Why do I not want breakfast???!

allyson2212 Posts: 42
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I know how important it is, I feel better when I eat a nutritious breakfast, but its 11:32 and Im just now starting to want to eat something. Do I just have to force myself to eat even when I dont feel like it? Probably a rhetorical question but I thought I might get a few tips for all the other breakfast haters out there :)


  • photoman67
    photoman67 Posts: 116 Member
    Here's how I see it: When you're hungry, eat and when you're not, don't.
  • mdb120776
    mdb120776 Posts: 34 Member
    I am there with you. I am not one that eats breakfast often but I do try. Lately I have been eating the 60 calorie jello puddings so I can get my metabolism going.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    you definitly need to eat something to start ur metabolism up for the day so i would suggest something really small and light, like a yogurt or jello used to make these smoothie things like yogurt thats what i used to eat in the morning before school ( 8 am class) and at 6:45 am i did not want to eat lol so i would eat those. Or a special k protein shake or a small bowl of cereal.
  • evilras
    evilras Posts: 42
    I miss breakfast! sometimes hitting 1pm and forgetting to eat!

    So i try to have a special k bar and a weight watchers yoghurt sometime mid morning. Not ideal by any stretch of the imagination! But i'm never up for a full bowl of ceral at 7am!!
  • RhaRha
    RhaRha Posts: 16
    I completely agree! I am just now, at 11:49am, wanting to snack a bit - so a banana it is. My only concern is that I don't want to not eat during the right times and end up eating late at night!
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    I used to never eat breakfast, but it really has helped my weight loss by having something in the morning. I ususally just have a yogurt or fruit.

    I don't always eat first thing. I bring my breakfast/lunch to work with me and sometimes I just am so busy getting the work day started that I suddenly look up and it is 11:30 and I haven't had breakfast.

    the special k bars or something I can grab and eat in the car is good, but I just have to watch the sugar.
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    I am the exact same way! I have found though that when i do eat a piece of toast or a yogurt, or some fruit, I am more productive all day long! Plus I am more motivated to do my TO DO list or exorcise!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I agree with wks. You do want to eat something to start your metabolism, but I'm not great with breakfast either. I have a hard time waking up early enough to do so. After I get 3 kids fed and have to head out the door by 7:30, there isn't alot of time for me so I usually find something on the go that I can take with me- granola bar, banana, etc- something convenient yet healthy. When I get a few extra minutes I have 2 slices of Sara Lee Delightful toast with 1 tbsp of peanut butter and honey and that fills me up until lunch easily for under 150 calories. Play around with it a bit! Good luck!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Yes you need to eat. I wasn't a breakfast eater and I would wait until 10 to eat anything. I found that once I started having a little something, I would be hungry/anticipating food when I got up the next day, so it made it easier. If you can't stomach a hearty breakfast, just have a bowl of cereal/yogurt/granola bar. I eat 200-300 cals for breakfast everyday, and it helps me to not eat so much and so heavy throughout the day.
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I am there with you. I am not one that eats breakfast often but I do try. Lately I have been eating the 60 calorie jello puddings so I can get my metabolism going.

    I am eating these also between meals. I keep one in my bag so it is always on hand, and I will not be tempted to hit the vending machine.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I would suggest "forcing" yourself to eat SOMETHING to start that metabolism back up! I suggest a TBSP of peanut butter or banana or yogurt. They're filling enough without making you feel too full. You'll be thankful once noon hits!
  • jconway
    jconway Posts: 8 Member
    I am the same way, but you should eat something within the first hour that you are awake, otherwise your body with go into starvation mode-thus, not allowing you to burn your calories/fat as normal . I have to force myself to eat, but it is better then the alternative. I suggest a meal replacement shake in the am, it is what I have to do because it is easier for me to drink something then eat first thing in the am. Good Luck!
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I am the same way, I hate eating breakfast. I am usually hungry but I just don't feel like eating. I just got into the routine of eating the same thing (almost) every day and now it's just part of my routine.
  • Cassia
    Cassia Posts: 467 Member
    Many studies have shown that eating breakfast is really important. I used to skip whenever i didn't feel like eating so i didn't have as many total calories for the day, but the results were the same as trying to diet and going to a buffet every day. I ate much MORE through out the day. Now i always eat my breakfast and actually look forward to them! I read a book about how important breakfast is for a healthy, happy lifestyle. It said to eat:
    1 lean protein (less than 3 grams fat)
    2 fruits or veggies
    3 to 2 servings of high fiber, low sugar carbs

    I know it sounds like a ton, but its really filling and it has helped me eat right all day long. If you have to start with just a little and add more every day.
  • ive done alot of studies on this because i to hate eating breakfast, im not hungry at all until about 2-3 pm and i found if i did eat it made me feel sick to my tummy for a bit. so as i found out, its very important to eat breakfast because over night your body slows right down includ.. your motab.. and in the am when you get up and motivate yourself if you dont eat your breakfast your body thinks its not going to get fed and goes into starvation mode..meening its holding on to what it has, just in case. therefore your motab... is not running as much as you would like it to, to help you shed of the weight. needless to say i will inform you that once you get into the habit of eating breakfast on a dily basis your body will get used to it and you prob will not hate it as much :bigsmile:
  • I was always the same way! Then I have a friend that actually took a picture of the side of a breakfast box and sent it to me. It talks about breakfast facts. He really turned me onto Carnation's Breakfast Essentials! That was actually where the picture came from! The side of the Instant breakfast box. It's a powder that you mix with a glass of milk. I get the strawberry but they have other flavors too - They taste really good and have a lot of good things in them so you don't feel like you're force feeding yourself. I've been having them every morning just about for 2 weeks and it's been years since I really ate any kind of breakfast...

    The 3 Facts were (if you're interested)
    1: People who skip breakfast miss out on essential vitamins and minerals that are unlikely to be made up later in the day
    2:Eating breakfast can help you lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle
    3: Studies show that eating breakfast can improve concentration, learning ability, and memory

    it would be worth a try if your not hungry enough to eat and still want to try and have breakfast.
  • Can't imagine not eating breakfast first thing. It gives me the energy I need to deal with two young babies everyday! Do you eat late into the night because you don't start eating until later in the day? A fruit bowl and cottage cheese is my favourite.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I used to be the same way. Just eat breakfast anyway. Make yourself eat a healthy breakfast every morning- even if it's just a light breakfast. Your body needs the fuel.

    Very quickly, your body will adjust and soon you will NEED it, every morning.

    Almost all doctors, nutritionists, personal trainers and weight-loss gurus will stress to you the importance of having breakfast.

    I have a cup of cereal, half a cup of milk, and a banana. EVERY morning. It's light- only 250-300 calories- but it keeps my energy up until 10ish, when I need my first snack.
  • I don't like breakfast either. I have to force myself. I get up at 4:30 to workout , I have an oj or something before I do, then a small (i mean small) bowl of multigrain cheerios after my shower. It is getting eaier to eat in the morning now.
  • Thanks for all the advice! I think I might start with something small and work up to a bigger breakfast, I actually have carnation instant breakfasts here that I give to my kiddos. Just never really thought about drinking them myself! I just had lunch and feel FULL, hate that. Tomorrow I will make myself have breakfast!
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