I'm afraid to update my weight!



  • i say just keep doing what your doing and be proud of the progress you have made.
  • jakki_brown
    jakki_brown Posts: 142 Member
    Scales are such a danger to your success sometimes. Your weight will fluctuate depending on what you've eaten and what time of the day it is. When I splurge and eat pizza (which is more often than I should!), I can hold on to water weight from all the sodium for days!

    Pick a day and I time to weigh and only do it ONCE a week! This is the best way to do it. I weigh in the morning before I get in the shower every Wednesday.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Just be honest. Most people are too focused on themselves to pay attention to what everyone else is doing, anyway. MFP does not send a blast message to your friends list that says "So-and-so just ate a huge Pizza! It looks like she needs some encouragement!" This site is very positive reinforcement focused.

    If you are brutally honest with yourself and log everything, you will be successful. I plan for my blow-out days. It is usually a weekend, but not always. I always log what I eat on my blowout days as well. My next blowout day is Sunday. I'm taking myself out to a nice Italian restaurant and I'm going to enjoy some bread and pasta since I restrict refined carbs most of the time. No guilt, and all pleasure.

    If we are going to be successful over the long term, we have to keep the pleasure in our lives.

    Edited to add: As far as daily weigh ins, I do this. I record my weight every morning when I get up. I have about a 2 pound natural fluctuation. When the scale is up slightly, I find this motivating to stick to my plan. When the scale is down I find this motivating to stick to my plan.

    I was out of town last weekend, so I didn't weigh in. I had doughnuts, pancakes, chocolate chip granola bars, hot dogs, macaroni salad, sausage, a panini sandwich and coffee at Starbucks. Ugh! I need to see my numbers to stay on track.

    Just do whatever works best for you. If you aren't getting the results you want, then change your approach.