not losing weight

I am looking for a little advice here .
I have been dieting for the last 10 weeks ,only found MFP last week . before joining MFP i was having 1500 calories a day I lost weight at that level for the first five weeks then my weight stalled and I lost nothing thereafter.
When I joined MFP and brought myself a fitbit seems I was eating too little so for the last week I have upped my calories considerably . I usually burn around 1000-1200 calories more than I eat so in effect should be losing 2lb a week.

I weigh and measure all my food
my calories burnt are tracked by fitbit
i workout between 30-40 mins a day (not overly intense excercise as I have some knee and back problems because of my weight)
I started at 300 pounds got down to 291 in first 5 weeks and there I stay
Please any help would be greatly appreciated


  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    anyone offering some advice please???
  • rashmirao74
    rashmirao74 Posts: 14 Member
    There could be many reasons why you are not losing weight. Have you checked your BMR (Basal metabolic rate), this will give you the exact calories that you need to stay alive. So if you are consuming lesser than your BMR, your body does not lose weight. Secondly have you checked your thyroid levels? If you happen to have hypothyroidism (which I have) it is tougher to shed the excess pounds. Also do you get 8 hours of sleep? Do you drink more than 8 glasses of water everyday? MFP has a great app for keeping count of water. Also on MFP we tend to overestimate our exercise numbers and underestimate our eating habits. Take a look at various factors and you might just figure out what is holding you back. All the best!!!!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I see in your diary that you aren't tracking your sodium intake. Too much salt can hinder weight loss. It looks to me like you might be eating some fairly salty foods. Something to look at maybe limiting to get your weight loss moving again.

    If you are exercising so much, you might be losing fat and gaining some muscle, meaning you might not see the changes on a scale. Are you measuring yourself? I've had 2 weeks with very little change in weight (while doing the 30 Day Shred) in which I lost 2 inches off my hips, an inch off my thighs and waist. To me, that's amazing progress and I don't care that the scale didn't move when I went down a pant size. Try tracking your progress with a measuring tape instead of just weight.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,182 Member
    Have you thought of trying to lower your carb intake? Its not for everyone, but it does work. :)
  • kfa;slkfjawe;lkfj I KEEP BINGING. :(
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Have you thought of trying to lower your carb intake? Its not for everyone, but it does work. :)


    I watched what I ate and worked out like a demon (90 minutes 3-4x a week) for 3 months and lost a whole 7lbs. I cut my carbs down to 100g a day, cut my workout down to 60 min 3-4x a week, and the weight started moving again! the first month I lost 14 weeks I have lost 19.4lbs.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    kfa;slkfjawe;lkfj I KEEP BINGING. :(

    What? Where's the evidence of 'bingeing' in that diary? (And yes, there's an e in binge, sweetie.... ) Seriously, I get you're a teen and everything, but this is incredibly unhelpful. Run along.

    Now to the OP.... I think the first thing is to check how you're estimating expenditure and intake. Are you weighing your food, especially calorie dense food? Your basic diet looks reasonably healthy (I don't see why other posters are concerned about salt - that doesn't look too bad to me.... ). Are you absolutely sure you're logging everything that goes in?

    Now, on the question of expenditure. I don't know much about fitbits, in practice, but they always appeared to me to just be glorified pedometers? Is that the case? In which case, I'm not sure how reliable what is, essentially, a distance only based calculator, would be. You might want to think about a HRM for a slightly more accurate reading on outputs.
  • babygu24
    babygu24 Posts: 10
    Do you wear a Heart Rate Monitor when you exercise that counts calories burned. I was unable to lose, and when I bought mine I realized I was overestimating by a lot :( by using the reading on the machine....
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    how long have you been logging your food intake?
    it looks like you have been staying under your calorie goal for all of........two or three days?

    is that right?

    GREAT START!!:bigsmile: but, it's only the start, but GOOD FOR YOU!!!

    i am new here too, (IF you are also new)
    and it took me a few days to get used to NEW eating habits, i messed up a few times, especially at first,:tongue: til i got stronger in my mind about it all.

    it will take more than two days to lose weight, but, it looks like you ARE headed in right direction!! KEEP GOING!!!
    kudos to you for trying and figuring it out, you can do this!
    we are ten miles into the woods,
    and yes,
    we will have to walk ten miles to get back out again.

    but, we CAN do this, just keep logging every bite you eat, drinks, condiments, evvvvvvverything, and watch how just doing THAT will help you!! helped me, anyway, i am going to DO THIS THING!!
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    FOR ME,
    having a feeling of HOPE, was crucial.

    so do have hope, that you CAN do this.

    i think it is hard for most humans to stick with something that they do not believe they CAN do,
    nor will most humans persist at something that they do not believe will work.

    so do get yourself to believe you CAN do this, the lil engine that could kinda mindset,
    and focus only on TODAY.....try not to look at whole thing, just look at TODAY.
    We can do anything for one (1) day,
    and celebrate "yes, i did it right today."

    try NOT to look at whole mountain, just the step you are taking NOW, day at a time.
  • BlueJean4114
    BlueJean4114 Posts: 595 Member
    I am new here,
    but, i love it and feel MFP is helping me focus on my caloric intake,
    and find the very act of logging my food
    every bite, every condiment, every liquid, everything,
    just logging it all,
    is causing changes in how i see my ktichen now.

    For first time in my whole life,
    i am becoming aware of how MUCH i eat---> the portion sizes.
    NOW, i at least eyeball the food, if not actually measure it, to be able to log it later on.

    I am becoming more aware of calorie-dense foods.
    i am getting eyes like that scene in the Terminator movie, where the alien guy scans a room and sees numbers/facts/measurements,
    that is kind of how i see tables of food now:laugh:
    my eyes look at a table and register this: "item in this bowl is probably about 300 cal per cup, item in this bowl is about 100 ca per cup." etc etc.

    I am now eager and more eager, to weigh myself, to see if another few ounces has come off yet., focusing on one day at a time, instead of looking at the wholllllllllle pile of weight i have yet to lose.
    I feel good to lose a few ounces,:bigsmile: instead of thinking, "aw geez, i still have 28 more pounds of fat :sad: on me."

    I am becoming more focused on, what i eat = what i weigh, and which types of food are best for me.

    Becoming aware of how many calories i have left for the day, has helped me (more than once), NOT eat something i normally would have eaten.
    sometimes, late in the evening, i run to computer, log all my food, to see if there are enough calories to eat this snack, or not.

    never did THAT before!! ha ha!! i AM going to make to my goal weight, and am going to become a healthier more active person again.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Having looked at your exercise diary, I'm pretty sure that's where your problems lie. It's just incredibly unlikely you're burning around 250 for 15 minutes on the exercise bike (I push hard on the static bike, with a high resistance, and that's about what I get for half an hour). Also, working out in 10-15 minute stretches isn't a massively effective way to burn calories. You need to be aiming for longer and less frequent sessions, I suspect.

    I think you're overestimating expenditure, and if you're eating all that back, you'll be left with a negligible deficit.
  • clbowman11
    clbowman11 Posts: 117
    There could be many reasons why you are not losing weight. Have you checked your BMR (Basal metabolic rate), this will give you the exact calories that you need to stay alive. So if you are consuming lesser than your BMR, your body does not lose weight. Secondly have you checked your thyroid levels? If you happen to have hypothyroidism (which I have) it is tougher to shed the excess pounds. Also do you get 8 hours of sleep? Do you drink more than 8 glasses of water everyday? MFP has a great app for keeping count of water. Also on MFP we tend to overestimate our exercise numbers and underestimate our eating habits. Take a look at various factors and you might just figure out what is holding you back. All the best!!!!

    I think she hit everything there. And water is also great for the elasticity of the skin as well (: And I was eating to little and had to up my calories and it takes a little bit for you to start again a few days after adjusting my calories I had dropped 1.5 lbs (: And sleep definitely makes a difference. Especially on days your exercising, but you're exercising everyday, so it would be good to get at least 7 hours but preferably 8. (: Good luck (: Hope you start losing, again soon. But, don't give up! It will happen again eventually. (:
  • AVinmill
    AVinmill Posts: 88 Member
    lower your carbs and increase your protein. Workout a little less and give yourself more rest, maybe a 4 on 3 off split or something like that. Try to get more natural foods, I didn't look too closely at your diary but even something as simple as swapping that potato for a sweet potato will help.. small changes can lead to big results.
  • YouAreTheShit
    YouAreTheShit Posts: 510 Member
    My recommendation would be to move to a low carb food strategy as soon as possible. Run that diet for about 4 weeks then review results and evaluate. Here is a good resource that explains the low carb diet:

    Good luck!
  • jemboop
    jemboop Posts: 3
    You need more fiber and need to detox
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    You need more fiber and need to detox

    What do you mean by detox, and why does she need to do it?

    Seriously, reading through this thread, I'm wondering whether anyone's looked at the diary.... ?

    Well, good luck to the OP. I hope you find an appropriate solution. My money's still on overestimating expenditure.
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you all for your input here are the things I am doing at the moment

    I drink 2 litres of water a day
    I weigh everything I eat and I mean everything lol( have done this for last 10 weeks)
    I eat some of my excercise calories back most days
    I wear a polar HRM when excercising( although i didnt and my excercise was over estimated but i still ended up with a good weekly deficit as i am set to lose 2lb a week )
    I sleep between 6 and 8 hour a night .
    My thyroid level are fine
    I have measured myself no change

    Fit bit calculate your BMR based on the usual equations you find around the internet then adds calories for activity and the BMR is pretty much the same as what MFP gives me give or take a calorie or two. It also counts steps taken and how many flights of stairs climbed it counts the day to day activities that a heart rate monitor doesn't . I use it really to encourage me to get up and move around more :smile:
    I have also used the numerous calculators around the net to estimate my BMR TDEE ect and fit bit is very very close to be honest

    For Bluejean 4114 yes I have only been logging food here for six days but have been logging elsewhere and stayed under my calories for 10 weeks and lost a total of 9lbs all in the first 5 weeks and nothing since.

    I always find it very very difficult to lose weight and very very easy to put weight on but these last 10 weeks is the most serious effort I have put in to losing it .

    I am on medication (Zoloft) which may have something to do with it but I just dont know.:ohwell:

    I will have to consider the low carb diets but I do love my carbs lol
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    try not counting any exercise you do for less than 20 minutes. (I'm sorry, but I remain pretty convinced .... :-) )

    There's something wrong in the numbers, I think. You need to review it all as carefully as you can. Check your weight is entered correctly on the hrm. (those static bike figures sound *way* high). Do the fit test to improve accuracy if your version of the polar offers this. That you lost before you started using this site, and changing the numbers suggests numbers *are* the issue. (not carbs... your carb intake isn't that high, unless viewed by a habitual low carber!)

    Zoloft was 'sold' by pfizer as not causing gains, but there's more mixed evidence recently. I doubt that's the whole issue, but may contribute. Obviously don't come off it, but perhaps raise it as a concern when you review your meds.

    Mellie's point - you might have some newbie muscle gains, but full on muscle gain is a bit unlikely. However, if you've stepped up activity since joining mfp, and particularly if you're stiff, you may have doms related water retention, which will mask loss.

    Bear in mind 6 days is a very short time to be on this programme though... I know you've started elsewhere, but I'd give it a bit more time before you start to panic about drastically changing what you're doing.