Hate Fruits & Veggies



  • MissPalmer
    That would be very difficult. My husband doesn't like fruit or veggies too.. Theres a way you can cook them to taste better but again, my husband still gag or puke if he tries them. But at least he tries them and his best to enjoy them. I would suggest just stay in your limited calories and try working out more. Just walking everyday helps. Or playing something you like- such as bowling or swimming. Hope this helps.
  • starbuckskat
    starbuckskat Posts: 11 Member
    Haha I hear ya - but seriously think it is a mental thing for sure. Maybe I was attacked by a gang of produce in another life...
  • Nerdinista
    Nerdinista Posts: 69 Member
    I don't really like fruits or veggies either, I try and try to make them in ways I like but don't really get anywhere. I've had lap-band surgery, so protien is really my focus. Mornings I do eggs and veggie sausage (I actually do manage to get spinach in there, I can't taste it over the sausage) or greek yogurt and almonds and an apple with natural peanut butter. Lunch is usually tuna or turkey on a whole wheat pita. Dinners are often chicken or pork tenderloin and a little brown rice. I think it's possible to lose without F&V, though a vitamin supplement is probably a good idea. A lot of lean protien and a little of whole grains is working for me. Good luck!
  • denvervegan
    denvervegan Posts: 11 Member
    You don't need them to be healthy. This 5-a-day stuff is just marketing bull****. Just get lots of meat and you're good.

    I hardly ever eat fruit or veggies.

    I hope you're prepared for lots of nutrient deficiencies and unpleasant colorectal issues. I also hope you're aware of the immense amount of money spent marketing meat and dairy. Produce is barely marketed at all. It's just necessary for life. Good luck.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 283 Member
    Thats a lie!
    You cannot hate them ALL! There are hundreds of fruits and vegetables out there and saying you don't want to eat any of them is practicaly saying you don't wanna eat at all.
    Try to find something you like and combine it with meat or whatever your eating
  • Emino
    Emino Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck with your weightloss journey.....try cutting out one thing at a time example sugar...in your coffee/tea cut back until you are at no sugar.....you dont like exercise...try walking....or parking your car alittle further away then usual. alittle bit goes a long way.....u really need to be into it otherwise you will always fail....one othr thing that helped me the most was i found a pic of myself when i really liked my body and posted the pic on my dresser mirror...so every morning and every night I see it and remember why i'm doing this! hope that helps.
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    I could've posted your exact post! I've been on here since January 3, 2012. I can say that I have made a conscious effort to try new things, new ways of eating veggies/fruits that I've already tried, etc. I did start making smoothies and like those... 1/2 banana, some frozen strawberries, and some frozen peaches with a little bit of skim milk in my blender sweetened with stevia. After I got sick of that, I started eating a banana with nutella and one pretzel stick mashed up in a bowl. I do like berries in dannon light and fit vanilla yogurt. It's the only brand of yogurt I like. Veggies are my biggest problem. About the only things I like are raw carrots with hidden valley ranch light dressing, green beans fresh steamed... yeah, that's about it ;). One thing that has helped me eat other veggies is a seasoning called Spike. You can find it at whole foods or other health stores. If I put that on broccoli or cauliflower with a little bit of butter, it's actually pretty tasty. I can't eat vegetables plain... gross. I've also aquired a taste for sweet potatoes which I had always hated. I put a little bit of butter and celtic sea salt on it and it's pretty good... no cinnamon and sugar! Good luck and I hope this helps. Oh yeah, one other thing I saw on Rachel Ray is to puree veggies and put it in your spaghetti sauce. It was a tip to get kids to eat their veggies ;).
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    This really is a case where a good nutritionist (check their credentials) would be beneficial. They'll be able to help you to figure out what you need to adjust in your diet so that you're getting complete and balanced nutrition. Good luck!
  • starbuckskat
    starbuckskat Posts: 11 Member
    I don't really like fruits or veggies either, I try and try to make them in ways I like but don't really get anywhere. I've had lap-band surgery, so protien is really my focus. Mornings I do eggs and veggie sausage (I actually do manage to get spinach in there, I can't taste it over the sausage) or greek yogurt and almonds and an apple with natural peanut butter. Lunch is usually tuna or turkey on a whole wheat pita. Dinners are often chicken or pork tenderloin and a little brown rice. I think it's possible to lose without F&V, though a vitamin supplement is probably a good idea. A lot of lean protien and a little of whole grains is working for me. Good luck!

    Thanks for the support - I do make smoothies with some protein powder and yogurt, along with a small amount of some fruits and yes, even a little baby spinach thrown in there. As long as it is pulverized into unrecognizable nothingness I can usually handle it. I like V-8 as well. But to sit down and eat a sald with nasty salad dressing or a plate of broccoli makes me want to hurl
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    many people report that when they cut out a lot of the rich carbs and sweets from their routine, fruits and vegetables start to taste better.

    I think a few people mentioned "sneaking" them into your food, and I hope this doesn't sound like a silly suggestion but, lol maybe do a little research on techniques parents use to sneak the fruits and veggies to their kids.
  • ZoeyRobinson
    Can you go to asian/indian/mexican markets and try some of the more exotic fruits and veg? Have you tried grilling fruit? That might satisfy your sweet tooth.

    I used to hate fruits and veggies too. But my **** diet caused me permanent damage and I almost died. So I was forced to be a gluten free vegan. I am no longer vegan I was able to add some meats back into my diet. However, sometimes fearing for your life changes your taste buds. So keep eating poorly and I am sure you will be scared straight too!
  • Mistila
    Mistila Posts: 38
    I can totally relate to the not liking veggies!!! BUT I LOVE FRUIT BUT it has sugar and I go over my sugar in a second by eating fruit so really I can't help you and those of you who say suck it up come sit beside me when I chuck it back up!!:)
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    You know when a little kid says" but I don't like it!!!" and you respond with "suck it up and eat your damn veggies" ..yup
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    You don't need them to be healthy. This 5-a-day stuff is just marketing bull****. Just get lots of meat and you're good.

    I hardly ever eat fruit or veggies.

    You're totally right! Everybody's different!!

    you're right! I lose 300 lbs by eating twinkies! When I was done! I ran the IronMan and WON! Like HOLY CRAP!! They never said a human could do that in the textbooks!

    In fact, I'm so damn different from everyone else, I got an x-ray of my chest, and the doctors couldn't figure out what it was they were looking at!
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    Try treating yourself like a little kid. No seriously. Hide vegetables in things. Like mac and cheese with cauliflower cut up in it. Or like the chocolate macrogreens. So google ways people "hide" veg in their kid's food.

    You may also want to cut out processed foods, I found by doing this it really reset my tastebuds and I was able to like a lot more things then I had previously.
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I agree with others about sneaking it into your food, like you do with your smoothie. You can develop a liking for things you did not like before. Have you ever had vegetables prepared in a really nice restaurant? They are always SO delicious. But when made at home, they aren't nearly as good. Also, if you cut out the processed food, your taste buds would shift, and you would acquire a taste for more natural food. Sugar is a hard one to beat, but you could try dates, pure maple syrup, or honey, to begin to get away from white processed sugar. Once you eliminate sugar from your diet, fruit will taste so much better to you. It is like when you go to drinking only water as I have for the past 2 years. When I tried a vitamin water a few months ago, it was SO strong and awfully sweet! But I used to drink those all of the time over 2 years ago! So our tastes do change. And small changes are a good place to start. Good luck. I understand how hard it can be to try and change after 50 years. But nothing is more important than your health and future quality of life.
  • wiglett
    wiglett Posts: 53
    hiding them is the best way. I smash two bananas into complete mush, the put half the requirement of oil into my brownies to cheat them into "healthy" still not reallly, but its better than nothing!

    also just find substitutes for stuff you like, instead of eating a reeses pb cup, i melt choco chips and pb/almond butter together and dunk bananas into it. . fills my sugar urges but its healthier cause im sneaking natural, non-processed food into it.

    and it will be a struggle, food can be an addiction. . just have to battle through it.
  • deepbreaths_strongmoves
    I don't "hate" veggies, but I do enjoy hiding them in my food sometimes if I don't want to taste them, but want the nutritional impact. Here are some websites that you can possibly use to help you with your journey...



  • Shange_Gully
    You don't need them to be healthy. This 5-a-day stuff is just marketing bull****. Just get lots of meat and you're good.

    I hardly ever eat fruit or veggies.

    I hope you're prepared for lots of nutrient deficiencies and unpleasant colorectal issues. I also hope you're aware of the immense amount of money spent marketing meat and dairy. Produce is barely marketed at all. It's just necessary for life. Good luck.

    The many tribes around the world who have lived off meat have done okay, I'll take my chances. Meat has tonnes of vitamins anyway.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    You have tried all of these, prepared in different ways, and you hate them all?

    Red Apples
    Blood Oranges
    Red Grapes
    Pink/Red Grapefruit
    Red Pears
    Watermelon Beets
    Red Peppers
    Red Onions
    Red Potatoes

    Yellow Apples
    Cape Gooseberries
    Yellow Figs
    Golden Kiwifruit
    Yellow Pears
    Yellow Watermelon Yellow Beets
    Butternut Squash
    Yellow Peppers
    Yellow Potatoes
    Yellow Summer Squash
    Sweet Corn
    Sweet Potatoes
    Yellow Tomatoes
    Yellow Winter Squash

    White Nectarines
    White Peaches
    Brown Pears Cauliflower
    Jerusalem Artichokes
    Potatoes (White Fleshed)
    White Corn

    Green Apples
    Green Grapes
    Green Peas Artichokes
    Broccoli Rabe
    Brussels Sprouts
    Chinese Cabbage
    Green Beans
    Green Cabbage
    Chayote Squash
    Leafy Greens
    Green Onions
    Green Peppers
    Snow Peas
    Sugar Snap Peas

    Black Currants
    Concord Grapes
    Dried Plums
    Grape Juice (100%)
    Purple Figs
    Purple Grapes
    Raisins Black Olives
    Purple Asparagus
    Purple Cabbage
    Purple Carrots
    Purple Belgian Endive
    Purple Peppers
    Potatoes (purple fleshed)
    Black Salsify