Hi! I'm new.

Hi! i'm Erica and I found the My fitness pal on my iphone and I love it. I'm only day 4 into it but things are going really well so far. I've been working out every day and staying within my cal range, but here is my question - Do you eat the extra calories you burn working out or do you just stick to the 1200 calories per day?


  • silverfoxie
    silverfoxie Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome !!! I also am a newbe, less then a week, and I also love this site. Good luck, and go get em.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    From what I understand, you are supposed to eat your exercise calories. Once you've entered your exercise info, mfp automatically adjusts your calories so you know how manyou have to left to eat for the day.
    Good luck on your journey!!
  • cnbenton
    Welcome Erica! I'm new too, been on for just about a week and am loving myfitnesspal too! Good job with working out everyday. That's my weakness. I haven't been too good about it. I asked this same question of the nutritionist at my doctor's office. According to her if you are hungry after workouts or find that you are lightheaded or your blood sugar feels low then you should add a few calories (not more than 150-200). Otherwise I wouldn't since the larger calorie deficit you create the more weight you will lose. Just pay attention to your body's cues and you should be fine. So glad to have you here! I really love that this program comes with a built in support network. I've found everyone on here to be friendly and so helpful!
  • ericafitz
    Thanks everyone!! i feel so welcomed! Great advice. I wish you all luck on your weight loss as well.
    Ps - its nice to talk to people about this without being at a stupid meeting somewhere LOL!
  • ncislandgirl
    ncislandgirl Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome! I have only been a member for a couple of weeks and love it. The online support here is really great and I am finding it very helpful to stay on track. It's nice to be able to share your successes, failures and doubts without feeling embarrassed. Good luck and stay strong!