not losing weight

I checked out MFP about a month ago but only began 9 days ago, since then I have eaten below or at my calorie target and I have gone spinning 3 times a week. So far I have put on 2 pounds =( any thoughts?



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Open ur diary
  • aprilanne1
    aprilanne1 Posts: 5 Member
    ok opened =)
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    Sometimes it is not always the amount of calories but what you eat and how often. As mentioned in a previous post opening your
    diary would be the most helpful.
  • successiswithinme
    successiswithinme Posts: 91 Member
    dont get discouraged or give up and like the other person said, open your dirary so others can see things that maybe you cant and they can give adivce.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Eat ur exercise calories. You aren't eating enough.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    First, it's only been nine days. That is simply not a long enough time to start seeing significant results. You have to keep at it; eventually you will see results, but you can't control how fast it happens or the rate at which your body will change.

    Second, if you recently started the exercise, you are likely to be holding water weight. When exposed to new and difficult activity, your muscles will hold on to water to protect and heal themselves. Keep doing it consistently and they will start to adapt to the exercise and release that water, usually after a couple weeks.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    You are not eating enough.
  • hellou76
    hellou76 Posts: 33 Member
    How much water/clear liquids are you drinking? most days you seem to record between 3 to 6 cups. In my experience (others maybe different) if my fluid level drop then my weight will not budge - your body needs the fluid for your kidneys to be able to remove fat from your body - someone might be able to explain it a bit more scientifically than this but thats how I see it.
  • reneecgc
    reneecgc Posts: 179 Member
    I looked at your diary. Is yesterday a good representative of what you eat if so here is my advice. You don't eat enough. You lower
    your metabolism by not consuming enough calories. You need to eat a least 5 times a day. Your breakfast should have a higher
    level of nutrition than it has. More protein. My favorite snacks are almonds, low fat mozzarella sticks with an apple, and banana with 1 tbs peanut butter. Those snack will help get your calories up to at least up to 1200 and give you some quality protein. I am
    maintaining now but I used to eat between 1,400 and 1,500 depending on the day and how much I exercised. I lost 58lb in less than five months and I never felt hungry except when I set my calories too low in the beginning. My calorie were set at 1200, but
    I ate my exercise calories on the 5 days I worked out. I was so hungry on my rest days and struggled. One of my instructors at
    my gym recommending to me set my calorie intake higher and I did. I was much happier on my rest days when my calories were set at 1,400.
    Everyone is different but this is what worked for me. Good luck with your weight loss. If you want to add me as a friend feel free.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    Eat ur exercise calories. You aren't eating enough.

  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    You might want to use the spreadsheets and HelloitsDan’s instructions on weight loss. All of this is located at:

    I had no idea how to go about losing weight the correct way, without hurting myself and without being hungry all the time. I found out from all the knowledgeable folks here on MFP that neither situation has to occur if you are losing the weight the proper way.

    Please feel free to use, copy, download anything in that folder. I believe in “Paying it Forward” as HelloItsDan says….
  • aprilanne1
    aprilanne1 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone, I will keep at it, so more wated and more food- will do=)
  • xo_Sarah_xo
    xo_Sarah_xo Posts: 308 Member
    First, it's only been nine days. That is simply not a long enough time to start seeing significant results. You have to keep at it; eventually you will see results, but you can't control how fast it happens or the rate at which your body will change.

    Second, if you recently started the exercise, you are likely to be holding water weight. When exposed to new and difficult activity, your muscles will hold on to water to protect and heal themselves. Keep doing it consistently and they will start to adapt to the exercise and release that water, usually after a couple weeks.
    I completely agree with this!!! Also make sure you drink LOTS of water and your body will start to trust that you aren't going to dehydrate it and then also start to let it go...I have been at this for 3 weeks now and I am just starting to feel less bloated from all the water. I swear my body thought for sure the water "gravy train" was going to end so it was holding onto it for dear life, haha. Keep going and you can push through this! You don't want to give up now and waste time only to try again down the road...THE TIME IS NOW!!! We KNOW you can do it :happy: :wink: :happy:
  • no1canadianangel
    Your definately not eating enough and you have to drink more water... I dont, however, agree with eating the calories burned, I RARELY eat them back or very little and I steadily lose weight...
  • Chryskk
    Chryskk Posts: 22 Member
    Take your measurements every couple of weeks and see if you might be losing inches even if you're not losing weight.

    If you're building muscle as you're working out, muscle weighs more than fat so you won't see much difference when you weigh yourself just yet.

    Don't give up! :smile:
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I had that problem. Mine ended up being an underactive thyroid. Got put on meds and lost 62 pounds. I fell off the wagon and gained back 20 but I am back with a vengeance.....
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I looked at your diary. Is yesterday a good representative of what you eat if so here is my advice. You don't eat enough. You lower
    your metabolism by not consuming enough calories. You need to eat a least 5 times a day. Your breakfast should have a higher
    level of nutrition than it has. More protein. My favorite snacks are almonds, low fat mozzarella sticks with an apple, and banana with 1 tbs peanut butter. Those snack will help get your calories up to at least up to 1200 and give you some quality protein. I am
    maintaining now but I used to eat between 1,400 and 1,500 depending on the day and how much I exercised. I lost 58lb in less than five months and I never felt hungry except when I set my calories too low in the beginning. My calorie were set at 1200, but
    I ate my exercise calories on the 5 days I worked out. I was so hungry on my rest days and struggled. One of my instructors at
    my gym recommending to me set my calorie intake higher and I did. I was much happier on my rest days when my calories were set at 1,400.
    Everyone is different but this is what worked for me. Good luck with your weight loss. If you want to add me as a friend feel free.

    This. I too exercise a lot and was hungry all the time at 1200 calories. I bumped up to 1300 and then to 1400 and was still losing.
    Also, I would recommend tracking your sodium. You will be amazed at how much you are taking in and that will make you retain water weight. Like others have said try to keep eating out at a minimum (which it looks like you do an ok job of) and drink lots of water! Good luck!
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    You've taken the first step by coming on here and tracking your food in the diary. That's a great first step! The second is to use it as an evaluation tool for yourself. There's lot of nutrition help available on this site as well as around the web, so you can learn what you need to self evaluate.

    I've take a look at your diary and do see a few things:

    You're eating things with higher sodium counts: beef, cheese, salad dressings, etc. These make you retain water and therefore fat loss doesn't show as easily on the scale.

    There are days you are not eating enough calories for your current weight and activity level. Under eating undermines weight loss as your body doesn't have the energy it needs to actually burn fat. Kind of like trying to drive a car 300 miles when you have enough gas for only 200.

    You have a lot of carbs. Carbs are killer for women trying to lose weight. Try eating less carbs and more protein.

    Most importantly, don't give up! You deserve to look and feel great! And you will, cos you're in the right place. There's lots of help here, lot's of information, lots of support. You can do this!
  • Molly182
    Molly182 Posts: 406
    another thread with good advice. gotta love MFP
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    What I noticed in your diary is that you are only eating 10-20% of your calories from whole plant-based foods, and the other 80-90% is from processed foods or animal products. If you switch it around until you're getting 80-90% of your calories from whole plant foods (veggies, fruits, and beans), I can guarantee you'll lose weight like nobody's business. I switched my diet to this setup about 6 weeks ago and I've lost 26 lbs since making the switch. If you'd like to read about the details of this way of eating, check out "Eat to Live" by Dr Fuhrman.