I could just cry



  • moneymom72
    The reasons most diets Fail is that we feel we are deprived of things we enjoy, I have a cheat day every week and i have lost 52lbs since December i do not deprive myself and still eat my favorite things just smaller portions or get creative with the recipes.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    DId one bag of caramel corn cause you to gain the weight? No? so it wont cause you to gain it all back.

    go get some, and give half away if you have to. no point in denying deliciousness.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Don't do it!!! Check out forks over knives for some great deserts!
  • gibsonjulia
    Generic carmel corn with the food tracker is 150 calories for a cup. Could you have one cup as a limit so you are not feeling like you are missing out. How about a low fat kettle corn. it smells great and might help with the craving. Best of luck
  • stylishgirl
    stylishgirl Posts: 34 Member
    I would go get a bag and ask them to only fill it half full, emphasize that you'll pay full price but just don't want that much. If they give you too much go STRAIGHT to a garbage can and pour some out (unless you go with someone who'll eat half or 2/3 or whatever amount you think is more than one serving). then eat it very slowly as you walk through the festival. while you're munching you're walking around at least and if you are already munching the other smells won't overwhelm you.
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    I would just go buy it... get it over with. Once and a while will NOT kill you... as hard as it might be to believe. you can start new tomorrow, and it wont even effect your progress why torture yourself?
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    I am a bad influence, but I would say eat it.. Even if it means eating half the bag and throwing away the rest.. :)
  • katweeks63
    Umm, I would go eat it (well, *I* wouldn't because it's probably not vegan, but you know what I mean). It IS once a year. As long as you don't get some every day of the four days, no biggie. It's not going to do any damage.

    When I have craving I go ahead and have a little bit to kill the craving, otherwise, I will eat other things to try to kill the craving and end up eating too much anyway, so I might as well go ahead and eat what I'm craving.
  • gobifree59
    gobifree59 Posts: 56 Member
    I'd look up the calories for it for different amounts. Buy some, measure out a cup or two, eat it and see if your craving for more goes away. Sometimes all it takes is a small taste to satisfy you. Trouble is, most of us don't wait long enough to see if we're satisifed and we keep shoveling it in. Then we feel bad that we ate too much! I agree with the other posts about indulging to satisfy your desire, but don't eat the whole big bag :)
  • likemeinvisible
    This your time to shine in this battle, to endure it, to come out a winner and to feel powerful. You'd feel so great when it's over, much better than after eating.
  • spttar
    spttar Posts: 1
    She's right. It's not about depriving yourself, it's about making a lifestyle change. You know you want it, now what are you going to do to balance it out?
    My dietitian tells me if I plan for a treat then exercise for it and eat it and not feel guilty because it is a planned treat. Just telling you what I do and it works. No guilt if you plan it ....and you are within calorie limits. I have even went to the grocery store and got 1/2 of a donut from the bakery and half them cut it and throw the other half away. I enjoy it and there is no guilt. I come home make a cup of coffee sit down and enjoy. You have to learn to treat yourself and not feel guilty or you will never stay with it. It's a lifestyle change.
  • smilingalltheway
    smilingalltheway Posts: 216 Member
    Will the carnivil be held again next year, and will you feel guilty if you have some, if yes then know you can always have some next year
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    This your time to shine in this battle, to endure it, to come out a winner and to feel powerful. You'd feel so great when it's over, much better than after eating.

    I normally would say go ahead get a bag, have a few bites and give the rest away, but I am going to agree with this, because you are 8 pounds in on a 43 pound journey. Have the whole bag next year. If you ate it this year you would feel worse than not having it, or at least that is what happens to me.
  • BeantownSooner
    Well considering that you have 900 calories left over for the day and 1 Cup of Caramel Corn has the following nutritional value...I say have at it!!! Enjoy yourself. Dieting isn't prison...just don't eat the whole bag! :wink:

    Caramel Corn (Snack Club)
    Serving Size: 1 cup (30g), Calories: 140, Fat: 4g, Carbs: 21g, Protein: 2g
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    OMG people its one effing day and one craving......

    I would go and eat the caramel corn!!!! I work hard daily and a splurge isn't going to cause me to gain a million pounds....

  • javagsd
    javagsd Posts: 82
    I'm heading out to a birthday party/dinner. I just ate, so I wouldn't eat there. So, my advice to you is go eat a grape or 2!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I do NOT get this guilt over food. I am sorry, but that guilt is NOT at all healthy!

    If you want some, go have some. Eat a portion and then toss the rest if you have to. But there is no reason to think you can never have that food again or to feel guilty about it.

    This, exactly. This idea of having to exercise like crazy to have the occasional treat strikes me as totally insane.
  • punkypants
    here is what i have learned, if i crave something and dont eat at least a little of it i will crave it for days and then break down and eat everything i can get my hands on to fulfill it, i think you should just get some and throw away half and eat the other half that way you dont think about it all the time and you can get on with getting healthy :)
  • punkypants
    i agree, there are very few people that will give up sweets and never touch them again in their life! this is a lifestyle change not a quick fix
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    What damage? You want it, eat it. The people who deprive themselves are miserable and the people who beat themselves up because of a little indulgence are even more miserable. Don't be one of those people.

    Go. Now. Go. And enjoy every bite.