Craving...seriously (girls)



  • TanzaMarie
    TanzaMarie Posts: 94 Member
    French Fries. Just give me french fries. And chocolate covered pretzels. You can have your cheeseburgers, just give me grease!
  • Xstitcher74
    Xstitcher74 Posts: 124 Member

    I found this on my Pinterest. Haven't put it into practice myself so I cannot testify to how well it works but I thought I would share. :happy:
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    I crave red meat often....shark week or not. :laugh: But during that time I really crave dark chocolate. Anyhoo, get the burger.

    OH I plan to-and will enjoy it :)

    Burgers are one of those foods I refuse to give up. I love them so. I just don't eat them often...I wish bison was more readily available out's a slightly healthier alternative and tastes just as yummy...a little pepperjack cheese.....mushrooms...

    and now I'm drooling. Carry on.

    So am I... Had to mention the pepperjack and mushrooms. They sell Bison at Bj"s - I just may pick it up and
    give it a try. Mama loves her some red meat. I do notice I like greens (spinach - during shark week - LMAO)
    and Chocolate of course. I have both -- but not together.... And my chocolate is something like my new
    love "think thin bars" -- SCORE !!! Mmmmmmm steak !
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I'm with you! I don't eat much red meat so when I need it, I NEED it! I usually satisfy my red meat craving with beef fajitas. Skirt steak is usually pretty lean compared to hamburger meat most restuarants use.
    Also, have you ever tried buffalo? I had a buffalo burger at Fuddrucker's a few nights ago and it tasted just like a beef burger to me. It was only like 450 calories with the wheat bun and no cheese or mayo.

    I love LOVE BISON! Also love Elk....

    Out here both are harder to readily available in times I truly miss it.

    And it tastes so good too! I enjoy a burger more than a steak. But after reading these posts I gotta say I'm just wanting the red meat period...AHAHAHA-no pun intended :(
  • givemenovember
    givemenovember Posts: 16 Member
    do NOT take an iron supplement unless you really are deficient. Which you're not. It's just your body craving red meat during your shark week ;)
    Iron supplements will give you a stomach ache. Just eat a burger once a month, it's much healthier for your body AND your brain :)