Odd things you find attractive.



  • AmericanCowboy76
    AmericanCowboy76 Posts: 99 Member
    red hair and tattoos. or any woman in tight jeans and a cowboy hat. also had crazy sex with a one armed woman onetime. I think her strengh (overcoming her disabilty) made her way hotter.
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Low ponytails.
  • JennyLisT
    JennyLisT Posts: 402 Member
    Clavicles and a nice collection of books. :love:

    Edited to include gingers.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    a man riding a horse will have me at awe everytime

    Even if he's trying to sell Old Spice?
  • gerripho
    gerripho Posts: 479 Member
    You know, God made all kinds of people. Skin tones from nearly white to nearly pure black. Hair from whitish blond, through all the shades of brown, black, and many shades of red. For me, there is something about an elderly black man with a full head of white hair that I find totally attractive.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    bushy eyebrows on a guy.:laugh:

    Oh, hell yeah. I'm all about the eyebrows. I love a strong brow. Well, two strong brows. There has to be two. Not into the Geiko caveman look.
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    Hands...some guys just have those sexy, manly, hard-working hands. Yum!
  • Guys that can play the guitar, tattoos, and strong, calloused hands!
  • prettybub
    prettybub Posts: 54 Member
    Sean Connery's voice. *drools* I'd go there..I'd close my eyes and as long as he kept talking I'd be a happy girl.
  • Lol...Jonalee...we must have posted that at the same time! :)
  • Feet....... you know what they say about a man with big feet ;D
  • nikkolec
    nikkolec Posts: 204
    Hands (nothing specific about them, some I just like), eyes that turn down in the outer corners.
  • NoisyVision
    NoisyVision Posts: 53 Member
    social awkwardness.
    you know most geeky/nerdy/dorky types.

    I agree with this Also the clavicles (bone on upper chest)
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Guys with higher pitched voices...not like the deep baritone types....(why I love my husband!!)
  • Hands...some guys just have those sexy, manly, hard-working hands. Yum!

    I completely agree. I have an obsession with guys hands. Especially my bf's his are PERFECT. Very manly :P
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    strong hands, tired eyes, tattoos
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    guys wearing dark eyeliner
  • I like hands, and necks. Idk what it is about them though.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hands. And I've noticed lately that I unconsciously go for guys with little squinty eyes (think James Franco.)
  • jenillawafer
    jenillawafer Posts: 426 Member
    I love scars and tattoos. So MANLY!