How do you cope?

Over the past six months, I've done pretty well with managing stress, however, today is not one of those days. My old ways of coping would be to eat something really bad (insert comfort food), drink copious amounts of alcohol, or just sleep. I recognize these are all very unhealthy ways of *not* dealing with my feelings.

I've had a very strong urge today to do all of the above, but I've not acted on these urges. I had an amazing workout this morning at boot camp, and have the knee/joint pain to prove it. Additional exercise today is not really an option.

So, looking for some additional ideas on how others cope with stress in healthy ways.


  • summer8it
    summer8it Posts: 433 Member
    Personally, I like to escape into an absorbing book... might not be the best thing for my social life, but it's calorie-free. But perhaps a hot bath with lots of epsom salts and some essential oils would be good for both your stress and your aching joints.
  • Tashcake
    Tashcake Posts: 13
    I go out for a walk- a casual stroll or a brisk walk, either will do. Not only does it burn calories, but it really gives your brain some breathing-time, too. I try to go out for a walk on my lunch breaks at work and it really makes a difference to my mood in general- on days where I stay in and work through lunch or just don't do out I can feel awful.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I do exercise to cope with stress. Also calling or emailing friends helps as well.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    I'm fortunate to live on a fairly large, heavily-wooded property, and I perform all of my workouts back in the woods. It's like being in a distant land.

    If you can find any way to replicate it, I highly recommend it.
  • Ali155
    Ali155 Posts: 30
    Wow...I just saw on my home screen that you had posted this and hopped over to read. So ironic, because if I had about half an ounce less of will-power, after the frustrating, sad, sh!tty day that this has turned out to be, I would drag you out for a few sugar-free cocktails. Instead I've had 7 Hershey's kisses which I have way more than enough calories to cover, and I've agreed to gym time later.
    Healthy ideas...I like the book and bubble bath or hot shower idea mentioned above. Funny movies are a good stress relief, or really anything that makes you laugh and sends happy little neurons to your brain. :) Dancing around the house like a crazy fool is also fun...and even better if you sing while you dance! ;)
  • missworld95
    missworld95 Posts: 131 Member
    I usually listen to music, or I write. Or draw.
  • vallemic
    vallemic Posts: 278 Member
    I take a long bath... then I moisturize, do my nails, eyebrows, facial... a total grooming process! I do it in the bathroom so I'm not tempted to eat. By the time it's over, I'm sooo relaxed I usually go to bed~
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Def Jaccuzzi Time! Think I'll take one now!!
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member
    I talk to a girlfriend, have a hot bath or get lost in a book/show/movie. These are my non-exercise related coping mechanisms, walks are probably my number one way to deal though, especially with a girlfriend I can talk to about whatever is getting to me.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    In all honesty, I'm not that great at handling stress generally. But lately I just add an extra workout, but since you said that is not an option, maybe drink some tea, listen to some music, and relax. OR journal out your frustrations. That usually helps me!

    Or journal and drink some tea and relax :wink:
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    A nice long slow walk. Emphasize slow to give your knees a break and it might even help loosen the soreness. Make it somewhere pretty if you can.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Go to a lake and launch some rocks into it. The heavier the rock, the bigger the splash and the more stress is relieved.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I'm fortunate to live on a fairly large, heavily-wooded property, and I perform all of my workouts back in the woods. It's like being in a distant land.

    Wow. I am incredibly envious!

    I like to go for a walk in the woods, but they are public woods, so I wouldn't do a workout there because there are other people around and I don't like to be stared at! :-)
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    I have abused alcohol in the past, to cover up feelings mostly.
    I've only just started to figure out some of my issues.

    I don't really have an answer, I think it's a very personal thing. I would say that you need to deal with any underlying issues.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I stink at coping with stress, but i end up working out, or game (I make sure no food is near me), or if my kid is up, go for a walk with him in the stroller at the park.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Cleaning. Go find a back room or closet that needs to be cleaned out or organized and have at it.
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    Just anything that brings me joy is a destressor. A nice cup of hot coffee, a long soak in the tub, a cuddle with my dogs or my guy or all three, a nice relaxing walk, phone chat with family or friends, and hang out with my guy or my kids or both. Those are my standby favorites that make me feel better when I'm down. If it's icky outside, settling on the couch with a blanket and a movie are nice too. Sex never fails to put a smile on my face either. =)
  • Jenna9797
    Jenna9797 Posts: 33 Member
    For me, if it's angry stress, I watch a violent movie like Aliens but if it is frustration-stress, I usually take a long hot bath while reading a book. I used to drink wine with that but I've given it up. Usually I'll bring a big glass of Crystal Lite with me.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Well, since you are avoiding alcohol, I will give you my other option. Hot bath and a good book on the Kindle. Just make sure you dont drink and take your kindle to the tub. You might have to get a new one. :(

    Way to stay strong by the way.
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    Impromptu dance party...even in the car.

    Turn on something super cheesy/fast, roll down your windows and rock out! It'll make you feel even better if you make strangers smile in the cars around you. :-D