New Here-shakeology ??



  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    If you have a short term goal and can afford it, why not. But you are better off, as others said, eating clean and training hard. I lost 26 lbs that way and peiople seemed really disappointed when I told them that. Being healthy is for life. A diet is temporary.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I bought a 10 day supply of Shakeology for a 10 day Shakeology challenge and really like it. I blend it with crushed ice and water or skim milk. I eat a healthy diet the rest of the day, but the Shakeology seems to help keep me satisfied and control cravings. I have one every day.
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    I prefer whey protein mixed withi 30 cal almond milk blended up for lunch on days I don't workout and when I do workout I follow it up with a whey shake.

    Although they say not to workout on an empty stomach, so may change up to before my workout.

    I have 9 strawberry shakeology in my house now. I am doing a 3 day cleanse. Otherwise I can't afford 4$ a day for my husband and myself to do the shakeology :( I could, but then no more camping, no more shopping and buying extras no more name brand paper towels, no more gym membership.

    It is made by beachbody, but you can use shakeology with any program. It is basically a vitamin built in a very calculated whey shake. I do the whey shake and vitamin because it is like 15$ a month. I want sustainability. I am not wanting to pay 240$ for my husband and myself a month because we feel we need it. I mean really! People worked out and lost weight through diet long before shakeology.
  • DERBS21
    DERBS21 Posts: 33 Member
    Just learn to eat healthy. It takes time and hard work. But in the long run it's a great feeling and you know your healthy. It's for life not temporary. Best of Luck!
  • ChappyEight
    ChappyEight Posts: 163 Member
    I'm reading a lot through this forum and what it looks like for most people when it comes to making a decision which weight loss shake to go with is price. I feel it's really unfortunate that so many people are so financially strapped that they must put a dollar figure on their health.

    When it comes to your personal health and fitness, in my mind, you cannot put a price tag on good health and it also does not come easily. If you want to live healthfully, prosperously and enjoy the best that life has to offer, you have to make the decision for yourself. You have to decide what your priorities are.

    As a side note, when you consider how much it costs to have one of the major three diseases that are attributed to excessive weight, (cancer, heart disease and lower respiratory diseases) the cost of prevention is minimal.

    That being said, I have information on a weight loss plan where you could essentially be paid to lose the weight, but it will take effort on your part...

    If you're interested in hearing more about the fitness and weight loss program that I employ, please feel free to private message me. I am always happy to share what I have learned in my lifelong journey to effectively manage my health.

    Also, anyone simply desiring moral support in their fitness goals, please feel free to add me.

    No matter how much weight you have to lose or what your goal is fitness wise; what matters most is that you show up in your life, everyday, to make a difference.

    Be well,

    Cool story, bro.
  • pink2lady
    pink2lady Posts: 111 Member
    you can friend me and take a look at what I eat daily...It's REAL Food but HEATHLY and easy to make. I have to eat food to be happy, drinking it all day isn't going to happen in my world.
  • pink2lady
    pink2lady Posts: 111 Member
    There is no magic pill and if there was, Shakeology certainly wouldn't be it.

    It's all about the balance, if you eat a healthy and balanced diet you will meet all your macros and get all the vitamins Shakeology allegedly has at a fraction of the cost. You're better off spending your money on real food, a gym membership or some new weights!
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    If I had unlimited budget I would have a chef who knew how to make all my meals low calorie, low fat and also have them taste like a party in my mouth with each bite. Since I have to earn my money, cook my meals and prefer to serve fresh fruits and vegies to my children as well as my daycare children, fresh meats and seafood and still be able to have a life I have to put a limit on it.

    I don't go out to eat or drink the high priced coffee drinks. Therefore I can't say that 4$ is more than eating out and say it is ok to drop that on a shake and I bet most people don't give up their coffee drinks or mcd's afterwards.

    Can I put a price on my health, heck yeah! Especially when eating less, choosing healthier options and finding inexpensive workouts are a lot cheaper all together than 1 shake a day each for my husband and myself. I need extra protein for my muscles to accept my workouts, that i do understand, so I use an inexpensive whey shake :) I take my vitamins and still eat fresh and good for you foods.

    Do you want people to make thier house and car payments, pay their child's preschool, eat a variety of healthy foods, have a life outside of weight management or have a shake every day? ALSO teaching our kids to be healthy you just need a shake a day? Trying for short cuts, especially expensive shortcuts isn't what I want to show my children? Long term good decisions is what I want to show them. If you are going to splurge get an experience like a mud run or buy some workout equipment. If you have 2 of you buying shakes that is almost 3000 a year in shakes! 2880 if you don't sign up to sell it or be a coach! Can you justify almost 3000 for shakes? I can get vitamins for a year for about 20$! I can get whey protein for under 200$ for a year! 3000 goes a long ways towards almost anything!!!!!!

    Waiting for someone to say just pay the 45$ to get the discount and sign up to be a rep. Why don't they just lower the cost so people don't have to do that. Even if they do lower the cost you are still at well over 2000! for my husband and myself! And guess what? They also make a lot of other health products too, that is only one aspect ;) Sorry for the rant. I just can't imagine people can justify that when a healthy well rounded diet with a vitamin does essentially the same thing.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    I'm reading a lot through this forum and what it looks like for most people when it comes to making a decision which weight loss shake to go with is price. I feel it's really unfortunate that so many people are so financially strapped that they must put a dollar figure on their health.

    When it comes to your personal health and fitness, in my mind, you cannot put a price tag on good health and it also does not come easily. If you want to live healthfully, prosperously and enjoy the best that life has to offer, you have to make the decision for yourself. You have to decide what your priorities are.

    As a side note, when you consider how much it costs to have one of the major three diseases that are attributed to excessive weight, (cancer, heart disease and lower respiratory diseases) the cost of prevention is minimal.

    That being said, I have information on a weight loss plan where you could essentially be paid to lose the weight, but it will take effort on your part...

    If you're interested in hearing more about the fitness and weight loss program that I employ, please feel free to private message me. I am always happy to share what I have learned in my lifelong journey to effectively manage my health.

    Also, anyone simply desiring moral support in their fitness goals, please feel free to add me.

    No matter how much weight you have to lose or what your goal is fitness wise; what matters most is that you show up in your life, everyday, to make a difference.

    Be well,

  • tlw81
    tlw81 Posts: 13 Member
    and lol good luck with all the private messages you are going to get from people selling it!

    This made me LOL!