How much do you pay for your gym?



  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 271 Member
    Here in my town in the UK my gym membership is £36 a month and that includes the gym, swimming and all classes, with no restrictions on times of use, there are cheaper memberships which don't include the classes or swimming and/or limited to off peak times. We have a brand new £26 million facility opening on Monday which has a 100 station gym, various fitness studios, badminton courts, an extensive program of classes with everything from Zumba to Spin, from Body Pump to Pilates a 50 metre pool, a 20 metre pool and a diving area with all the boards up to 10 metres. My membership means I can use this new facility as well as my usual one. It's the best £36 I spend each month. Other gyms in town are more like £50 - £60 per month, often with classes extra.
  • HBBrown78
    HBBrown78 Posts: 55 Member
    I go to the Y here in my town. We pay $200.00 every 6 months and that is for the entire family. It includes child size gym with child care assist. All classes and indoor heated pool.
  • haheisick
    haheisick Posts: 13 Member
    My gym is the best in NYC and one of the Top 10 training facilities in the world. The basic monthly membership runs $240/month and the initiation fee is $1000 after you APPLY to become a member.

    Did I pay that? HELLLLLLLL NO, hahahaha. I work in the same complex and get the sweet sweet deal of $50/month.
  • HBBrown78
    HBBrown78 Posts: 55 Member
    Also- you may want to check with your insurance company. Some plans include free gym memberships. Ours does but it is only for adults and the included gym does not have child programs so we happily pay the Y so our kids can be fit as well!
  • yerfgirl
    yerfgirl Posts: 65 Member
    I pay $160/mo for unlimited access, no sign up fee. But the gym is specialized and is trx and kettle bell only. Classes are 10 people max so it's almost personal training. I know this is a crazy amount to pay but I cut back on spending in other area to afford this (no cable, less eating out, less drinking, library books only, etc).

    I did this because I am hooked on the training and look forward each workout. I didn't get that buzz from other places so for me, it's worth it. I've also lost 4" in 4 or 5 weeks.
  • Marie31450
    Marie31450 Posts: 96 Member
    I go to a gym called Maxx Fitness it's $10 a month or $19 if you want access to the Zumba and Spin classes. I have the latter because I Ike to take Zumba a few times a week in addition to using the treadmill,bike or elliptical. All ther cardio machines have tv's too! So time goes by quickly watching tv or they also have a theatre wher you can watch a full length movie in the dark while using treadmill etc! Their strength equipment is great too! They have a variety of machines, free weights Swiss balls, etc etc. plenty of it so you never really have to wait to use anything. They also provide free child care and unlimited free tanning! Personal training is an additional fee.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Also- you may want to check with your insurance company. Some plans include free gym memberships. Ours does but it is only for adults and the included gym does not have child programs so we happily pay the Y so our kids can be fit as well!
    This is a good point. Some employers also have deals with gyms, offering employees reduced rates. I get reduced rates at most local gyms (and 20% off my cell phone, fwiw) from my work.
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    We have 3 gyms here. They have Zumba, Spin, Abs, Guns & Buns, Yoga and much much more for class. The only down side is trying to get a bench among the soldiers. I am lucky enough to get to go to the gyms on post. :) Otherwise I would probably just workout at home. Gyms seem crazy expensive.
  • tlo23
    tlo23 Posts: 68
    $29.99 mo at LA Fitness
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    I workout at the gym at my college it's free where I am a student, but once I graduate I think its $30 a month. You have the standard cardio room with 4 treadmills 4 elliptical's and 5 exercise bikes, and there's 2 TV's. Then there is the weight room with every weight and weight machine known to man. Then we have 2 rooms outside the gym that are used for like racket ball or volleyball. And upstairs is the basketball court, and outside is the tennis court.
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    Planet Fitness (, $10 per month for one location, $20 per month for all classes (if that's your thing). Free instruction on 30 minute circuit and free instruction on body specific parts, ie...30 lesson on back....legs, etc...

    Overall, well worth it. Dumbbells limited to a max of 60-65lbs
  • JenniferARoss
    JenniferARoss Posts: 80 Member
    I am lucky to have access to a nice fitness centre in the office building I work in for free. No classes though. (Well they offer them but are quite expensive). I believe most of the gyms where I live are at least $49 a month minimum. I have recently signed up for some Zumba classes with one of those groupon vouchers, can try some inexpensive fitness programs that way. :-)
  • 2012Brenda
    Here in N. KY I go to Urban Active in Florence. The current rate is$40 mo. You have to sign up for a year but you can cancel any time you want with a 30-days notice. I used to be a member at Silverlake but it was much more, couldn't cancel contract, and I constantly had to fight for space in the pool with all the kids, it is a "family" place. UA in Florence has a pool for ppl just like me who need to walk or do resistence training in the water to help with joint issues. They offer water classes, Zumba, spinning, and many other classes as part of your membership. They also have a full locker room w/showers, sauna, hair blow dryers and such. I start each day in the dark/cool theater room watching what ever movie they have playing while I warm up on a bike. The place is huge and has a lot to offer. I do pay extra for tanning and a personal trainer. I love my trainer. He listens to me but still pushes me. I am in the obease category; have neck, back and knee issues and I want someone who will listen and adapt my training that is best for ME.

    Due to my size, but slowly improving exercise ability, one thing that is priceless to me is they speak to me like a human. From the moment I walk in the door to scan my card, the customer service reps smile and speak to me. That starts my workout with a smile.

    Now that I sound like an ad for UA, if anyone else uses or is looking into Florence, KY UA, let me know. I would love to have a MFP at the same place.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    $60 a month right now at Lifetime Fitness. But my membership expires next week and I'm thinking of getting one at 24 hour fitness instead because it's half the price. I need one with childcare.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    $50 at all women's gym with a bunch of stupid crap in it that I don't use. I don't recommend going to those. I regret it but still have 6 months on contract.

    That's another thing, find one without a contract or you will regret it. I have both times I have done this but still for some reason stupid enough to sign up again.

    My local YMCA is really nice, still around $50 but no contract. I am going there when this contract is done.
  • trizzell79
    trizzell79 Posts: 153 Member
    I have a YMCA membership,, bought it through an online auction for $25/ month.
    If you are mostly interested in Zumba, and if you have a golds gym near you, I notice they have groupons for cheap Zumba classes. Check out, maybe they have them in your area.
  • trizzell79
    trizzell79 Posts: 153 Member
    I agree avoid contracts!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Thanks for all the info. I'm thinking of joining Lucille Roberts on a no contract deal - it's about $45 a month that way - it's a bit of a distance, but they have 6 zumba classes a week. Today I am going to a free trial at New York Sports club for a Zumba class. I have to listen to the pitch first, but they are $79 a month and only have 2 zumba classes a week - I could try spinning though. It's around the corner from where I live.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    We have a family membership to the YMCA. There was a joiner fee of $100 then it's $76 dollars a month. It is worth every penny. I get great use out of my gym!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    $50 at all women's gym with a bunch of stupid crap in it that I don't use. I don't recommend going to those. I regret it but still have 6 months on contract.

    That's another thing, find one without a contract or you will regret it. I have both times I have done this but still for some reason stupid enough to sign up again.

    My local YMCA is really nice, still around $50 but no contract. I am going there when this contract is done.
    Agreed. NO CONTRACTS. I hear horror stories about my local planet fitness because of that. The YMCA has been great for me. Through my work I get it for $38, and no joiner fee.