Beachbody Team

jenstalder Posts: 89
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I just wanted to post and see how many people out there love their beachbody routine...

I love Turbo Jams!!!! :love:
I have done p90x but missed Chalene...:sad:
What is your favorite program.. how long have you been doing it and what is your goal....

I will start... I started with power 90, went to turbo jams and throw in a littel p90x sometimes... Became a coach and have fallen even more in love with the company..

Goal: To lose weight., get fit and become a Turbo kick instructor in May of 2010.. wwwwwhooooo wwhhoooo!!!!!!


  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    Beachbody gal here, too!

    I started with Power 90. I'm now on Round 2 of P90X and can't wait to get Insanity!

    I tried Turbo Jam out.. it was fun!
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Beachbody ROCKS!

    Started w/p90x, moved on to a round of Insanity, now doing a hybrid of p90x/insanity/One on One/p90x+!!
    Chalene is up for me next starting in mid-April.
    And.....I ordered Brazil Butt Lift today!

    I don't really have weight to lose, but could always stand to firm up more. Mostly I enjoy the challenge of a new rotation/program & I like someone else telling me what workout to do each day! Not to mention BB turned my eating/nutrition around.
  • Rica03
    Rica03 Posts: 214 Member
    I am on month 2 of the Insanity Work-Outs.:love: Love Shawn-T!
    Also, have the Slim in 6 SEries, and love that as well!!!
  • Those who have done turbo jam... was it your only source of exercise?? or did you do other things too???
  • I am just starting out. I am doing the chalene extreme. This was day 3 for me. I am very sore but its a good thing. Would like to lose about 15 lbs and get tone so hopefully it will do the trick!
  • gmvanloo
    gmvanloo Posts: 100 Member
    Beachbody girl here! Love P90X - I did a modified version the first time around due to me training for a marathon but this time I'm full on. I'm 3 1/2 weeks away from being done with Round 1. I've lost about 5 pounds and 2% body fat.

    I'm moving onto ChaLean Extreme next.

    I too became a coach. My day job is being an accountant but health and fitness is my life. I became a coach b/c I love to tell people about exercise, nutrition, and health. This was a perfect opportunity for me to do that.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    I'm a Beachbody girl -- and a coach!

    I've completed:

    Power90 Master Series
    P90X - 5 rounds
    P90X/Insanity hybrid

    Current rotation: P90X+/One-on-One/Insanity Hybrid

    Obviously, I'm a Tony & Shaun T. kind of girl. :bigsmile:

    My goal is to be as healthy and super-fit as I can be. I eat clean and have 12% body fat. :drinker:
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Here too!!

    P90X... countless times, P90X+, Insanity, ChaLean Extreme, One on Ones ... I've also used Turbo Jam, done a little of Slim in 6, Slim Series, Hip Hop Abs, and other programs but P90X and Insanity are by far my favorites!!!

    I've been a coach for 2+ years now... love it! :bigsmile:
  • fortiter00
    fortiter00 Posts: 47 Member
    I am close to 60 days down of Power 90, and have been considering between Power 90 Master Series for another 30 days, or changing to Slim in 6 or P90X after this rotation. I love it so far, mostly because you aren't sitting around doing 1 exercise forever, it changes up and quickly.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,008 Member
    What is your favorite program.. how long have you been doing it and what is your goal....
    BB coach here too (since spring 2008).

    I've completed Slim in 6, Power 90, and P90X. I've tried Turbo Jam, Yoga Booty Ballet, Total Body Solution, Shakeology: The Workouts, Tony and the Kids, Tony and the Folks, and Ho Ala ke Kino.

    My favorite is Slim in 6, but P90 and P90X tie for a close second place. I'm doing a hybrid of SI6 and P90 right now. My goal is to be as healthy as I can be, which includes getting these pesky last 5 or 10 pounds off and keeping them off.
  • So glad to see that there are so many wonderful people out there gettig such great results and keeping them.. thats the trick. Keep up the good work everyone and will look for you in wowy...

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  • Hello new friend. I have met people that only used Turb Jam (TJ) and got great results.. There is nothing wrong with using it by itslef. there is a lot of variation to it as well. But you can always change it up a couple times a week and throw in something else. The key is to keep it interesting for YOU so that you want to keep doing the program. I use it with p90x sometimes.. wont lie... i love TJ better. I love to dance and i just throw on some music and get to it. But there are days when I want to change it up so i throw on Tony and do strength training. Chalean Exteme is a good wookout too. So it has more strength training than TJ..
    I know i went off on a rage here. sorry. just love it so much...
  • I am also a big beach body fan. I lost a significant amount of weight a while ago with SI6, have done power half hour, turbo jam (had to stop due to a permanent foot/ankle injury, but I loved it). right now am getting back into a regular exercise routine during a time of heavy work obligations - in addition to power walking am doing Ho Ala ke Kino in AM a lot, various hip hop abs workouts, various combos of 10-minute trainer routines or power half hour.

    Have to admit to being a little jealous of those of you who are able to do Insanity or Power 90x - would love to but can't - have PTTD and can't get Kaiser to OK the surgery necessary to rebuild the tendons - reviewed various routines with my physical therapist and there are certain activities (including anything that puts a lot of weight on one foot or demands a lot of ankle twisting) that I'm not allowed to do. But I am learning which routines I can adjust.
  • I got the Slim in 6 series a while back and got some great results. Lost some inches more than weight. Of course the holidays came and i found those darn inches!! I am planning on getting P90X to mix things up. Love the beach body programs and I have a wonderful coach too!!:smile:
  • mmkovacich
    mmkovacich Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I am on my second week of ChaLEAN Extreme. So far I love it! It is hard but doable. One question: Weights or bands? I need to get heavier weights already. I have 3s, 5s, 8s and 10s. What do you guys do?
  • Hi I am on my second week of ChaLEAN Extreme. So far I love it! It is hard but doable. One question: Weights or bands? I need to get heavier weights already. I have 3s, 5s, 8s and 10s. What do you guys do?

    Right now I am working at between 7 - 12 pounds, depending on the exercise. When I am at my peak, I use 17 lb. I use the bands, but only when I travel - the workout can be just as strenuous, but I enjoy the feel of having the weights in my hands...
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I JUST STARTED P90X LEAN YESTERDAY... Wow!! Looking forward to getting better over time.
    How quickly did you see results while doing this program? Did you notice a difference in your strength and endurance within the first week?
  • gmvanloo
    gmvanloo Posts: 100 Member
    I JUST STARTED P90X LEAN YESTERDAY... Wow!! Looking forward to getting better over time.
    How quickly did you see results while doing this program? Did you notice a difference in your strength and endurance within the first week?

    I saw results after the first 4 weeks. When I started I only had about 5 pounds to lose to I didn't see a huge weight loss like some do but I lost inches and that's what matter to me. If I remember correctly I lost over 4 inches in the first 4 weeks. I have 2.5 weeks left so I'll be posting after pictures shortly.

    I couldn't even attempt to do one pull up or chin up when I started. Now I can! There were push ups that I couldn't even come close to doing them on my toes the whole time and now I'll do the whole set. I think you'll see some great resutls. Keep us psoted!
  • I am a Beachbody addict!!!!

    I originally started off with Turbo Jam in 2005, then went to Hip Hop Abs in 2007, Rockin Body in 2008, Chalene Extreme in 2008, Brazil Butt Lift in 2009......

    I just had baby #4 in 10 years (C-Section #3 in 5 years) and my little one is 6 months old! I own all TJ (except On The Ball), all the HHa (including HHA 2 and Dance Party Series), Rockin Body Deluxe, CE Deluxe and BBL Deluxe!!!!!!!!!

    I am impatiently waiting for Turbo Fire, and crossing my fingers that Shaun T will come back and do the HHA's he promised us!!!
  • So many great beachbody fans.. and we seem to love all the trainers. I to love Chalene and cant wait to start ChaLean Extreme.. I wil be in her instructor class in may to become a turbo kick instructor.. YYYYYAAA!!!!!!! :bigsmile:

    I have loved being a coach and would love to share all the details of how anyone can become a coach. Dont think that you can't becasue you aren't fit yet.. heres what i have found out..

    1. If you are trying to lose weight... what a better accountabilty partner than others watching you and your progress.. keeps you going.

    2. discounts on all your helpful programs
    3. great team motivattional team.
    4. You would be surprised how other woman like to talk and see other woman there size and at their skill level succeeding.. It allows them to have a connection.. so dont think you have to be fit already.

    I started just to get the discounts and it just took off.

    Cant wait for turbo fire and it will be out this summer.. ya... wwwoooooo hhhooooooo
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