Upper body / arm exercises for beginner?

So I'm new to the whole working out thing, and am in need of some help / advice. I go on walks every night, which is great, and has built up the strength in my legs, and I've noticed that I've lost weight in my thighs and my butt. Awesome. The problem is that I carry a lot of weight up on top, and am wanting to work on that more than my legs. What are some good work out ideas to help get rid of the fat up top? As in mid section, mid - upper back, that sort of thing? Nothing too extensive since I'm a beginner and don't want to over do it right away, but just a starting point. Thanks! :)


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Any cardiovascular activity coupled with an appropriate diet.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Even just diet alone will lose fat. You can't lose it in a specific area by doing any particular training to that area. Fat comes off your whole body in a genetically determined fashion. Weight can be lost by simply eating less or by exercise and eating less together. However you will eventually lose muscle mass if you don't lift weights. If you want to look your best naked, check the link below. Don't be skeered. I had my old lady doing barbell back squats, standing overhead barbell presses, and bent over barbell rows just last night in her first gym session. Directly next to us was a real PT training a chick on doing squat curl complexes while standing on a bosu ball using 7lb dumbbells. Who do you think will look better and be stronger in 6 months?

  • Russian twists, dumbbell crunches, bicep curls, hammer curls, concentration curls, tricep kickbacks, tricep extensions, chest press, chest fly, reverse grip shoulder flies. you can look all these up on line
  • ShaunnaM
    ShaunnaM Posts: 23 Member
    There are cheap table top pedals at Walmart , try those a pedal with your hands and 5lb weights, push ups, twist reverseab crunches there are all sorts of things good luck
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Your body will get rid of fat where it wants to, you can not target an area to lose fat. But bench press, lat pull downs, inverted rows. Are great for a beginner, keep it simple. Look for compound lifts, they target several muscles at once. You can do these and have a very quick efficient work out. Four major compound lifts that would be wonderful for you and are not difficult are squat, dead lift, over head press and bench press don't be intimidated that these lifts are considered "manlier" they are fantastic.

    if you don't have or cant get to a gym, push ups and dips


  • mayhermos
    mayhermos Posts: 4 Member
    Youtube has a whole bunch of videos on workouts. check this one out


    Also I saw this Women's Helth Weight Lost guide issue in walmart, it has all kinds of tips and exercises, is $10 and I think is worth the investment.

    Good Luck and keep me post it!