I think I'm losing it



  • verasdaughter
    verasdaughter Posts: 71 Member
    I agree with the tip of getting out there and exercising........no matter how hard it is to get it done I always feel AWESOME afterwards......I took a dry erase marker and wrote on my bathroom mirror..........EXERCISE......BECAUSE IT FEELS GREAT!.........just to keep me motivated to do so.......... I also tend to eat better when I know I've worked so hard exercising. Good luck to you!
  • timarii
    timarii Posts: 36 Member
    Assuming your just in a funk and not depressed... Here's some tips I use. (I am not an expert just friendly)

    Take a deep breath or a few and decide your going to be fit, do this as many time as it takes everyday. Repeat

    Start telling yourself your beautiful and you will get more beautiful. By the way, you are beautiful :D

    Try to place your exercises in the morning as part of your routine. (Imagine how gross your mouth would feel if you didn't brush, Now imagine exercise cleans your body from the inside and it will be gross if you don't do it... Picture plaque build up on your insides if you skip)

    Start looking at healthy foods and exercise as a special privilege. Appreciate the fact you have the freedom to do them.

    Re-Start with an easy to attain goal. like 15 min of exercise right after you wake up, then gradually add to the amount of exercise you do based on how you feel. (i.e. add 5 min of the same, add light weights, add a new exercise, etc...)

    Compare or compete with your friends in your own way, If one of your friends works out everyday try to keep up with them using your own choice of exercise.

    Leave your diary open to public. It makes you accountable and you're more likely to receive better help from the community.

    Last but not least... Know that you have it in you to succeed. You just have to seize it for yourself.

  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Get off your *kitten* and get to work. It takes 21 days to develop a habit. Force yourself to be very disciplined for 21 consecutive days. That's not a long time.