Curvy Girl Needs Friends To Yell At Her



  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    I am a curvy girl as well and most if my weight goes straight to my hips :( trying to lose 45 lbs. I more then willing to yell at you to get up and going on nutrition and exercises :happy: Feel free to add me and good luck
  • myjourrneytoabs
    myjourrneytoabs Posts: 11 Member
    feel free to add me i'm always itching to yell at someone lol jk :) but add me if you like i'll be your friend
  • Hi I gain 24lbs in a year. I'm trying my best to lose the weight since coming on here I have lost 12 lb but still have along way to go. I've started to exercise and my diary is always good till evening time when I get the urge to just to eat everything in my house! I'm like you a need people to tell me where am going wronge and to give me surport ( also its good having friends telling you are doing good to) x
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549 Member
    hya feel free to add me x