I could just cry



  • jwalworth
    jwalworth Posts: 32 Member
    Take a cup and go down and see how much they will charge you for just a cup full. I have no problem explaining why I want what I want. I tell them hey I've lost 112 lbs and there is no way I'm going to screw this up, but this smells so good so can you just sell me a cup full or half a bag full or 1/3 rd of a bag full. Or go buy the whole bag and eat a few bites and throw the rest away so you don't take the rest of the bag upstairs with you. Choices but you know it gives you the small taste your craving without the guilt of eating the whole bag.

    Fantastic advice. Own the process -- I might just start carrying measuring cups around with me.
  • mitzi1235
    mitzi1235 Posts: 17 Member
    I hope you made it and did not eat it. Those things are all "gateway" drugs' just an excuse for us to put something else into us.
  • michellevine1
    michellevine1 Posts: 185 Member
    A treat every now and then is not a bad thing. If you deprive yourself of all of the good stuff that you enjoy when you finally get it you will over indulge which in the end will make you feel worse.

    I totally agree with the above! Dont deprive yourself, but dont overdo it either. Good luck!! :)
  • So many great replies to read through! You can tell your dilemma speaks to us all. We have all been there and most have a feeling how we would handle it. The bottom line is you must sit down and think it through. You are the best judge of what works (or doesn't work for yourself). I would never touch it. I would find something to distract myself with or take a four day vacation because it would be my downfall. I have friends on the other hand who could get half a bag or even less and be satisfied. I actually have a friend that eats one Hershey Kiss a day! I think that would be torture. She calls it satisfying. You get my point... it is an individual thing. If you think and plan, and avoid acting impulsively, you come up with the best plan. Sounds like you are already doing just that! Good luck and keep looking forward ; )
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Special things like carnivals/birthdays/holidays....id eat it. i get funnel cakes once a year and ill be darned if im not getting one that once.
  • bizorra
    bizorra Posts: 151 Member
    If it were me, I would wait until the last day of the carnival and then go get some... mainly because I know if I have some today, then still smell it tomorrow, I will have twice as much tomorrow! Delayed gratification works well for me :)

    Then use it as motivation to go out an enjoy the carnival and get some fun walking in!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Seriously? There is so much guilt here! I actually am not one who espouses "everything in moderation" because it doesn't work well for me. When it comes to sugar, it is better for me to mostly avoid it. I definitely avoid daily consumption of sugary things unless it's fruit because daily sweet treats will send me into a spiral of cravings. BUT if there was a special occasion, then I'm going to have a treat that is associated with that special occasion and I am not going to feel bad about it. In fact, I might even go over my calories for that special occasion, and I am still not going to feel bad about it. It's not going to hinder anything, unless a person really does have major issues with sugar, or their "special" occasions are excuses to *over*indulge regularly.
  • RondaK1
    RondaK1 Posts: 52 Member
    We also have a festival going on this weekend.... I have went every year... i love funnel cakes... I decided this year not to go... I'm pretty bummed out too... All my friends are out there drinking,eating listening to bands... And I'm stuck in the house..

    Omgoodness why are you not out there with your friends? can you just get up and go?, don't miss out on life sweetie..if you are afraid , make a decision what are you gonna have ? a beer and a funnel cake or 2 beers and no funnel cake but something else you have to live..just make choices you are NOT failing you are succeeding...at making choices....goooooo be with your friends have fun.. it's just food it doesn't define you... it is a festival, not a foodival don't be afraid... we will be here when you get back :flowerforyou:
  • RondaK1
    RondaK1 Posts: 52 Member
    OMG people its one effing day and one craving......

    I would go and eat the caramel corn!!!! I work hard daily and a splurge isn't going to cause me to gain a million pounds....


  • chammich
    chammich Posts: 104 Member
    Can you shut your curtains and burn some incense?
  • KlaMorgan
    KlaMorgan Posts: 72 Member
    stay strong!! light a candle! lol. i ate a chocolate bar for breakfast this morning, and feel sooooooooooo guilty :( if you can eat part, go for it.... but if youre going to eat the whole bag.. try not to go at all.
  • I'm not depriving myself a little here and there, but I am surely exercising to make up for it. My husband started making homemade kettle corn for me. I'd feel better eating something made at home rather than someplace where I don't know the ingredients. My husband uses first cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, turbinado sugar, and sea salt, along with orville redenbocker (sorry if I spelled that wrong) popping corn. I get my sweet/salty fix (usually only on a cheat day) and I am completely satisfied with it! Maybe try something like that?
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    Fantastic advice. Own the process -- I might just start carrying measuring cups around with me.

    love this.....i would ask if i can pay for a cup of caramel corn....or, bring a measuring cup along in a small paper bag, in case they can only sell you a whole portion. then measure out your cup, put it in the bag and ditch the rest.

    i find that when i can work in a small treat now and again, it makes the lifestyle/nutrition change more "sane", and i can stick with the plan that much more. I am taking control of this, no longer will i just munch mindlessly. I will measure a portion, enjoy, and move on.

    walk up/down those stairs 10-20x if you want to get a mini workout in after if you want :wink:
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    All things in moderation! Just work out your portion size and split it up to enjoy over a few days.

    You might find that how it tastes to you now, no longer matches your memory of how good it used to be. You might discover that it doesn't taste as good as it smells and you really don't want it any more!
  • Honestly what I take away from this entire dieting and exercise change is that we'll always face challenges when it comes to dining out or having cravings. I always plan for it and it's okay to want to indulge once in a while, just have some self control and portion control. I honestly think you should have about a cup, if it's around 150 calories. Give the rest away to family or friends and then just work off the 150 calories. It's honestly not a big deal. Depriving yourself from things that you love is going to make this lifestyle hard to stick to and more like a chore. You aren't suffering and you can definately eat what you want, just within limits.

    That's what I've taken out of this. :)
  • PaleoRDH
    PaleoRDH Posts: 266
    that caramel corn has cockroaches in it! don't eat it! (i know that's gross but that's one of things i tell myself when i want to eat something junk-foody. then it suddenly becomes repulsive!!!!) :noway:
  • Christylee76
    Christylee76 Posts: 138 Member
    I would probally buy the bag and go ahead and throw most of it away. I have this rule where I can eat 3 bites of anything...However only 3 bites! So, if you can just do that, great, but if having the bag will be too tempting, don't get it at all..
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    When I want something like this, I do extra cardio to get it. One of my weaknesses is DQ Blizzards, and I'll go to the gym twice in a day just to have one, lol.
  • lisa46219
    lisa46219 Posts: 99 Member
    Just an option... go buy a bag of popcorn, pay them for it, but ask for only half a bag. I've actually done this before. For a minute you keep thinking of the money you wasted, but at the end of the day you feel so glad you did it!
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    when i work at the fair here (10 day one) and i crave something, i make myself wait till the last day, then indulge in the ONE thing i want. It's not the one thing yearly that will add a ton of weight, and i find it to be pretty pleasant, i remember what i had for the last 5 or so years. i have a real weakness for funnel cake. also splitting it with a friend or some willing victim is a good way to cut the portion. :)