OMG this better be fluid



  • Nukkers
    Nukkers Posts: 139 Member
    I went through this last week! I'm a weighaholic. I could weigh every day! And I give it so much power over me that I let it make or break my day! So I've committed to weighing on the 1st and 15th! But of you're determined to notice your loss, try taking measurements. While it's probably only fluid, going to the gym will make you gain muscle. So while you're slimming down and shredding inches, you might not notice a big drop on the scale. I live for NSVs now!
  • workijng2befit
    Thanks I will
  • workijng2befit
    I won't be eating any more of that until I"m done. I should have come home and logged it in to see before hand... would have def. only ate 1/2
  • nhlaurieham
    I hear you! I can't tell you how many times I've worked so hard, only to be dis-rewarded and discouraged. Then I give up. DON'T DO THAT!!!! I heard someone suggest that we should "Eat for the body we want and work out like we have it." -- I've found that to be way more motivating than a number on a scale or a day logging food intake. And it has worked for me! 10 pounds gone on an eating plan that calls for "just do your best" .... I hope things go better for you soon! Just remember, the scale alone is not your only sign of success. Keep it up at the gym - great job working up a sweat! There's lots of tuna sandwiches on the road to success!!!!!