Biggest Loser (Wii) on sale

I didn't know how else to let everyone know that the Biggest Loser for the Wii is on sale for 19.99 at GameStop. I couldn't let this pass me up it's normally 39.99


  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Can you let me know how many people can play at one time. I just rented it today and have not had a chance to really look at it. My son (9 years old) and I did one of the challengesand he beat me at it. I think he was cheating. From what I played on it today, I will probally end up buying one. Now to find a Game Stop nearby.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    WHAT?! I just bought this at regular price like 4 days ago a target. I'm so bummed! THanks for sharing! For anyone interested in getting it I think it's a great workout! There's lots of options all kinds of work outs, etc! So far I definately recommend it.
  • AmberMcDowell
    Its a great game. It kicks my butt every time :)
  • thicansxy
    2 people can play at once and you dont have to have the balance board but it helps for weigh in.

    This is too funny my husband who doesnt need to lose weight is playing before me.
  • marinewifey4707
    I wish I would have known about this before I got it today lol. I bought it at Sears today, but it's okay cuz I had a giftcard anyways. I did the fitness program today and it kicked my butt!! It's an awesome work out!!!!
  • Brittany_Kayy
    Brittany_Kayy Posts: 262 Member
    I've been interested in getting this game, but didn't know how good it was!! Does it give a good workout? Currently i've only been doing my treadmill, but I'd love to do this a few times a week if its any good?!!! Pay day, gamestop = This weekend :)
  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I know what I'm getting this weekend!
  • TXBlockhead
    TXBlockhead Posts: 169 Member
    I've been wanting this and ea sports so I guess that I know what I am getting now!