Day 2 - and its HOT in OZ

leelu Posts: 136 Member
Ok not sure what to say here but I am Leelu and i live in Western Australian and its hot damn hot today.... this is a bit of a bummer as my exercise plan is to start riding to work its only 5ks each way but there is no shower - maybe january wasnt the smartest idea to start that one ... back to the drawing board.

So i am pretty obese and have been that way most of my life but i put in 5 kilos in 9 months at my last job so thought that new job new habits... lets see how i go huh!


  • kabailz13
    kabailz13 Posts: 18 Member

    I'm in WA too :) Whereabouts are you?

    Even if you aren't riding to work and back, why not a ride before or after dinner?
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    Perth..... I have organised to swim with my super super fit friend to get me started - seems a bit more reasonable
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hi Kelly and Leelu!

    I live in Ontario, Canada. I saw that you are both Australians and I got really excited.

    My daughter's boyfriend is from Adelaide, Australia. I just met him for the first time last week. We absolutely adore him.

    I chuckled when I read about how hot it is right now for you. Sorry, I'm not laughing at you at all. I'm laughing at the fact that my daughter's boyfriend just fly from 43 degrees celsius weather to our cold Canadian winter of -24 celsius. That poor boy didn't know what to think. We had him experiencing our winter life here in Canada. He was very excited about making his very first snow angel, having his first snowball fight and even eating snow just to know what it is like. He is still having a hard time wrapping his head around all of this change to what he calls normal.

    Anyways, I am sorry that it is so hot there for you. I certainly would not want to workout in those temperatures.

    Good luck and I truly hope that you can find a satisfying way to workout in comfort.

    All the best from Canada!
  • kabailz13
    kabailz13 Posts: 18 Member
    Debbie - I am sooooo jealous of you! I've never seen snow and have dreams of taking my kids to make snow angels somehwere - hubby is from England and grew up with 'boring snow'. We also would love to move to Canada for a couple of years after I finish my degree (nursing) and really hoping that is something that we can do

    Leelu - I'm in Perth as well :) We;re only heading for 32 tomorrow before the scorching hot weekend so maybe make the most of it tomorrow?
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Ok not sure what to say here but I am Leelu and i live in Western Australian and its hot damn hot today.... this is a bit of a bummer as my exercise plan is to start riding to work its only 5ks each way but there is no shower - maybe january wasnt the smartest idea to start that one ... back to the drawing board.

    So i am pretty obese and have been that way most of my life but i put in 5 kilos in 9 months at my last job so thought that new job new habits... lets see how i go huh!

    Welcome to MFP! I started on this site last year at the same time I started a new job as well and it was a great combination....a year later and I have pretty much ingrained new better eating habits at work! Just wanted to let you know it's a great plan. Enjoy your heat! I'm in Ontario Canada too and all your talk of hot weather is making me very jealous!!!
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    Hi to all the canadians, i love your country - and i have only ever been there in January so I know HOW FREAKING COLD it is.

    My best mate moved over there a few years ago and he is sorely missing our weather, this is the beach and bbq season afterall!

    Thanks for all your welcomes and replies its appreciated
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Debbie - I am sooooo jealous of you! I've never seen snow and have dreams of taking my kids to make snow angels somehwere - hubby is from England and grew up with 'boring snow'. We also would love to move to Canada for a couple of years after I finish my degree (nursing) and really hoping that is something that we can do

    Kelly, you should make your dream come true and come to Canada when you are finished your schooling. I am pretty sure that you will have an easy time getting a job as a nurse in Canada since the health care sector is trying to entice retired nurses to come out of retirement. The Canadian government is anticipating a big drop in the number of nurses in the not too far away future as the baby boomers (lots of people that are in the retirement age range) will retire or switch careers.

    If you have an opportunity to have your children experience all the fun that kids have in the snow, it will be a memory that they will carry with them forever.

    My daughters still laugh when they share their memories of going fast down a snow covered hill on a sled. Making snow forts and of course as big as they can snowmen.

    Skiing an snowboarding are very popular activities that are enjoyed by all.

    Good luck with you future and with your weight loss journey and remember........Canadians LOVE
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    oops, hit the wrong key.

    As I was saying, Canadians LOVE Australians!