over-correcting low blood sugars...

So 90% of the foods listed in my snacks are from a hypoglycemic binge last night around midnight. I didn't think...just ate. It is the worst feeling ever. No control...and nothing but guilt later. I could not wait to get to the gym this morning. I am actually going to try to eat my exercise calories back (all of them) since what I am doing is not working well. Oh well...today is a new day.

Any other diabetics with this problem?


  • matty182
    i get the same problem sometimes all my body wants is food and ur eating heaps and forget about the calories but we cant help what our body needs so u shouldnt feel to guilty at the end of the day because it ourselves we looking after!! i had a low yesterday and kinda pig out on jellybeans but sometimes u have to becareful not to eat heaps or u will get urself into high blood sugar. Have to give myself bit less insulin to stop me going in a hypo, whats annoying is that when u at work and u go low u lose so much energy and cant think properly and just want sweet food!
  • iana_cass
    iana_cass Posts: 40 Member
    I understand completely you guys, the ones during the night or when I wake up in the morning seem to be the worse, no matter what my number is. Sometimes what I try is to take my initial 15g carb treatment and leave the kitchen and set a timer for myself. Get help from someone else to keep you in line (my mom used to get up during the night with me, and I stay up with my daughter when she is low during the night).
  • diyab74
    diyab74 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I'm insulin resistant and have high blood sugar and am not on meds ( due to not having medical insurance). I'm trying to eat according to the low glycemic index diet but its so hard. My sugar levels hit 261 and a low around 130 lately. I am fatigued and can't get much exercise in due to being so darn tired all of the time. I feel drugged as if all I can do is sleep. I'm miserable. I then have times when I want to binge eat because I feel hungry for sweets or carbs and its awful. I sympathize with you all. Anyone have any advice?
  • mydragonmoon
    Ugh I do this constantly! I have extreme insulin resistance and if my sugar is below 110 my brain goes nuts! I'm used to my sugars being high, which is unfortunate as now that I am eating better this is a bad thing. This feeling of "low" sends a signal to your brain, which uses sugar to function. Thus when it is low or lower than usual your brain starts to panic and sends out the message that you need sugar! I think that's the weird confused feeling I get. Then I just randomly go thought the house and eat whatever I can stuff in my face until the awful feeling of panic and the shakes go away. I really hate this as it is not helping me with my diet lol.