First 5K Fears



  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    DO IT!!!!!! And, I've been at 5k's as a 40 y.o. woman with a decent running pace, and I get smoked by a 65+ year old dude almost every time!! LOL . . .once you get there and see how much fun it is, you'll be looking for another one to sign up for.

    DO IT!! GO GET IT!!! And most of all HAVE FUN!!!!
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 682 Member
    odds are you're not going to finish dead last or anything like that....even in a small race. and the awesome feeling you'll get when you cross the finish line is well worth it.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    You've got to DO IT -- there's only ONE first time. You'll realize it's not really as far as you think it is. Crap -- you can completely WALK a 5k, at a good pace in about 50 minutes. Lots of people acutally sign up for 5ks and WALK.

    Even if you jog for two minutes and walk for two minutes, you'll be just fine. 5ks are a great atmosphere and full of support! You'll have your first personal best time, and a threshold for the future. Think of it as a step into a autumn full of wonderful 5k adventures!
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    and the awesome feeling you'll get when you cross the finish line is well worth it.

    Agree 100% and its hard to explain to someone that feeling till you do it yourself.
  • Lol it takes me 17 minutes to run a mile - I guarantee you will not be slower than me! Just imagine you crossing the line, and then me shuffling over about 20 minutes after you :-P
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    Do it! I know it's nervewracking, but trust me on a couple things:

    1. You'll be able to run farther than you think you can, when you're running with a whole group of other people (and you'll likely be a bit faster as well).

    2. You may get passed by a lot of people - younger and older - but it's ok. It's a run, not a "race" (unless you're like Top 5 or something - then it's a "race"). Think of yourself like a groupie, chasing after the Top 3. :wink:

    And a final note - I see a lot of "I may not be fast, but I'm not last" types of quotes. I'd like to propose a modification. "Not fast, maybe last, but at least I did it."

    You got this - now go get it! :bigsmile:
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    If you run about a 12 min mile that will put you finishing in less than 37 minutes. My avg 5k time is between 36-37 minutes and I've had 70 year olds finish in front of me and 20 year olds finish behind me and you know what?? noone even noticed. We were all just happy to have finished :wink: I vote...go for it!! :happy:
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    I just did my first 5 k color run and I LOOVED IT.. signed up for a mud run for October. You will feel great that you did it..and no freaking out needed...just own it :) I normally can only run like a min..then I have to slow..then run..etc..but I found in the excitement of the race(even though the color run was more just mad crazy fun) I ran..and I ran!!!!!!

  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    You will do fine! I feared my first 5K and was worried everyone would be sitting at the finish line and timing me! What really happened was that some of the super fast runners walked the course backwards to stretch their legs and came back and cheered on the other runners. It was a GREAT experience! You are always competing against yourself in a race like this. Runners are the most supportive group ever. I make it a point after I finish a 5k or other race to spend time at or before the finish line to cheer those on who come in after me. Nobody is looking at your time, but everyone is proud of you for being there and doing it! I say GO FOR IT!

    This!! x100!! :)
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    thanks for the encouragement! I think I can do this :-) I'll let you know Monday if I chicken out. Hopefully posting this will keep me pumped.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    Who cares if you finish last your out there doing it period......
  • YarnAndWhiskey
    YarnAndWhiskey Posts: 13 Member
    Go for it!! I didn't even hit a 12-minute mile on my first 5K, but I finished! And others have said it, but it's worth saying again - it doesn't matter how fast you finish, you're still lapping everyone on the couch.
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    My first 5K I got passed by strollers, walkers, and a prego.

    I got smoked by a mom pushing a double jogging stroller at my last 5k. I mean by like 10 minutes!! It didn't hurt my feelings though...i just thought..."man, she is awesome...i wish i could do that!!"
  • JamieCRodriguez
    JamieCRodriguez Posts: 88 Member
    12 minute mile is pretty good. I ran my first 5k in about 38 minutes and I was no where near the last one finished. Go for it! It's a great way to gauge how well you're doing. Get the first one over with as a way to push yourself to improve your time the next 5k!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    The absolute worst thing that can happen is you walk for part of the race (and at every race I've been to, there have been people who do this). so what!

    You will gain an enormous amount of self-respect by doing it. Go for it, you've got nothing to lose!
  • lilangel317
    lilangel317 Posts: 46 Member
    Even if you don't finish, you will still beat those still sitting on the couch! GO FOR IT!
  • caslyn3
    caslyn3 Posts: 70 Member
    I walked my first 5k, my time was 50 mins.. I didn't sign up for it to be competitive though. I am working towards that.. Doesn't matter if I can jog yet.. I am still doing it , and for a good cause! You can do it !!! 25-30 min jog/ 12 min mile is awesome!

    not a lot of people can do that. I was being passed by 6 year olds. LOL I am currently at a 14:30 /mi So - I know you can do this!
    Have fun!
  • greeneyedmama81
    greeneyedmama81 Posts: 78 Member
    I finished c25k before my first race. I could not finish the 3.2 distance in 30 minutes. I still can't. I run a 15 minute mile right now. You will not be last. Just do it! If you have to take some walk breaks, so be it. All that matters is that you are out there doing it.
  • doriyoung
    doriyoung Posts: 42 Member
    I'm on week 2. I'm impressed you made it to week 7 - that's already an accomplishment! I'm with everyone else - you got this.
  • leanne5025
    leanne5025 Posts: 26 Member
    No way, don't wait! Just do it and you'll be fine. I understand your nervousness, because that was me in July before my first 5k. It was so great, and I only ran a 12 minute mile, but I felt like a pro! Walk if you need to, or not, but no matter what just do it and get it done. You will be great!