Pregnancy 2010 - Week 2



  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    So I have a question for everything. When I started running the entire day after my lungs would feel really sore and I would cough a lot, especially if I took a deep breath. Last night since I've been coughing so much my throat is KILLING ME! and I mean BAD! I was up all night gurgling salt water it was so uncomfortable. Has anyone else experienced "exercise lung" as I call it?

    NOW FOR THE BIG NEWS YOU'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR! Who was I kidding about waiting until Saturday? So I was supposed to start my period tomorrow and my pregnancy test says it's 95% accurate the day before your missed period so I thought what the heck and ... it was negative. :-( *sigh. So first month trying is a no-go (unless aunt flo doesn't show and then maybe test #2 will like me a little more) So wish me fertility bliss for month #2!

    Angela - First of all - well done on the weight loss and inches - that rocks!

    As for your lungs, have you recently started running? Is it cold where you are? When I was in the infantry (have I mentioned that to anyone before?) we ha to learn to run hard and fast with no time to properly train. I learned then why lungs hurt afterwards (and now as a nursing student I've leaned the aatomy of it). It's because you are forcing your aveoli to stretch and open up and take in air that they aren't used to taking in. It's supposed to hurt. If the air is cold it's even worse. Once they are used to holding a caacity, it'll get easier. But as long as you don't show signs of pneumonia on top of it, it's a good thing - it shows you've been working your body. Am I right in thinking your lungs hurt and the couch is a lung cough (feels as though there isn't enough room to breathe in the air you need)?

    Sorry to hear about the negative test, but like you said, there is always next month. Fingers crossed for you!

    I don't remember reading that you were in the infantry before. That's awesome! How long did you serve? I figured it had everything to do with normal exercise because I've always experiences a low case of it after a hard workout. This is the first time it's lasted so long (A complete day after a work out ... and then I work out again and it hurts again) and on top of that the coughing causing this sore throat is new. I literally cough if I try to take a big breath. No pneumonia symptoms. It's cold outside but I work out inside where it's nice and warm.

    The other thing I was thinking may have been a factor was my breathing? I played soccer and figured skated growing up and never really payed attention to breathing ... just did what I had to in order to get the air. But someone told me the best way to breathe is in through your nose and out in short bursts (think labor breathing) so I've been trying that and I was researching it a bit and it sounds like I might have caused my body to hyperventilate? Maybe my lungs were overworking. So, I have some new information to try out and see what works (literally the opposite of what I've been doing) so we'll see how that works when my "excersize lung" recovers. haha

    *sigh. So anyway, I feel crappy crap crap today so unfortunately will have to skip W2D2 of C25K which I'm bummed about. But I'm going to try to sneak some wii biggest loser yoga and strength training in and see if I can tolerate it.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Thanks for the kind words ladies and congratulations with the weigh loss !

    Angela - sorry to read you got a negative result. But hey ! it takes practice :tongue:

    And no, I didn't contact my doctor to discuss the medication. In fact, I should have taken an appointement for January and I haven't yet. When I saw him in late November, he said he would put me on Clomid if I wasn't pregnant by our next appointement in January... Clomid is a drug that stimulates ovulation and it comes with a high risk of multiple pregnancy which completely scars me since we live far far away from friends and family and I feel my life would be a complete nightmare if we had twins or triplets...

    Take care girl

    you could always pass them out to us! haha ... okay bad joke. I can totally understand that fear, double or triple the work without loved ones for support and help would be difficult. Have you spoken to anyone about your diet and work out regimen to be sure there's not too much stress on your body? I'm still brand new to all this, just throwing out some ideas that I've heard in the past. I have a lovely feeling it will work out wonderfully for you and your hubby!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!!! I had a pretty good week up until last night I got home from a late meeting and I was starving so I had a Corn Dog...a corn dog?!?! Thinking back about it now makes me sick....why would I eat a corn dog? I guess a better question is why do I even have corn dogs in my freezer? Anyway it didn't stop there I also had some chocolate, I could not stop thinking about it all day yesterday, but strangely I have no guilt about the chocolate. I had my fix and now I am over it, yes I went over my calories yesterday. but one day out of 7 is pretty good odds for just getting back on track. I have been a member of MFP for almost a year and was on and off again. But I really really want to have a baby this year so no more messin around!!!

    My weigh-in today:
    SW: 230
    CW: 228
    GW: 160

    Like someone else I too was expecting a bigger loss for my first week, but my goal is 2 pounds a week and if I can keep that up then I will be content. I am a little frustrated cause I was down to 226 before "the holidays" So I was hoping that the 4 extra pounds was just water weight and it would come right off after my first week of being back on track, but it didn't. I still have a little bit of hope for it coming off though I think I am getting ready to start my period this week and I always put on a little water weight during then and then once my period starts it all comes off. So I am hoping for that if not then what can I do but move one and not make the same mistakes again. Right?


    There's a lot of people on this site that go 100% all the way. I on the other hand would fail if I tried that route. I'm not saying that it's ok to break the rules a lot ... but, for instance I read an article this morning on Pink from fitness magazine regarding her cravings and have she makes it through the holidays etc. And what she said is exactly what I believe. She mentioned that if she has a craving she figures out what will best satisfy that craving and then will have a very small portion of it and will be done with it. If you are craving chocolate determine what will best satisfy that craving and if you want a twix get ONE snack size twix and eat it. If you want chocolate syrup eat a table spoon over yogurt or oatmeal or straight from your spoon and then be done with it. As long as it doesn't happen daily, and you only allow yourself a little bit ... and you don't have the crap all over your house to tempt you chances ... AND RESEARCH ... show that you're diet will last longer. So don't feel guilting about the little things if you didn't overdo it.

    That's my thoughts anyway, I'm sure other people disagree and the important thing is to know your body. If you can't stop after a sample than maybe it is better to stay away.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Angela - I was in the infantry for 6 years and then transferred to clerk. I finished last March.

    There are so many different ways to train your body to breathe. Through your nose and out your moouth is one way to do it, but only if your body can work sufficiently on the oxygen you're getting through that breath, if not you may not be able to sustain it, and may get dizzy. I've heard many different people recommend the same thing.

    Here's what I think: as many yoga instructors (and one internist) will say - we knew how to breathe when we were born. It's the 'belly breathing', and most people, as they get older and more active, train themselves out of it. Natural breathing is the best for you, because it's natural for the body. IF, however, you are training to dive great depths or climb into high mountain peaks, that could be different. That's what I've always followed though.

    You said you aren't feeling well? Maybe you are fighting something off, or pushed yourself too hard the last couple of days (could also just be your PMS kicking in). Pop a magnesium, and maybe try going for a walk, and stretching tonight. Don't make your muscles over-work - you'll undo all your hard work. Trust me on this one - when I overwork my body to exhaustion (which doesn't actually feel like exhaustion) my paralysis gets irritated and I can't move half of my face. I've learned to pace myself.

    Hope you don't mind all the advice!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I've been trying to slowly work into the routine which is why I've only been working out every other day and for no more than 30 minutes right now. My muscles don't feel sore ... other than my lungs. I just gross ... partly from not being able to breath, from this horrible sore throat, and I'm having some stomach pain ... hope I'm not getting sick!
  • jbunzsno
    jbunzsno Posts: 54 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!!! I had a pretty good week up until last night I got home from a late meeting and I was starving so I had a Corn Dog...a corn dog?!?! Thinking back about it now makes me sick....why would I eat a corn dog? I guess a better question is why do I even have corn dogs in my freezer? Anyway it didn't stop there I also had some chocolate, I could not stop thinking about it all day yesterday, but strangely I have no guilt about the chocolate. I had my fix and now I am over it, yes I went over my calories yesterday. but one day out of 7 is pretty good odds for just getting back on track. I have been a member of MFP for almost a year and was on and off again. But I really really want to have a baby this year so no more messin around!!!

    My weigh-in today:
    SW: 230
    CW: 228
    GW: 160

    Like someone else I too was expecting a bigger loss for my first week, but my goal is 2 pounds a week and if I can keep that up then I will be content. I am a little frustrated cause I was down to 226 before "the holidays" So I was hoping that the 4 extra pounds was just water weight and it would come right off after my first week of being back on track, but it didn't. I still have a little bit of hope for it coming off though I think I am getting ready to start my period this week and I always put on a little water weight during then and then once my period starts it all comes off. So I am hoping for that if not then what can I do but move one and not make the same mistakes again. Right?


    There's a lot of people on this site that go 100% all the way. I on the other hand would fail if I tried that route. I'm not saying that it's ok to break the rules a lot ... but, for instance I read an article this morning on Pink from fitness magazine regarding her cravings and have she makes it through the holidays etc. And what she said is exactly what I believe. She mentioned that if she has a craving she figures out what will best satisfy that craving and then will have a very small portion of it and will be done with it. If you are craving chocolate determine what will best satisfy that craving and if you want a twix get ONE snack size twix and eat it. If you want chocolate syrup eat a table spoon over yogurt or oatmeal or straight from your spoon and then be done with it. As long as it doesn't happen daily, and you only allow yourself a little bit ... and you don't have the crap all over your house to tempt you chances ... AND RESEARCH ... show that you're diet will last longer. So don't feel guilting about the little things if you didn't overdo it.

    That's my thoughts anyway, I'm sure other people disagree and the important thing is to know your body. If you can't stop after a sample than maybe it is better to stay away.

    Totally agree with you on that one. Sorry your not feeling very well! I just got over being sick and sounds a little bit like what I had. I just took a day off of everything and then the next day even though I wasn't 100% started to workout again and I think that is the fastest I have ever recovered from being sick. Well I also had the help of Dayquil too.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I ended up doing some biggest loser yoga this morning which I felt better during parts of it, but then horrible when it was over. My hubby came home for a little bit a few minutes ago and brought me some meds, some oranges, water, and throat drops. Aww, he's so sweet, he takes good care of his wife.
  • hollyj77
    I ended up doing some biggest loser yoga this morning which I felt better during parts of it, but then horrible when it was over. My hubby came home for a little bit a few minutes ago and brought me some meds, some oranges, water, and throat drops. Aww, he's so sweet, he takes good care of his wife.


    I'm sorry you're feeling crappy. Working out when you are sick never feels good. Maybe you should just take it easy, drink plenty of water, and get lots of rest, so when you are feeling better, you will have more energy for your work outs. Just some encouragement! :flowerforyou:
  • Hopeful4757
    Hi ladies! Angela-I'm sorry about your pregnancy test. One more month of trying-look at it as a positive :blushing:
    I'm also sorry you're not feeling well. That really sucks trying to work out when you're sick. Good for you for even trying.

    Pam-my niece and nephew both have CD. They were both diagnosed as infants and it was hard when they were young, and still today. We had them sleep over right before Christmas and it was hard because they couldn't have cookies or other "Christmas treats." How old were you when you were diagnosed? We have a lot of people around us who have it and some were young and some were much older. The groceries could also add up!

    Well, I've had a good week. I thought my scale was fixed - I finally got it to get to the same number consistently. I weighted in this morning and showed a loss of 4 lbs.! I was all excited, but kind of thought it seemed like a lot, so I got on again...and there was a five pound difference! I've had it-I'm buying a new scale and throwing this out! I am so frustrated that I do not have an exact number of what I weigh and how much I've lost since I started this. I know I've done good and have nothing to show for it number-wise!!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Hopeful - Great Job on the weight loss. Even though you don't know the exact number, you know that you feel great and worked hard. I am a numbers person, and I know how much I need to see that number, but if you feel good and worked hard...than that should be all you least until you can get out and get that new scale:wink:
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I just took my temp since I still feel crappy and it's at 100.1 :-( So, maybe it's not "runners lung" after all. This sucks. My work is going to be pissed that I'm taking more sick time (I get migraines so often that I've already exceeded my limit of sick instances at work with really bad migraines. AND our job has a flu-symptom policy that requires you be out five days in a row if you may have the flu :-( So I'll probably have to talk to someone tomorrow and see what they say. Either way it really puts a damper on my exercising ... unless we consider illness forced anerexia a plus. *sigh
  • pledbetter
    Hi! I'm new to this site and was very excited to find this board. My husband and I have discussed trying to begin conceiving this upcoming summer. I am excited but also nervous! It's nice to read about other women who are also on the same road!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    welcome pledbetter!
  • Hopeful4757
    Welcome pledbetter. Just as a heads up to anyone who is interested - My friend who just found out she was pregnant gave me a book that she used to "help" her get there. It is called, "Getting Pregnant," (how original :-)). I also just bought "What to Expect Before You're Expecting," as suggested by jalara, and they are both good reads. You don't have to read them cover to cover. They are broken up into sections, including nutrition, etc. So, just thought it would help.
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    What are the main ideas of the book? I read a book that taught on taking your BBT, checking CF, etc and how to chart all your symptoms the whole month. Is it like that? Would you recommend it to someone who has read up on that sort of thing?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I found out today that women who have Celiac's Disease don't absorb folic acid the way others do., therefore increasing the chances of neural tube defects. Crap.
    I've doubled my daily folic acid intake, in hopes to help (still within safe guidelines). It makes me nervous though.

    I found out last spring that I had it, and it's a really hard transition. It's only been the last 2 months that I've been able to be strict about not 'cheating' on the 'diet'. You want to talk about lifestyle change? That's on right there :huh:
    Every so often (like last night) I accidentally injest it, so that's never good. Since you don't go into anaphalactic (sp?) shock, I find most people don't take it as serious as a nut allergy. It's oh so annoying.

    That's my rant for the day!
  • gennyvieve
    I think it's awesome that there is a forum JUST for this!!!! I had my first child last March(still can't believe he's almost ONE) and we're going to start trying for #2 in late spring, early I really want to get as much fat gone and muscle built up as I can before then----esp in my core! and I will be doing my best to not make this like my last pregnancy when I didn't work out, ate anything that wasn't nailed down and shot up to a whopping 289lbs on the day I delivered....this time I want to stay active, and keep eating healthy!

    Anyway, i just wanted to say hello to all you lovely gals!
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    Still feel like crap:-(

    on the upside we order our groceries through amazonfresh and they had the biggest loser yoga for only $7!! So that's coming tonight! I'm excited to try it tomorrow and see how good Bob REALLY is. haha

    OH and I almost forgot to tell you ... no aunt flo today (which was my official due date) so we shall see if she checks in by Saturday or I'm taking test #2
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Angela - Keep us updated, and I hope you start feeling better soon.

    I have had a very crapy 2 days of eatting. My husband is trying to loose weight too, and I have found it is almost harder with him around. Yes, we do encourage each other, but I have also noticed it is very very easy to pull each other down. I had Wendy's on Wednesday night, and then went out for Mongolian Thursday for lunch. I was really looking forward to going to the gym Thursday night. He got home, we changed and on the way to the gym, decided we needed to get the car washed (if you live in the northern states you know you have to take advantage of a 35 degree day). So rather than going to the gym, we sat in line at the car wash for 40 minutes. By then, he wanted to eat dinner and go home. It was SO much easier to say, yeah, lets go home and eat a Digorno Pizza rather than we need to go to the gym.

    Does anyone else find that they are getting "negative" support from a loved one? How do you deal with it?
  • pledbetter
    On the subject of books...I also bought What to Expect Before You're Expecting awhile ago...I started it, and it's not bad. I have to take breaks from reading it, otherwise I find myself feeling very overwhelmed! It has a lot of information though, even for husbands.

    I'm curious to know how the Biggest Loser Yoga DVD is...I almost bought it! I bought The Biggest Loser Cardio Max DVD over the holidays because our gym was totally surprised me at how it kicked my butt!

    This has been a "bad" week for me eating-wise....I have just been constantly hungry. Ugh.

    Happy Friday yall:)