No weight change for three weeks..

Hello everyone,

Wondering if anyone can shed some light on the subject. I understand that water weight plays a huge factor during the weigh ins however I'm a little confused why I havent seen any changes on the scale. For the last month or so I've been working out for 1.5 h six days a week, and 95% of the time I'm under calorie goal for the day....yet I've haven't lost any weight. ?!?!


  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    If you can open up your diary, we can see what you have been eating.
  • cmore135
    cmore135 Posts: 25 Member
    I know that when you are working out that hard you need to eat to fuel your body, try meeting your calorie goal. when you are under your calories your body thinks its going into starvation and holds on to it fat stores for energy.keep up the good work and don't get discouraged you are doing amazing in the gym :smile:

  • koogabah
    koogabah Posts: 16 Member
    If you're really working out that much, then you should incorporate a "refeed" day into your diet. You can't expect to keep the exact same diet and continue to get results. I'd pick one day a week and at least at your maintenance calories (which if you're losing weight, is above your goal calories on MFP). So keep working hard, just pick a day and eat a whole pizza and a pound or so of chicken.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    When you say working out, what do you mean?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    How many calories are you eating.
  • silvashan
    silvashan Posts: 12 Member
    It sounds like you're working very hard and eating too little. Maybe take one more day off (so workout hard 5 instead of 6) and increase your calories to where you are meeting your goal calories for the day. And like one previous poster said, maybe have one day where you do maintenance level calories. I think its different for everyone, but I found this info to work for me.
  • satxtrap
    satxtrap Posts: 120 Member
    Open your diary. Can't give good advice without seeing what you've been doing. :)
  • Cherrybomb2012
    AS stated above somewhere I'm sure... you may not be eating enough clean calories for the work you are putting in at the gym... add 200 to 300 CLEAN calories (protein or greek yogurt or something?) You've honestly got to play with it to figure out how your body works
  • tamtamzz
    tamtamzz Posts: 142
    The scale shouldn't be your only guide. There are so many different ways to track weight loss. It's been almost two months for me, and I've lost three pounds. I haven't lost any weight in a month.


    If I would have relied on JUST the scale and JUST the mirror, I would have given up a long, long time ago.

    I think a person's diet is subjective. I may drink soda, but another person may think that's a huge no no. I eat over 140 grams (or try to) of protein a day. Another person may say it's overkill. I think if you eat well 95% of the time, you'll be fine. What's the most important is consistency and patience.
  • chris121110
    chris121110 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for the motivation...made me smile :)
  • chris121110
    chris121110 Posts: 3 Member
    6 days a week 45 cardio and 45 weight training (focusing on various groups....3 reps each)

    Maybe im not getting enough protein..
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,306 Member
    I used to exercise at the gym for two or more hours a day...i never got down to where I wanted..(didn't weigh myself back then). Then last year I lost all my weight without exercise..and really easier. I think extreme exercise hampers weight loss. No one will ever come out and say that..because exercise is so good for great health..and it does tone and shape the body. but losing weight is not the same as g eating in shape.
  • AverageAngel
    AverageAngel Posts: 123 Member
    45 minutes of cardio at the fat loss range will do nothing but maintain. Unless you incorporate intervals and get your MHR to max for at least 1/3 of your work, ya wont budge. Unfortunately , I was EXACTLY where you are . I started to do no diet changes: lost 3 lbs in 5 days. Not just water weight either. IT MAKES ME SWEATTTTT! lol AND as far as calorie intake goes. Let's say you weigh 190 lbs. To realistically drop weight with out regain, minus 10% of your body weight. 190 x .10 =19 190-19= 171. To correctly drop weight, go no lower than 10% increments, round the goal # to the tens, so 171 would be 170. times the goal weight by 10. 170 x 10 =1700. THAT is how many calories you should be eating to properly lose. And you cannot eat back calories burned. Sorry.. don't work that way on this plan :glasses:
    Interval training is the best way to plateau bust. Good luck to you dear!! Keep up the good work!!!
    Oh.. and ditch the scale. get a body fat pincher, and a new goal pair of jeans. Try the jeans on ONCE a week. it's depressing until they start creeping up the thighs and over the keister, and then you button them!!! Then it kicks *kitten*.