Ready to lose weight and gain friends

Hi I am Ricky and discovered this site through my cousin. I think it is really good for logging everything and cant believe it is free.
I am on this site with my wife we just joined yesterday and want to lose weight to go on our honey moon in 5 months so set a few targets to get back on that fitness path and live a healthy lifestyle.

If anyone wants to add me your more than welcome and i will be on here a lot so will give out motivation and advice if needed.


Kind Regards



  • Asil02
    Asil02 Posts: 261
    Good luck in your WL journey! You and your wife are both welcome to add me as a friend. :flowerforyou:
  • ErikaMG23
    I'm just getting going with this whole weight loss thing as well, so I'd love it if you'd add me. (:
  • tasiamh
    tasiamh Posts: 3 Member
    HEEWWWWOOWW my friend told me to use this site but i never got around to it til now even though i had made the account . Makes you feel good though to put your stuff and see what it all comes out to for the day. Id be more than happy to add you, its good to have that support especially if weight loss is hard for you ( i knows)
  • CurlyGurlie88
    hey congrats on the marriage! i'm about to get married myself! add me if you like!