I Challenege YOU to Motivate Yourself!

I'll start by saying everyone had "those" days. You know what I'm talking about. The days where you don't wanna workout, the scale isn't moving fast enough, etc. But you can't hang onto them! Learn to move on and hold yourself accountable. I'm not saying be unreasonably optimistic. Take them with a grain of salt, we all have them. Don't let it stop you.

NSV - write them down. Whether your clothes fit better or someone noticed you're slimming down. Write a note about it. What you noticed, or was said, and how it made you feel. So when you have one of "those" days, you have a reminder of what's actually happening on your journey to being healthy and losing weight, not what you're telling yourself is going on for that day. Or days.

Holding yourself accountable - personally I prelog everything. I definitely sit down every morning and log up until supper. I never know what I'm going to have for supper. If this just isn't you, at least log it before you eat it. It's like saying this is what I'm eating and this is what I WILL eat for this meal. I also hang a pair of shorts I no longer fit into in my kitchen. So when I ask myself do I want this Dr. Pepper? I see them. Of course I want that Dr. Pepper, but I want those shorts WAY more! I'm not saying don't have cheat meals. I have one once a week, usually on Fridays, that keeps me sane.
I also prelog my workouts. Especially on days I don't feel like exercising. It's like making a commitment. I already said I would, I logged it, and now I'll do it. And I feel MUCH better. I set a goal for myself and I DID IT!

Goals - set them. I generally stay away from goals like "I'll lose 2lbs this week". Because if I do lose 2lbs I feel good. I get a boost. But if I don't, I feel horrible. Practically broken-hearted. And it's that much harder to tell myself I'll do better next week. Instead I make a goal such as: I'll have that apple for lunch, I will drink 8 glasses of water, I will workout and go deeper into my squats or lunges. I'll push 5 or 10% harder. Every day I make a new goal. And I do it and I feel GREAT. That's how I learned to love exercise. Some days I set the same goal as yesterday, but I still feel good about doing it.

This is how I learned to motivate myself. I challenege you to do it now. Some days are harder than others. Sometimes I have one of "those" days. But most days, this really works for me. Hopefully it helps someone else too. How does everyone else motivate? I'm always open to new ideas. And always motivate your MFP friends. Every word counts, even something as simple as "nice". If they motivate you, you should do it in return. Thanks for reading!


  • bennettwanda
    bennettwanda Posts: 1 Member
    great post!! thanks
  • nisia915
    nisia915 Posts: 19 Member
    I need to make small goals like that for myself. Mostly I stick to a routine until I feel it is too easy for me then move on to something more. Today was definitely a bad start. Yesterday ended with 2 slices of pieces which I continued to feel this morning. My run was terrible! but I hoping to make the rest of the weekend better.
    Small goals.... I need to work on small goals to reach the big ones
  • Charlayray
    Charlayray Posts: 66 Member
    I LOVE this. I love the NSV idea, I think I am going to by a jar and put NSV on it and just stick the papers on there. SO when I get down, I can remind myself of all the accomplishments I have made and more reason not to give up :)
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    Accountability is key and that brings success. Nothing is EVER handed to you; must go after it!
  • Nukkers
    Nukkers Posts: 139 Member
    Bump for more feedback!
  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    WOW, you go girl! :flowerforyou: I too try to pre-log my food and/or record it as I am eating it - now that I have the mfp app on my phone. Great addition. Love your positiveness too ... think that is just the kick in the pants I need for my cycle tomorrow. Has been a particularily 'trying' week as I had some dental surgery and then an infection.... not too conducive to exercising, but was feeling better today - so off to ride again tomorrow. The NSV recording is a good idea and I like the idea of putting them in a jar. That way I can reach in whenever I feel like I need a boost! Also, I try to surround myself with good people, that have energy. Makes 'sittiing on the sidelines' hard to do. Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • timarii
    timarii Posts: 36 Member
    Just what I needed to read! Thanks!!
  • Moiirah
    Moiirah Posts: 14
    I LOVE this. I love the NSV idea, I think I am going to by a jar and put NSV on it and just stick the papers on there. SO when I get down, I can remind myself of all the accomplishments I have made and more reason not to give up :)

    That's a great idea! The idea itself is awesome way to get that visual motivation when other things aren't working.
  • howy0420
    howy0420 Posts: 12
    Girls like how I look, like having my personality around, then everything ends when they look at my tiny frame.
    Started from 47kg, 180cm.. I was more disgustingly unhealthy than all the big chicks on here.
    However..I never have down days..cuz when that happens..I open facebook and look at that cute girl who ruthlessly tossed me into her trash pile of guys.

    That feeling of being rejected pushes me to become the healthy, attractive man every girl looks for!