
I have been hearing a lot of buzz about this product. I don't know if I'm interested in trying it yet, because I'm doing pretty well on my own (with help from MFP of course!). There is a free trial on the website, and that sounds appealing. I wanted some opinions from my fellow fitness pals:happy:


  • I just tried it....mailed it back yesterday. I didn't use it long...only about 2 weeks. I didn't want to get charged the $89. I read alot about it and found out that it really takes about two or three months to see any results and I wasn't going to pay that much for it. I didn't like the "obviousness" of it either. I found myself hiding and sneaking it out of my purse at a restraunt so I didn't have to advertise that I was trying to lose a few lbs. I found it better to try something that gave me more energy during the day so I would get more out of my workouts...seemed a better way to spend my money. I went to GNC and got OxyElite Pro (little purple capsules)....they give me energy and help me just plain feel better and my workouts have gone from 40 min to sometimes just over 60. I have a lot of medical crap that I deal with so some days I just plain can't workout...OxyElite Pro makes those days fewer because I feel better :-) Sense doesn't teach you anything about eating right...and that's how you will keep off what you lose.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Even if this stuff helps you lose legit weight, it's a gimmick and any weight loss as a result of this product will promptly return once you stop using it.

    The product is advertized as such that you're able to eat whatever you want, don't change anything, just sprinkle this magic stuff on it and you're ready to rock. Quite frankly, anything that sounds this good is definitely too good to be true. The tried and true way to lose weight is with lifestyle CHANGE. Eating right, physical activity, and consistency. That's the trick.
  • Nicely Put Dani :smile:
  • Agree 100% Dani. I've tried so many gimmick weight loss products and diets, but the weight always comes back once you start eating "real" food. People are just too obsessed with immediate results, but the only true way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat right and incorporate some exercise into your life. Don't waste your money! You could put that $89 towards all the new clothes you'll need. :wink:
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Another way you can look at it:

    What the hell is this stuff doing to your body that is forcing it you function abnormally!? Would you REALLY want to put such chemical crap into yourself!?
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Another way you can look at it:

    What the hell is this stuff doing to your body that is forcing it you function abnormally!? Would you REALLY want to put such chemical crap into yourself!?

  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    Even if this stuff helps you lose legit weight, it's a gimmick and any weight loss as a result of this product will promptly return once you stop using it.

    The product is advertized as such that you're able to eat whatever you want, don't change anything, just sprinkle this magic stuff on it and you're ready to rock. Quite frankly, anything that sounds this good is definitely too good to be true. The tried and true way to lose weight is with lifestyle CHANGE. Eating right, physical activity, and consistency. That's the trick.

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Or you could save your money and just eat less and exercise......
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    Ohhh its MAGIC! Magic fairy dust that makes you skinny! Sounds legit.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    If you really read the website it says "with healthy diet and exercise" as one of the astrix after saying how much weight people lose. This of course is a complete contradiction to the commercial that says you don't have to change your life. That alone should tell you it's a waste of money.
    There is no easy way out when it comes to losing weight. If you want it bad enough, you'll work for it and get there! :smile:
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    I was temtped by it too a few months ago, but 9 out of 10 ppl didnt like it nor lost weight..or lost SOME weight and put it. ohh and the price is RIDICULOUS!!! you're better off putting 70-90some dllrs that its worth into food. You said u are doing alone with out diet supps, just keep doing what u r doing and u will b ok. besides, on the natural path u learn so much more about yourself, food and life in general! =)
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    please don't waste your money on this stuff! get serious and realize losing weight takes TIME, patience and commitment! it is not overnight! and you must work hard.
    if you wanna waste money, i'll give you my address and you can send it to me :)
  • paytonOMG
    paytonOMG Posts: 33 Member
    Or you could save your money and just eat less and exercise......

    That's what I've been doing. Thankssss -___-

    I was just looking for opinions. I'm trying to cut out caffeine, and its hard to find products that help give you energy. I didn't realize until I read more thoroughly that it is just an appetite suppressant. I am thoroughly commited to being more active and happy with myself. I've been working really hard on my "Lifestyle Change", but I am looking for something to help my burn during my workouts. Thanks everyone for your helpful opinions!
  • LOL Thanks Tori...needed that laugh :laugh:
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    I saw my sister had some so I read about it a bit. I think it is pretty expensive for what it does (it appears to be just a flavor enhancer to me - food tastes more strongly so you eat less - isn't that the concept?) Anyway I would save the money and use it to buy new clothes when you need them instead. Lots of people are losing weight through diet and exercise without having to spend money on things like this. I did not buy any special food or exercise equipment or gym membership - I did sign up for 1 yoga class that was not very expensive - mainly just to try it out. I DID have to buy new clothes though when I got rid of all the larger ones.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Honestly, if you're already at MFP, then it's likely that even if the stuff did work like it says it does, you still wouldn't need it.

    It's basic function is an appetite suppressant. You sprinkle it on your food, and when you eat it, it makes you think you're fuller than you are so you don't overeat.

    Again, assuming it actually worked, then for people that aren't worrying about portion control, are eating at at places with huge serving sizes or aren't otherwise being conscientious about their dining habits, then perhaps it could be handy.

    But if you're already watching what you eat, controlling your portion sizes, eating healthier foods, and paying attention to exactly how many calories you are consuming, then it's pretty pointless. Because if you've made a plate of food that you weighed, cooked and prepared to be a certain number of calories, you're just going to eat that plate of food and not need to leave half of it behind to aid in your weightloss.
  • hsh0927
    hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
    Or you could save your money and just eat less and exercise......

    That's what I've been doing. Thankssss -___-

    I was just looking for opinions. I'm trying to cut out caffeine, and its hard to find products that help give you energy. I didn't realize until I read more thoroughly that it is just an appetite suppressant. I am thoroughly commited to being more active and happy with myself. I've been working really hard on my "Lifestyle Change", but I am looking for something to help my burn during my workouts. Thanks everyone for your helpful opinions!

    Have you tried B12 supplements? I'm no Dr. but I've heard that can help. I've also never taken them myself, once I start working outt regularly 3-4 days a week I usually get natural energy. Worth a shot though, right?!
    (But please talk to a doc first, if you can...:))
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    I read a review not long ago about Sensa. Conclusion of the reviewer was that it was a gimmick. My opinion is to save your money, or use the $89 to buy some new workout clothes/equipment or reward yourself when you hit a mini-goal!
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    It is a big waste of money. I tried it back when I was in denial that I needed to modify my eating and exercise habits to lose weight. Well I wasted my money. After going to a weight loss doctor that told me that I didn't need appetite suppressants but that I needed to change my diet and exercise, I came here and lost the weight logging my food and exercising.
  • psse01
    psse01 Posts: 29 Member
    All these diet aides have the standard "to be used in addition to a sensible diet and exercize program"....
    If I had that I wouldn't need the product! :) Maybe I'll try the new feeding tube diet...

    All kidding aside, I have tried various "get thin quick" products and as we all know, the truth is that if you don't change your lifestyle and bad habits no product in the world will make a difference. Even people that have bariatric surgery can gain weight back if they don't change their way of life.

    Happy lifestyle change folks!