Looking for Pregnant MFP buddies



  • Oh and feel free to add me :)
  • ginabina13
    ginabina13 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi all and congrats to everyone! I'm 35 and pregnant with my 1st baby. I'm due January 14th. Prior to getting pregnant I had lost about 90lbs but was still about 20lbs from my goal. Having been the first time since I was able to accomplish such a great weight loss and finally getting used to normal sized clothing, it's been rather difficult for me to see the lbs creep back up on the scale. I know it's for the baby this time, but I'm very paranoid about gaining too much. I find myself obsessing over my weight gain a lot. I had intended on staying as active as possible during my pregnancy, but I was insanely nauseous during my 1st trimester. I feel like I'm gaining weight too quickly. I'm hoping that now that I'm feeling a bit better I can increase my activity level. It will help that I'm back to work now (I'm a teacher and was off all summer). I'd love to have some pregnant buddies so add me if you like!
  • ginabina13
    ginabina13 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm 17w pregnant & I'm having a little bit of a hard time with gaining weight. I lost 20lbs right before getting pregnant & so far I've gained 8lbs during my pregnancy. I know that I'm doing this for the baby, so I'd never let anything get in the way of that, but I have friend who gained 80-100lbs during pregnancy & that FRIGHTENS me. Not to mention, my midwife is obsessed with BMI & mine was higher going into pregnancy. Anyone else having a hard time with this?

    I'm having a very hard time with it!
  • hi everyone i am 25 weeks pregnant due november 16th,
    i have put a stone on already so thought i would join mfp so i can keep track of everything im eating!

    feel free to add me :) x
  • I lost a pound this week, which isn't the way I wanted to be going - so I increased my calorie allowance and it's now ar 2250. Seems like a lot. I set mfp to gain 1/2 lb a week... does that sound right? Or should I stay at maintenance calories and let my body do what it wants in terms of weight gain. I've now gained 12lbs at 27.5 weeks.
  • loneworg
    loneworg Posts: 342 Member
    <---- I look pregnant does that count? Lol anway congrats!
  • malloryjanay
    malloryjanay Posts: 13 Member
    I'm due March 29th, 2013 with Baby #1 :) Add me; I'm looking to give and receive support!

    I've changed my goals to gain 0.5lbs/wk in 1st and 2nd Trimesters and gain 1lb/wk in 3rd Trimester. Not sure if there is a better way to go about this?

    Congrats to all!
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Glad to of found this forum! Im 24 weeks pregnant (due 26th Nov) and ive gained about 9lbs so far. It took me 2 years to lose my weight and its not a nice thought that ive got to go through this again after the birth. I cant exercise due to being under consultant care so I better watch my diet! :).

    Nice to meet you all and congrats! X
  • Hi everybody,

    I'm looking for some new MFP friends to help encourage me be healthy and stay fit during my pregnancy. This pregnancy stuff is all very new to me as its my first one and has come as a bit of a suprise! Although he/she wasn't exactly planned I love him/her sooo much already and want to give my baby the best possible surroundings as soon as I possibly can.

    I am due Feb/March 2013 (confusion surrounding the date of conception so waiting for my scan which will be in about 2 weeks)

    I have set my calories to 1500 although I am not worries in the slightest if I go over them as long as it is with healthy and nutritous food. I currently have wild cravings for anything tomato based which my Dr told me is a sign that I have a lack of iron, does anybody ele have any cravings?

    I looking forward to chatting with you all :) xxx
  • jaynepickle
    jaynepickle Posts: 47 Member
    I'm due March 3rd with baby #3 and am seriously stressing about weight gain. The only things that I seem to be able to keep down are crackers. Ugh. You'd think with me vomiting all the time that I wouldn't have gained an ounce, but I have already put on 2-3 pounds. (I'm sure it's just fluids, but it still sucks) My goal is to gain anywhere from 15-20 pounds, so I'm trying to keep my calories at around 1500. I also can't exercise as much as I used to since A. it's WAAAAAY too stinking hot to run outside anymore and B. I feel nauseated 24/7. I can't WAIT for the 2nd trimester and no more morning sickness!!!!

    Eating has also become a battle since I don't so much have cravings, as NOTHING else sounds good compared to what I want to eat. If i want a subway sandwich, everything else sounds so repellent that I gag. It's great when I'm craving fruits/veggies. sucks when I crave pasta or candy.

    I'm hoping that with the help of MFP and reading about all you ladies doing an awesome job with calorie counting, etc... that I won't gain as much as I did with my last two children. :-) Good luck to you all!!!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    bump :)
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm due March 31st (unofficially.. my first scan is next week!), so only about 6 weeks. This baby will be my second. I just had my first baby Jan 31st of this year! I got pregnant last time at my heaviest and just lost all my baby weight prior to getting pregnant. I would LOVE not to gain more than 10lbs this whole pregnancy. I have started doing some prenatal workouts so hopefully it keeps me on the right track! After I gave birth last time I lost 22lbs over 3 days from baby, amniotic fluid, etc. So I just keep thinking that if I can mostly maintain I will be 15-20lbs lighter after having this baby. :)
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Hello everyone! I am just over 14 weeks pregnant with baby #3. Due date is February 14, 2013 :heart: . I am usually very close to due date, so there is a chance of a Valentine's baby in our house.

    I lost 64 pounds at my lowest and have been maintaining at least 50 lbs lost for 1.5 years. Happy to be getting back to being active now that I am though the tiredness and nausea of the forst trimester. Still having a hard time making my protein goals, as my nausea trigger for all my pregnancies has been meat in some form. I have gained about 9 pounds so far since I discovered I was pregnant, and hoping to keep it at around the 25 pound gain as I did for my first two pregnancies. This one is very different though, as I started out so much lighter, and it is nice to be able to see the pregnancy bump already. No one believed I was pregnant to look at me until after 7 months along for the first two.

    I did find this group if anyone is interested that is dedicated to pregnant mom's on MFP. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/1903-fit-fabulous-pregnant.
  • togobug
    togobug Posts: 48 Member
    Hi I'm due Jan 30 with my first! I'm obese had lost forty five on here before getting pregnant. Have really bad morning sickness ( still ) so i wasn't on here for about two months. In that time I've eaten nothing but crap and feel horrible about it. I've gained six pounds totally from my start weight hoping to not gain much more. My doc said she would like me to maintain or even lose. Sorry about any weird words I'm on a phone and auto correct can get tricky lol
  • I just started MFP two weeks ago and have lost about 6 lbs. I've been very excited about finally getting to a healthier weight and then BAMN!!! Just found out I'm pregnant :D feel free to add me...my goal is to not gain too much weight during this pregnancy...I almost reached 300 with my first :S
  • JBug028
    JBug028 Posts: 1
    I'm 6 weeks pregnant and this is my second one. The first time I was pregnant I didn't work out at all and suffered for it after delivery. I had gained 80lbs. This time I am working out like crazy and trying to easy right. If there is anyone els dealing with the same phobia, I would love a pregnancy workout buddy.
  • Lovely to see lots of other pregnant ladies here!

    I'm 10 weeks pregnant (due 17 March 2013) and have just (hopefully!) moved out of the horrible morning sickness phase, so I can finally start eating healthily again.

    I'm currently 268.5 pounds. Not ideal for pregnancy, I know! I've lost 60 pounds since last year and we were planning to start trying next year, but hey, mother nature had other things in mind!

    My plan is to maintain my weight if at all possible (per the guidelines my doctor gave me). I've lost 3 pounds since I found out I was pregnant, which is really down to morning sickness. Ick.

    I'm also planning to exercise at least 5 days/week for at least 30 mins. I *really* want to avoid gestational diabetes and preeclampsia if at all possible, so I'm officially on the healthy pregnancy wagon as of today! :smile:
  • Hi all seems like I'm in the same boat soon as I get on track of dieting and losing weight I get pregnant, this will be my fourth if everything turns out ok.
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Glad to see other join this thread ~ congrats on your pregnancies! :wink:

    Im 26 weeks now and have gained 12lbs, how is everyone elce doing? Would love to keep under 20lb gain for entire pregnancy as that will put me back to what i was before MFP :grumble: x
  • smichael89
    smichael89 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I just decided to start doing MFP again, I got pregnant after losing 25lbs and was told not to lose anymore weight... well I kinda did the opposite. I am now almost 27 weeks along and have gained 30lbs! :( I know I'm not supposed to lose weight while I'm pregnant so I just typed in my current weight on here and clicked the "maintain" button. How's this working for everyone else?