Question? Not enuf calories = slowed metabolism.. really?



  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    1200 calories of bacon ... lovely ...

    I think it's a question of calorie quality, not quantity. So 200 cals of ice cream are not the same as 200 cals of carrots or whatever.

    Let's stop thinking about this as a maths problem (because the human body is not a calculator) and more of a biological one (because there are more factors to liberating fat than creating an energy deficit).

    Option 1)
    Less Calories = Less Nutrients = Your Body Wants To Hold On To Fat (because it is nutritionally starving) = Stall = Hunger = Frustration = Metabolic Disaster

    Option 2)
    More Calories Of A Higher Quality (nutrient dense ... meat, fish, eggs, veggies, etc) = Body Says Lovely, I'll Have Some Of That = Body Gives Up Some Fat Because It Can See It Is Not Needed = Full Tummy = Nice Warm Glow and a bit of fat loss into the bargain.

    #2 might not work for all but I know what I'm opting for.

    One of many thinking the same thing ...

    Get the body working right metabolically and you don't have to worry about the calories, within reason ;)

    Seriously, the 3500 calorie deficit = 1 lb fat loss thing is a freaking joke that has been repeated so much that it has been taken as gospel.

    Try this if you have an open mind ...

    Eat real food, enjoy real food, real food is not the enemy.

    Eating is meant to be enjoyable not some freaking daily trial.

    I may have ranted there ... Hey, do what works for you ;)
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I second finding a nutritionist.

    I'll tell you where I am right now. I started off thinking that the less I eat, the more I loose. It makes sense, really. But, it never worked, it never stuck and I was a miserable witch when I cut my food down. I stumbled onto this place accidentally and really started reading more into the "eat more, loose weight" theory. It actually makes MORE sense to me than starving myself.

    So, I tried it. I'm eating approx 1700 calories a day on average (sometimes less, sometimes more depending on if I work out) and I'm at a 6 pound loss for my first month. I'm not in a bad mood all the time, I'm seeing results, I feel good and I can actually eat real food. I've even ditched the low fat foods in favor of full fat ones because I wasn't getting enough. Of course, once I get smaller, I'll need less food, but we will cross that bridge we when get there. :)
  • ItzPSGina62
    ItzPSGina62 Posts: 99 Member
    I agree with this. I ate healthy and worked out almost daily and could NOT lose weight. I have a thyroid disorder and diabetes runs on both side of my family. I went to The Metabolic Research Center and I am so glad I did. First she took me off estrogen (synthetic) and put me on a patch that is bio-identical. She then added meformin. I have been dropping weight. I am amazed. I was on Weight Watchers last year for 6 weeks and did not lose a pound and stayed within my points. I did lose inches however, but I wanted to see the scale move. Now I am.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    I think it's a good idea to switch things up constantly. I do unintentionally and intentionally switch up calorie in take and it seems that it keeps the body guessing. I also do low carb and honestly that has been the most successful part of my diet but I have done many different thing including hcg (500 calories). And I definatley lost weight on that but it has been low carb that I have lost the most on. Including very low calorie. I'm just greatful I can eat as much food as I can now... I used to think I had to keep Resricting all the time...
  • Karly36
    Karly36 Posts: 1
    I think it is important to eat your calories no matter what the food may be...I have consistently ate 500-1000 calories the majority of the time and have maintained a 100+ fat excess. Not purposely...just get busy and forget. I am moderately active..but spent 20 years dieting and slowed my metabolism to nothing. I got back on fitness pal to make myself eat enough to drop weight. Weight watchers is another great program and their system says yes..if you have 200 calories left and u want ice cream...go for it...better to eat the calories...than have the body go into starvation phase as mine has so many of the years.
  • akinomikon
    akinomikon Posts: 9 Member
    Good links. Very different approaches.
  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    I was eating 1200 since Jan and around June hit a plateau, so I kept lowering the cal and working out more. Reached the point were I was only netting between 400-600cal, but was still stuck.

    Finally decided that if this was how I was going to have to lose weight then it wasn't worth it. I made the choice to do my homework and find out how many cal my body needed to be properly nourished. If I couldn't lose weight eating that amount I was prepared to be happy at my current weight.

    Since then I have upped my calories steadily first going back to 1200, then 1300, 1450, 1550 and now 1750. Yeah that last jump was huge. I did gain 3lbs so I'm back to 123 BUT since hitting 1750 I have lost .5lb...yes not much but it is the first reverse movement of the scale I've had in 3 weeks. I'm going to keep eating 1750 and more on days I work out :)
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Go to the tools sections, and use the BMR calculator to figure out your basal metabolic rate (i.e. how many calories you need to keep your heart pumping, your gut digesting, and your spleen doing what spleens do). You want to be eating at least that every day in order to prevent your metabolism from slowing down too much.

    Aside from metabolism, there are two reasons to make sure to eat enough calories. The first is to make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals in your diet. The second is that eating too few calories encourages your body to burn muscle along with fat, which is not ideal.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    When you loose weight, you loose fat and muscle. That's just how weight loss works. You work out and strength train to build muscle to loose more fat than muscle. It works! Look at all the success stories and studies about loosing weight with diet alone vs with diet and exercise. :)
  • purple_potion
    purple_potion Posts: 4 Member
    Well everyone IS different, but this was my experience... right after having my second child, I weighed in at a 192 (and I'm only 5'2") so that's about 60 lbs over weight for my height... but I had already made up my mind that after giving birth, it was time to get serious about loosing weight!! So I cut my calories back to around 500 a day (sumtimes even fewer) and just did treadmill & occasionally elliptical for about 4-5 hours a week... Now I know that wasnt healthy... but in doing so, I steadily & rapidly lost weight!! In just a month and half, I had lost almost 50 lbs and was down to 145!!...which is on the very high end of a "normal weight range" for my height... (and also the weight that I always tend to get stuck at with very restrictive dieting...) lol
    So do i think that eating less than 1200 cal a day will slow or halt ur metabolism?? Strictly based on MY (unhealthy) weight loss experience while being 60lbs overweight, Absolutely not!! And if ur currently satisfied with around 1000 cal a day and loosing 2lbs a week, I think adding the other 200 would only slow ur weight loss if anything.. at least until u become within ur normal weight range, and then ur diet may need sum tweaking if u want to continue loosing weight beyond that point**.. (personally, I do, because I'd prefer to be on the lower end of my "normal weight range"... but that's just me)

    And as for what KIND of calories you eat, (with my experience) i don't think they're all created equal. because I've noticed that when most of my calories for the day come from drinks, there's a lesser number on the scale the next morning, as opposed to when most of my calories come from food... and lyk for instance, if you were to eat 1200 cal of something high in carbs like pasta, I think that's gonna take a lot longer to burn off than 1200 cal of sumthing lyk fruits & veggies... but idk, sum people say it doesn't matter and for them, it might not, but MY body seems to react differently to different types of calories u just have to figure out wut works best for u and go with that!! =)

    ** Now for those of u who would lyk to know about my experience with trying to loose weight while being 10-15lbs above my "normal weight range", (while everyone is different and keep in mind that I'm now VERY sedentary and pretty much NEVER work out...) I've still found that cutting my calories way back has helped me loose weight, and loose it fast!! Only to a certain point though... I've cut calories back to lyk 500 a day (some days fewer) and lost about 15 lbs in 2 weeks (just bringing me down to that retched 145 mark lol)... then, nothin!! =\ So I think that's about how long (or either the weight at which) it takes MY body to figure out that I'm starving it, and shut my metabolism off lol But wut I've done after that is bring my calories back up by a few hundred, sum days eat around 1,200 and of course that'll make me gain a FEW pounds back, but not nearly everything that I lost... then my weight will usually be stuck at around 148-150 for a few weeks or so before my metabolism will adjust to my new weight, and allow for more rapid weight loss from restrictive dieting... (I've currently gotten down to 135 from following this diet routine.. (NOT THAT IT'S A HEALTHY ONE, I kno!! lol) but hopefully I'll be able to reach my goal of 115 reguardless!! =) So (strictly for the purpose of weight loss) in my opinion, if your eating fewer than 1200 cal a day AND have STOPPED loosing weight by doing so, then your metabolism has prolly shut down and u need to start eating a little more to pick it back up.

    But as for working out... it pretty much works lyk a drug... (as for me anyway)  the more I do it, the more I have to, to get the same effect (in terms of weight loss) lyk if I've just started working out, I'll loose weight like crazy, AT FIRST... but then my body becomes accustomed to it, and I'll have to start working out longer, and harder, in order to keep loosing the same amount of weight and honestly, that's just sumthin I'm too lazy to do!! lol however, I have noticed tho, (when I'm at heavier weights) the same work out routine has more of an effect and for a longer period of time. So I actually think that (when in a "normal weight range" and accompanied with a low cal diet) exercising only when u've stopped loosing weight from dieting will have more of an effect and take less effort than vigorous daily exercise that u're body will just become accustomed to and need more of.

    So: (and this is just MY personal, unhealthy opinion to weight loss) lol

    But If your substantially over weight:
    a low cal diet alone will drop pounds pretty quick without slowing ur metabolism... and when accompanied with exercise, will shed pounds lyk CrAzY fAsT!! =D

    If ur a normal weight: Only exercising to fill in the weight loss gap of a low cal diet will have a quicker and more effortless weight loss effect.
    Or if ur like me and just never want to exercise... fluctuating between low cal and normal cal diet will of course take longer than ^^, (because ur weight will SLIGHTLY elevate when eating normally again) but it will still be on a downward path (such as going down 3 stairs, and up 2, down 3, up 2... you'll still get to the bottom where u wanna be, it just takes a little longer =) but will still be more effective than just remaining on a strictly low cal diet ..which (when already at a normal weight) usually shuts ur metabolism down, and prevents u from loosing ANYTHING!!

    So in conclusion, (finally lol =) I hope this EXTREMELY lengthy explanation has helped to answer sum questions without offending ne1!! =) but pls remember, this is just MY experience with QUICK weight loss techniques that work for ME and I'm not suggesting that any of this is healthy, or should be replicated by anyone, in fact, it really shouldn't be!!.. but good luck to everyone in their weight loss journey and if u have any questions, pls feel free to message me!! =)

  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 837 Member
    Further to the last post... a slowed metabolism will only show up later on when you stop eating such super-low calories and try to eat normally again. Your metabolism will have learned how to function on next to nothing, reducing bodily functions, growth, bone mass and shrinking your lean muscle in order to find enough fuel to support your brain and core functions. Increased calories will lead to weight gain as your body learns how to be healthy again.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Well everyone IS different, but this was my experience... right after having my second child, I weighed in at a 192 (and I'm only 5'2") so that's about 60 lbs over weight for my height... but I had already made up my mind that after giving birth, it was time to get serious about loosing weight!! So I cut my calories back to around 500 a day (sumtimes even fewer) and just did treadmill & occasionally elliptical for about 4-5 hours a week... Now I know that wasnt healthy... but in doing so, I steadily & rapidly lost weight!! In just a month and half, I had lost almost 50 lbs and was down to 145!!...which is on the very high end of a "normal weight range" for my height... (and also the weight that I always tend to get stuck at with very restrictive dieting...) lol
    So do i think that eating less than 1200 cal a day will slow or halt ur metabolism?? Strictly based on MY (unhealthy) weight loss experience while being 60lbs overweight, Absolutely not!! And if ur currently satisfied with around 1000 cal a day and loosing 2lbs a week, I think adding the other 200 would only slow ur weight loss if anything.. at least until u become within ur normal weight range, and then ur diet may need sum tweaking if u want to continue loosing weight beyond that point**.. (personally, I do, because I'd prefer to be on the lower end of my "normal weight range"... but that's just me)

    And as for what KIND of calories you eat, (with my experience) i don't think they're all created equal. because I've noticed that when most of my calories for the day come from drinks, there's a lesser number on the scale the next morning, as opposed to when most of my calories come from food... and lyk for instance, if you were to eat 1200 cal of something high in carbs like pasta, I think that's gonna take a lot longer to burn off than 1200 cal of sumthing lyk fruits & veggies... but idk, sum people say it doesn't matter and for them, it might not, but MY body seems to react differently to different types of calories u just have to figure out wut works best for u and go with that!! =)

    ** Now for those of u who would lyk to know about my experience with trying to loose weight while being 10-15lbs above my "normal weight range", (while everyone is different and keep in mind that I'm now VERY sedentary and pretty much NEVER work out...) I've still found that cutting my calories way back has helped me loose weight, and loose it fast!! Only to a certain point though... I've cut calories back to lyk 500 a day (some days fewer) and lost about 15 lbs in 2 weeks (just bringing me down to that retched 145 mark lol)... then, nothin!! =\ So I think that's about how long (or either the weight at which) it takes MY body to figure out that I'm starving it, and shut my metabolism off lol But wut I've done after that is bring my calories back up by a few hundred, sum days eat around 1,200 and of course that'll make me gain a FEW pounds back, but not nearly everything that I lost... then my weight will usually be stuck at around 148-150 for a few weeks or so before my metabolism will adjust to my new weight, and allow for more rapid weight loss from restrictive dieting... (I've currently gotten down to 135 from following this diet routine.. (NOT THAT IT'S A HEALTHY ONE, I kno!! lol) but hopefully I'll be able to reach my goal of 115 reguardless!! =) So (strictly for the purpose of weight loss) in my opinion, if your eating fewer than 1200 cal a day AND have STOPPED loosing weight by doing so, then your metabolism has prolly shut down and u need to start eating a little more to pick it back up.

    But as for working out... it pretty much works lyk a drug... (as for me anyway)  the more I do it, the more I have to, to get the same effect (in terms of weight loss) lyk if I've just started working out, I'll loose weight like crazy, AT FIRST... but then my body becomes accustomed to it, and I'll have to start working out longer, and harder, in order to keep loosing the same amount of weight and honestly, that's just sumthin I'm too lazy to do!! lol however, I have noticed tho, (when I'm at heavier weights) the same work out routine has more of an effect and for a longer period of time. So I actually think that (when in a "normal weight range" and accompanied with a low cal diet) exercising only when u've stopped loosing weight from dieting will have more of an effect and take less effort than vigorous daily exercise that u're body will just become accustomed to and need more of.

    So: (and this is just MY personal, unhealthy opinion to weight loss) lol

    But If your substantially over weight:
    a low cal diet alone will drop pounds pretty quick without slowing ur metabolism... and when accompanied with exercise, will shed pounds lyk CrAzY fAsT!! =D

    If ur a normal weight: Only exercising to fill in the weight loss gap of a low cal diet will have a quicker and more effortless weight loss effect.
    Or if ur like me and just never want to exercise... fluctuating between low cal and normal cal diet will of course take longer than ^^, (because ur weight will SLIGHTLY elevate when eating normally again) but it will still be on a downward path (such as going down 3 stairs, and up 2, down 3, up 2... you'll still get to the bottom where u wanna be, it just takes a little longer =) but will still be more effective than just remaining on a strictly low cal diet ..which (when already at a normal weight) usually shuts ur metabolism down, and prevents u from loosing ANYTHING!!

    So in conclusion, (finally lol =) I hope this EXTREMELY lengthy explanation has helped to answer sum questions without offending ne1!! =) but pls remember, this is just MY experience with QUICK weight loss techniques that work for ME and I'm not suggesting that any of this is healthy, or should be replicated by anyone, in fact, it really shouldn't be!!.. but good luck to everyone in their weight loss journey and if u have any questions, pls feel free to message me!! =)


    Honey, the reason why the scale shows a bigger number when you get your calories from fruits and vegetables than from drinks THE NEXT DAY is because they are still digesting, that isn't fat weight honey. Liquid calories are absorbed into the body much quicker.

    It's nice to see such a quick loss in such a short period but what happens when you eat normally again? Or are you planning on eating 500 calories the rest of your life? Very unhealthy, and you won't get the nutrients your body needs.
  • swfloridagal
    This has been a GREAT topic for discussion. I am the one who asked the question initially and am glad I did because i have learned so much from all of you!

    Because I have significant health issues I am going to seek the guidance of a nutritionist and see what becomes of that. In the meantime, I think the concensus is to:

    1 - choose nutritious foods whenever possible regardless of whether their caloric make-up is the same or not

    2 - Thru either exercise, reducing calories or both, as long as their is a deficit of calories for the day (liquid or solid or otherwise), you should burn up more than you take in creating a deficiit.

    3 - The question still remains if we need to eat a "basline" of calories per day to be sure we don't "turn off" or slow down our metabolism accidentally.

    I'm going to learn what I can from a professional and report back when i do. We are all doing a fabulous job together of trying to be healthier, leaner and stronger. Hip Hip Hooray for us all! And thanks everybody for your posts. I enjoyed reading every one!
  • purple_potion
    purple_potion Posts: 4 Member
    No, HUN, that's not wut I was sayin... wut I said was, FOR ME, all calories aren't created equal, and I didn't compare liquids to veggies... lol I was comparing veggies to pasta (or carbs) I was sayin if I eat 1200 cal of pasta, that's gonna cause more weight gain than 1200 of veggies, and I was just using liquids as an example for those who say that all cals are equal... liquid cals obviously don't cause the same weight gain as food cals do... so why would people think that all food cals are the same?? (for me, they're not)
    Also, no, I dont plan to eat 500 cal a day for the rest of my life... I said that has been a quick way for me to loose a substantial amount of weight in a short amount of time ..AND even when I DID start eating NORMALLY, (and by "normally" I dont mean the same excessive amount of food that caused me to become overweight in the first place), it didn't cause me to gain all that weight back, just a FEW pounds, (that I was even able to loose at a later time)
    And yeh, I recognize & even stressed throughout the whole reply that it's NOT A HEALTHY WAY TO LOOSE WEIGHT and that I don't recommend it... unless u just wanna disregard ur health for the sake of faster results...which for ME, (although it shouldn't have been) was totally worth it ...because the results DID stick!! =)
  • purple_potion
    purple_potion Posts: 4 Member
    No, HUN, that's not wut I was sayin... wut I said was, FOR ME, all calories aren't created equal, and I didn't compare liquids to veggies... lol I was comparing veggies to pasta (or carbs) I was sayin if I eat 1200 cal of pasta, that's gonna cause more weight gain than 1200 of veggies, and I was just using liquids as an example for those who say that all cals are equal... liquid cals obviously don't cause the same weight gain as food cals do... so why would people think that all food cals are the same?? (for me, they're not)
    Also, no, I dont plan to eat 500 cal a day for the rest of my life... I said that has been a quick way for me to loose a substantial amount of weight in a short amount of time ..AND even when I DID start eating NORMALLY, (and by "normally" I dont mean the same excessive amount of food that caused me to become overweight in the first place), it didn't cause me to gain all that weight back, just a FEW pounds, (that I was even able to loose at a later time)
    And yeh, I recognize & even stressed throughout the whole reply that it's NOT A HEALTHY WAY TO LOOSE WEIGHT and that I don't recommend it... unless u just wanna disregard ur health for the sake of faster results...which for ME, (although it shouldn't have been) was totally worth it ...because the results DID stick!! =)
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Good info here on how to find a realistic calorie goal to stay healthy while you loose.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • ntarrence
    ntarrence Posts: 21 Member
    I am just starting this program this week and am not someone who does a lot of serious dieting. I am almost 40...barely over 5 feet and would like to take off 20-25 pounds. Anything more than that I feel is unrealistic for me to keep off. I feel very frustrated with all the information I have been researching on the internet..because there are too many opinions of what the proper way to diet and burn off fat. I do think the fitness pal app is something I would like to try and not intimidated to log the diary. I really like seeing the breakdown of what I am eating...and find myself getting surprised at certain foods I thought were ok. Few questions though...since I have been logging I have been only taken in 700 calories tops. Partly because I am taking Phentermine and am not hungry but also because I am afraid to eat. I know I keep reading that my body will go into starvation mode and slow my metabolism down and lose more slowly. I also walk a very fast 5 miles daily for excercise. Someone messaged me and told me that too much Cardio burns muscle and I was working against myself and should be doing strength instead. I need suggestions on what I should be eating daily...or the right way to excercise. I am trying to be realistic with my diet and excercise..something I can stick to for life. So with the amount of hours I work a week...and busy sports and school schedules...people who are telling me to just eat organic clean foods, no dairy, no wheat, no artificial sweetners, no processed foods....just makes me frustrated and confused. I get afraid to eat because I think I would rather not eat at all then eat the wrong foods...and need some major advice of what to eat. Is there examples on here of good food diaries? Do I need to just watch the calories and not worry about all the others balanced? Just need advice getting started.
  • mingecrackers
    Bump for later :3