein hit with less calories.
  • CoachAdrian
    increasing your protein intake is a good way to loose body fat. I really don't like the MFP recommendations as far as protien, carbs and fats because it doesn't maximize your fat loss. One way to loose body fat very effectively is to have a nutrition profile that is 50%protein, 30% carbs, and 20% fats. you can obviously play with the numbers a bit but this will have you dropping body fat quickly and you won't feel hungry. So the answer to your question is YES! Protien shakes are great as a meal replacement or a post workout meal while you're trying to burn of the body fat. I used them a lot and dropped from 23% body fat to 9% body fat with 90 days of hard work. Take care and good luck
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I drink Clearvite vitamin enriched smoothies and then a handfull of walnuts, almonds, etc for breakfast. get my calls, protien and all really quickly.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    I put about 10oz of 100 calorie protein shake in a 20oz water bottle when I leave for work in the morning and pack it full of ice. I sip on it all morning long. Pretty much takes care of my hunger!
  • simplebeauty
    simplebeauty Posts: 22 Member
    Yes....I LOVE my shakes!
    I use ProFit from It Works...it helps with post workout recovery and provides nutrition for the muscles, immune system, digestive system and cardiovascular system.
    It's lower in calories (100 cals per serving) and 14g of protein...but it's all bio-available so your body will be able to properly utilize every gram because there is a special blend of enzymes involved that help the body's ability to absorb and use the protein.....just because a "protein powder" has a ton of protein in it, doesn't mean your body will absorb it all..

    message me if you are interested in it at all...AND it's inexpensive! It breaks down to about $3 per serving!