Losing 2 pant sizes in a month WITHOUT Jillian?

My sister's wedding is coming up so of course I have to have a dress. Well..I've been putting off getting a dress until I'm the size I'll feel most comfortable in. I'm think a 10 would be good. I'm a 14 now. So my question is, how can you go about losing 2 sizes in a month? I can't do Jillian Michaels because I no longer have the DVD so what are some other options?


  • mirandamayhem
    apparently Jillian is available on Youtube?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I don't think you can lose 2 sizes in a month... It takes a while for sizes to go down.

    I'd say buy the dress in a 14 and alter it if you happen to get smaller.. buying a dress that you know won't fit and hoping that you fit in it, is just a recipe for disaster.
  • iiiEllie
    iiiEllie Posts: 224 Member
    You don't need dvds for anything. I pretty much download every workout video I have.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Running burned about 8 lbs off me when I started my half marathon training early in February. However, it isn't doing the same favor for me now. If running isn't your norm, you may shed some pounds that way. But 2 dress sizes in a month is going to be a challenge.
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    apparently Jillian is available on Youtube?

    Yes it on Youtube, saw it last night
  • aylawill
    aylawill Posts: 65
    Personally, I don't think trying to lose two sizes in a month is a very good idea. Also, keep in mind that bridesmaid/wedding gowns usually run at least 1-2 sizes larger than normal. I'm a size 5, and my wedding gown is/was a size 8. A dress can always be altered if you lose weight, but it's really hard to add material! Also, having been the bride, please don't wait to order the dress! Many places take 6 months or more, and if you're only a month out, you may have issues finding a dress! I ordered my bridesmaid dresses 5 months before the wedding and they got here just in time to do alterations. Anyways, that was pretty off-topic, sorry!
    Weight-wise, Jillian's workouts are on youtube! P90X is a good one too, but super hard and expensive. I have found some P90X workouts online though.
  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    2 sizes in a month sounds like a stretch, but for inches to move go for toning exercises instead of focusing on cardio, I guess, tighten yourself up the best you can :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    A dress that fits perfectly is always most flattering. Get the dress that fits your body NOW, and if they need to alter it a bit before the wedding, so be it.
  • gdbadass
    gdbadass Posts: 60

    I'd say by the dress in a 14 and alter it if you happen to get smaller.. buying a dress that you know won't fit and hoping that you fit in it, is just a recipe for disaster.

    this is really good advice.

    and if you like Jillian Michael's DVDs and they encourage you to workout, get another one and use it, by any means necessary! you will feel much better if you move and enjoy your body - i always do.

    good luck.