not losing weight



  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I also want to say kudos to you for all the home made foods and incorporating all the fruits and vegetables you do. Just keep that up and you will see a major positive change in your life, not just the scale.

    I also want to suggest putting that scale away for 3 weeks, because after all, it is so demotivating, right?

    I came to MFP with that last 5 lbs that mot 43 year old women want to lose. It took me 3 months to lose it. I have lost almost 40 lbs and 15% body fat over these last 5 years and the single most important thing I have done alone the way is not give up.
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member

    I know you are using sources that are reliable (pizza hut website) but remember the people in the restaurants are fallible, an extra 1oz of cheese is tiny but if were edam (1 oz is four dice sized cubes) this could be 100 cals missed and if you are not weighing your stuff at home the same applies I worked at maccies d's and put the wrong amount of mac sauce on for weeks until the delivery gun was fixed. . After nine days if you were not on a diet before you likely should have lost weight by now but something you are eating is upsetting the balance or your hormones (like mine) are crackers.

    Lots of people will tell you that you need to eat more, I think it may be likely that you are eating hidden calories. My diary is full of 1/4 slices of bread and half teaspoons of mayo this is because I steal off the kids plates and am guesstimating!

    Keep plugging away and don't give up. I have recently started to aim for 1200 per day and not eat back exercise cals to try and restart my loss after a mega stall.
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    2 pounds in 9 days ain't too shabby. You are on the right track.
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    Oh and also keep in mind that MFP calories burned on exercise tends to be higher than what you are actually burning. A Heart rate monitor with a chest strap is the most accurate way to track that.
  • cloarmo
    cloarmo Posts: 3 Member
    bump going to rad later

  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    How much water/clear liquids are you drinking? most days you seem to record between 3 to 6 cups. In my experience (others maybe different) if my fluid level drop then my weight will not budge - your body needs the fluid for your kidneys to be able to remove fat from your body - someone might be able to explain it a bit more scientifically than this but thats how I see it.

    Above posted brings up good points about hydration. I could be wrong, and I'm not a doctor, but I don't believe it's the kidneys that actually handle fat removal. I believe it's the liver that gets rid of the fat via the bile that gets dumped into the small intestines. Hydration ties into blood volume, since plasma is mostly water. So... If you don't have enough water in the system, your blood volume is going to be low and that may affect liver function, which in turn affects bile production, which then affects how fat is removed.

    That being said, it's also important to have enough water in the system because being hydrated is important for having and healthy visits to the bathroom. If the liver is happily hydrated, it can push fat into the small intestines. The kidneys help flush excess salts out, so if you don't have enough water, the salts don't get peed out and the fats don't make it out either.

    If you have too much water, you can pee too much of the salts out and get very sick, possibly even die. It's a matter of finding a happy medium, but I agree 3 - 6 cups of water doesn't sound like OP's getting quite enough water to me, if they're actual 8 oz cups of water.

  • 1DayAt_aTime
    2 pounds in 9 days ain't too shabby. You are on the right track.

    She said she has put on 2lbs!
  • HolyPeas
    HolyPeas Posts: 71
    you probably over estimate how active you are, OR, your logging calories innacurately... OR you might need to cut back more. What did you set your goal too? If you set it for 1 pound a week maybe you should change it to two and see how that works out for you.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Thanks for sharing Dan's info. I've seen some of those before but I downloaded everything again to help me out.