Waking up late & eating calories


So this morning I woke up super late, it was closer to noon actually. Not normal for me but I had a hectic work week, worked all day yesterday and fell asleep fairly late.

Anyway....... I didn't get to eat 'breakfast' until about lunch time.

Any advice for how to deal with the calories for today? Do I try and eat lunch and dinner before I go to bed, or just be ok with the fact that I missed breakfast and be well under my calories?

Also - I am very new and would welcome friends and motivation :happy:

Thank you!


  • FitGirl329
    FitGirl329 Posts: 103 Member
    I love days like that. I'd use that as an opportunity to eat a great snack between that first meal and eat a nice, filling dinner. Maybe through your good fats in there that add extra calories like avocado or peanut butter or olive oil. Add an extra whole grain or an extra ounce of protein.

    I never find it hard to reach my calories even on those days.
  • hastinbe
    hastinbe Posts: 130 Member
    You can try to eat a little bit every 2-3 hours. When this happens to me I still try to reach my goals for the day.
  • Ralphrabbit
    Ralphrabbit Posts: 351 Member
    One day of not eating all your cals is not going to be harmful! Enjoy your food without being legalistic!!
  • hillm12345
    hillm12345 Posts: 313 Member
    My fiance works nights so on weekends, I stay up super later and don't end up getting to bed till 5:30-6:00am.. This obviously results in waking up at the earliest noon-2pm. I still continue to log the first thing I eat as breakfast, even though it may not fit into my breakfast time. Next time I eat, depending on if it's a meal or snack, I log morning snack or Lunch even if it's at 5pm.

    I find that if I log my foods at the correct times it looks like I've skipped everything and gorged myself at dinner.

    ps welcome! I'm always looking for new friends too, feel free to add me :)

    ETA: I always strive for 1300-1500 cals a day even if I have to fit it into an 8 hour window. I love this because it opens the door for me to have a cup of high calorie ice cream at the end of the day so I can A) not feel deprived and B) get my cal total in for the day.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I practice an IF style of eating, which means I never eat "breakfast" until 2pm. I generally have 2 nice big meals and a big-*kitten* protein shake after I workout, and sometimes a light lunch/snack in between- all between 2pm and 10pm. It hasn't hurt my weight loss at all. I would just enjoy the bigger meals your late breakfast affords you today. Or eat regularly, and have a PB&J before bed (PB&J before bed is like the best treat ever!). Or, if you can't eat the calories, one day won't hurt you in the long run!
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    I practice an IF style of eating, which means I never eat "breakfast" until 2pm. I generally have 2 nice big meals and a big-*kitten* protein shake after I workout, and sometimes a light lunch/snack in between- all between 2pm and 10pm. It hasn't hurt my weight loss at all. I would just enjoy the bigger meals your late breakfast affords you today. Or eat regularly, and have a PB&J before bed (PB&J before bed is like the best treat ever!). Or, if you can't eat the calories, one day won't hurt you in the long run!

    Love PB&J before bed with a glass of milk. Don't do it as often as I would like.

    I also practice IF style of eating. I eat 2 fairly large meals & some snacks inbetween. Enjoy the bigger meals. No big deal.
  • RawVeganFlirt
    RawVeganFlirt Posts: 189 Member
    its okay for your calories to scoop low a couple times, but too many times in a row and you will be seriously compromising your metabolism, which you definitely don't want to do if you're trying to lose weight. always eat between your BMR (bare minimum calories your body needs to sufficiently run) and TDEE (your total daily energy expenditure, eat this amount to maintain your weight) only let yourself go over or under once in a while. the calories balance out in the end and you'll still be able to get the result you want without ever hitting a plateau :)