Absolutely ridiculous...



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I'm not angry, just frustrated. It is so hard to read stuff online and understand the true emotions behind it. Meerkat- I have posted a question about my net calories, eating back exercise calories(answered on someone elses thread), and I think one other question got unanswered. I am fairly new to the whole "forum" thing, the closest thing to a forum that I have ever been on is FB sadly lol. So as far as forum etiquette goes, I sadly lack in that category. I know how to post questions, and search around, but as far as marketing as someone mentioned, I suck.

    I know someone said to stay out of the chat area if I don't like those types of topics....it's not that I search them, but when I got to the forum home page, the category is on the main page, and brings up the most recent thread that has been posted on.

    So again, I am not angry....I'm frustrated, and not entirely frustrated with MFP, but I think I am also frustrated at the lack of my forum etiquette.

    Sorry if I pissed anyone off.....

    The forums are very fast moving, so posts drop off quickly. It's ok to bump a thread if you need to. (Don't do it every five minutes though, it drives people nuts!)

    I also think it helps to have a good sized friends group. Chances are, your friends will answer your questions, bump your posts etc - it's a numbers game.

    I don't ever post sexy or eye catching titles. In fact I find it irritating when people do that. (Particularly ones that have 'big boobies' as their subject line, then start 'now, I have your attention'.... I just scroll on by those.... :-D) Just make your subject line clear. Lines like 'I have a question' are a bit blah. 'Question about macros' is clearer.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Ummm....do you really want some of the people that spend all day trolling the Chit Chat threads to answer your serious questions?

    (notice I said *some* before anyone gets butthurt by this comment. Y'all know it's true.)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    MFP set my daily calorie intake at 1200.

    But mfp isn't god, and you can always adjust it... :-)

    Also, MFP will have done this based on what you put in. If you've asked to lose 2lb a week, and set your lifestyle as sedentary, chances are you'll get a very low intake. For most people, this is unrealistically low.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    As far as micro and macros go...What is the difference between the 2? I only thought micro's existed and never knew about macros until I read a post where someone mentioned macros but gave no explanation. I guess I can play around with my carb intake to see how much I can cut without suffering from dead tiredness and flu like symptoms.

    Macronutrients - carbs, fat and protein - also alcohol

    micronutrients - fibre, vitamins etc

    you can set which you want to track in the settings page.
    Also, MFP will have done this based on what you put in. If you've asked to lose 2lb a week, and set your lifestyle as sedentary, chances are you'll get a very low intake. For most people, this is unrealistically low.

    ^^ also this.
  • supatim
    supatim Posts: 239 Member
    Now that that's settled, who is your vote for hottest guy on MFP?


    I would love to hear your answer...
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    When setting a deficit, you need to consider how much true fat you are capable of burning per day - for women its usually 2 lbs per month. Although starting out with a 50% calorie deficit below maintenance is alright for 4 days, I'd recommend a moderate deficit of no more than 25% afterwards. Lastly, the deficit can be established by: a)calorie restriction; b)increased exercise; and c)a combination of both. So if you wish to set a deficit of 500 calories, then you can [for example] eat 200 calories under maintenance and increase activity at the tune of 300 calories per day. But again, for the most part, do not assume too large of a deficit for too long since it's pointless to try to burn more true fat than what's metabolically possible.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I totally left out my question didn't I? Sorry, I'm running off of mommy brain today.

    I don't understand my Micro and Macros. I sort of know what they are, but as far as judging how much I should eat compared to how many calories I take in every day is just confusing. I know my TDEE and my BMR, but don't know if the calories I should consume are my net calories or my goal calories? I consume between 1500-1800 calories, varied because I'm a full time mom of 5 children. But I only net between 900 and 1200 calories, even though I reach the amount on the goal side of it.

    Your net should be your goal. Don't worry about that BMR stuff. Weight loss has been done for decades without adding the confusion of the BMR. Your BMR goes down as you lose weight. So it really doesn't matter. Another issue on the forums is people ramble and argue about stupid stuff, such as 1,200 calories a day without even answering the question.

    Yes, but how should the net be established?

    Ironically, I don't think you actually answered the question. :-)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    As far as micro and macros go...What is the difference between the 2? I only thought micro's existed and never knew about macros until I read a post where someone mentioned macros but gave no explanation. I guess I can play around with my carb intake to see how much I can cut without suffering from dead tiredness and flu like symptoms.

    Macronutrients - carbs, fat and protein - also alcohol

    micronutrients - fibre, vitamins etc

    you can set which you want to track in the settings page.
    Also, MFP will have done this based on what you put in. If you've asked to lose 2lb a week, and set your lifestyle as sedentary, chances are you'll get a very low intake. For most people, this is unrealistically low.

    ^^ also this.
    Not to be picky- but fiber isn't really a micronutrient- it's a type of carbohydrate. Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, etc- they're generally the extras you get from food in quantities so small that they don't provide any measurable caloric value.
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    1200 isnt healthy thats why. you should look into BMR's and why it's important to always eat atleast your BMR.

    Not true, depends how overweight you are.

    I did 1200 for awhile with no problems at all as have many others here.

    I'm not sure if I agree with that , I am 6 foot tall was more than 300lb and the dr I saw told me to drop my cals to 1200 and not to eat back my exercise cals. I ride 10 miles per day , by the time it was lunch time I felt really bad , dizzy when I stood up etc I spoke to my dietician and she told me to up my cals to 1500 and try and get snacks between meals with the extra cals . I sometimes feel 1500 isn't enough if I've really pushed myself on the bike . I am still considered morbidly obese but only have a few lbs to being labelled severely obese lol

    *shrug* it may have not worked you, but you missed my edited part
    In my fact, my doctor asked was I was doing because my numbers improved so much (BP, choles, etc) after doing it for a month.
    it does work for a lot people, not saying it works for everyone who has a a lot to lose.

    It works I've lost a total of 40lb , my bp is the best its been , cholesterol below the normal figure etc , I just couldn't maintain the calorie deficit , if you think about it my bmr is about 2200 and then I burn about 600-700 on my bike rides, so I was only netting about 500-600 per day on 1200 cals.
  • birdies13
    birdies13 Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5.3 140lbs trying to get down to 115lbs. I was at 193 about a year ago. I do have a small frame and before I had children I averaged around 108lbs.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    1200 isnt healthy thats why. you should look into BMR's and why it's important to always eat atleast your BMR.

    Not true, depends how overweight you are.

    I did 1200 for awhile with no problems at all as have many others here.

    I'm not sure if I agree with that , I am 6 foot tall was more than 300lb and the dr I saw told me to drop my cals to 1200 and not to eat back my exercise cals. I ride 10 miles per day , by the time it was lunch time I felt really bad , dizzy when I stood up etc I spoke to my dietician and she told me to up my cals to 1500 and try and get snacks between meals with the extra cals . I sometimes feel 1500 isn't enough if I've really pushed myself on the bike . I am still considered morbidly obese but only have a few lbs to being labelled severely obese lol

    *shrug* it may have not worked you, but you missed my edited part
    In my fact, my doctor asked was I was doing because my numbers improved so much (BP, choles, etc) after doing it for a month.
    it does work for a lot people, not saying it works for everyone who has a a lot to lose.

    It works I've lost a total of 40lb , my bp is the best its been , cholesterol below the normal figure etc , I just couldn't maintain the calorie deficit , if you think about it my bmr is about 2200 and then I burn about 600-700 on my bike rides, so I was only netting about 500-600 per day on 1200 cals.
    The needs of someone with 150 lbs to lose are drastically different from the needs of someone with, say, 50 lbs to lose. If your needs are different than the generally accepted advice given on the forums, you should be under the supervision of a doctor for the process- which it sounds like you are. I'm just clarifying, not arguing.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    with the TDEE method there is not "net" or eating back of exrcise calories, your calorie allowance is the same every day as this takes into account you average weekly activity levels.

    Best place to start for weight loss TDEE minus 10-20% however remember his is just a guideline figure, keep to the same calorie intake for 2-3 weeks then adjust as needed, I would not adjust calories up or down by more than 200 at a time.

    if you have not much to lose, the 10% under TDEE, if you have a fair amount of weight to lose then 20% under.

    actual macro ratios are down to personal preference and what type of exercise you are doing, realistically there will not be much, if any, difference from 40/40/20 to 35/35/30 for example.

    I think this is a good answer - actually what I came looking for in the forums today. So thanks for that.

    What I'm really struggling with today is: Is is better to do a set number of calories below TDEE (say 500 a day for a lb. a week loss) and then eat exercise calories? Or do the 20% below (I have a lot to lose so it would be 20%).

    TDEE minus 500 gives me 1650
    TDEE minus 20% gives me 1720
    MFP, with the guided goal, gives me 1820 (plus exercise calories)

    I guess it's not much of a difference but still enough to make me worry that I'm "doing it wrong".
  • ivikatasha
    ivikatasha Posts: 192 Member
    1200 isnt healthy thats why. you should look into BMR's and why it's important to always eat atleast your BMR.

    Not true, depends how overweight you are.

    I did 1200 for awhile with no problems at all as have many others here.

    I'm not sure if I agree with that , I am 6 foot tall was more than 300lb and the dr I saw told me to drop my cals to 1200 and not to eat back my exercise cals. I ride 10 miles per day , by the time it was lunch time I felt really bad , dizzy when I stood up etc I spoke to my dietician and she told me to up my cals to 1500 and try and get snacks between meals with the extra cals . I sometimes feel 1500 isn't enough if I've really pushed myself on the bike . I am still considered morbidly obese but only have a few lbs to being labelled severely obese lol

    *shrug* it may have not worked you, but you missed my edited part
    In my fact, my doctor asked was I was doing because my numbers improved so much (BP, choles, etc) after doing it for a month.
    it does work for a lot people, not saying it works for everyone who has a a lot to lose.

    It works I've lost a total of 40lb , my bp is the best its been , cholesterol below the normal figure etc , I just couldn't maintain the calorie deficit , if you think about it my bmr is about 2200 and then I burn about 600-700 on my bike rides, so I was only netting about 500-600 per day on 1200 cals.

    Oh I agree! 1200 isn't something you want to do for a long time. I am not on 1200 anymore, upped it a bit.

  • kjw1031
    kjw1031 Posts: 300 Member
    I looked through your previous posts and the only one where you asked a question that didn't get answered was the one about macros.

    You had some other posts that no one responded to, but they were not questions. They were you writing about your experiences. They were a bit lengthy and many times people are not going to get through it all and then respond. Sorry, but it's just true.

    Anyway, with no known science behind my decision, I changed my macro goals from what MFP had for me (60% carbs, 25% fat, 15% protein) to 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein. It seems to be working well for me, although I have a hard time getting in all the fat grams sometimes.
  • I too can't believe some of the posts! This is a fitness page!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Part of the problem is the system: new posts can get buried very quickly, and so don't get spotted by anyone.

    What are some of your questions?

    I've seen some forums that had a link at the top (along with recent posts, my topics, etc.) to "Topics with 0 Replies." I was a mod on a forum that had that, and as mods, we were asked to check those threads regularly to make sure people weren't getting completely ignored. I always thought that was a good idea.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I think you're slightly confused about net. There is nothing to "establish" net is a "reflection" of the energy you consumed. Lets say your goal is 2000 calories(yes i know big numbers for an easy example). You have eaten 1000 already. Then you go and exercise and burn 500 calories(if you log it) it will say you net is 500.

    Net = total calories - exercise calories.

    So you get to eat 2,500 calories because you already burn 500. 2,500 - 500 = 2000(your goal).

    Lets say the next day you don't exercise. You also eat 1,000 calories. Your net will be 1000 calories.

    true, but this is not the TDEE method, which was what she was asking about.
  • Jebbster007
    Jebbster007 Posts: 265 Member
    MFP set my daily calorie intake at 1200.

    But mfp isn't god, and you can always adjust it... :-)

    Also, MFP will have done this based on what you put in. If you've asked to lose 2lb a week, and set your lifestyle as sedentary, chances are you'll get a very low intake. For most people, this is unrealistically low.

    MFP isn't GOD?????!!!!!!! Well that sure throws my Sunday worship time for a loop. Sheesh, no wonder my prayers haven't been answered.
  • njneedtolose
    njneedtolose Posts: 5 Member
    I am curious. This is a question for the people who are advised to follow 1200 calories diet by a physician. Did the physician give you a menu to follow or specific guidelines to follow? Do you need to take vitamins b.c of low caloric intake?
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    obv I didn't read every page
    but wanted to point out

    1. " MFP's automatic "1200 calorie" settings which the site gives every single person who makes an account."
    this is not true .. MFP does not give every one 1200 .. calories are based on current weight and how much you want to lose.. I am currently at 1940 a day but at 1 time was over 2,200 calories a day (given by MFP)

    2. you didn't ask a question in this post

    3. if your not getting responses to your questions, then give them a bump, so they go back up to the top

    I am far from my goal, and I love this site, I have been here every day since I joined in March