ok peeps. i NEED help. im hoping that i can find someone who is willing to make me a sort of guinea pig and push me to my limits. i seem to be gathering alot of info from here there and all over the place and not making any real progres or head way with myself even!!! i know im ripped to hell under all this damn fat! im strong, i have stamina, but body fat % is sitting at 20.8% and i want to get it down to 18% at least. i know alot of this has to do with diet. if theres any one who can help me with a routine and a strict diet I AM WILLING! its time. ive been going back and forth between 144-147lbs for what feels like FOREVER. im trying to cut back on my cardio addicition (which helped me lose 10lbs, but cost me 6lbs of muscle over the past 4months) and do more strength training. ive also upped my claories, but im finding its only leaving me with this false sense of "sure, i can eat that junk food, ive got lots of calories left!" i dont know if i sould cut it back again or what?!!


  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    First, 20.8% body fat is not that bad as a starting point. How tall are you? Cardio is not bad either. It's hard to lose weight and build muscle at the same time. I would focus on reducing fat in your diet, continuing cardio and doing strength training.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    im 5'7 145ishhhh, i sway from 144-147.
    i feel like 136 is the magic number, but i dont know what would be the optimal 'look' for me??
    if i weighed 140 and had decent muscle mass, id be super happy.
    my bones conective tissue and lean muscle mass adds up to 116lbs, so im like 30lbs of fat.
    i want to see the muscle in my body. i can now, but more defined.
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    Induce patience, and you will have what you want.
  • dr_tina
    dr_tina Posts: 225 Member
    I think where you need to put your emphasis is on your self-esteem and learning to love yourself and your body just the way you are. You are in good shape and your body fat is fine. I am not saying this to be mean at all, as I wish that someone would have said something like this to me 20 years ago, and it would have saved me a lot of misery and lost time. Practice self-affirming statements and put your energy into that. Enjoy the fact that you can eat more calories with some of that being some junk food, and still be in good shape and stay at a decent body weight. That is something to be grateful for!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    You haven't mentioned what your diet is. I'd start with what Dr. Tina said - sometimes it's not until you love yourself and all that you are than you can change your situation. If you have that covered, I'd say eliminate all sugar, sugar substitutes and everything that has sugar as ingredient and eat more vegetables. Eat so many vegetables that you feel stuffed.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    hey hey! i do love myself! im happy, ive come a long way...i do love the way i fell now, actually never even knew i could i feel this good. i really love having the fit feeling and i would like my body to be at optimal performance. what im looking for a is a stricter plan. i want to be a freaking animal, really. . this isnt a self esteem or image issue.:noway:
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    You haven't mentioned what your diet is. I'd start with what Dr. Tina said - sometimes it's not until you love yourself and all that you are than you can change your situation. If you have that covered, I'd say eliminate all sugar, sugar substitutes and everything that has sugar as ingredient and eat more vegetables. Eat so many vegetables that you feel stuffed.

    but yes, sugar is an issue for me. so are sugar subs. carbs have never been an issue for me. that is, untill i upped my protien. now the carbs seem to collect on me.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    If you want a lot of structure, just do P90X. It's a detailed total workout and nutrition plan that spells everything out plainly. It tells you exactly what to do each day. And best of all, it's already been proven effective. You won't have to be a guinea pig, others have already done that for you. Just follow the directions and reap the rewards.
  • Bidiebee63
    Bidiebee63 Posts: 7 Member
    check out jamie eason workouts its a free 12 week programme....has great advice great workout and she is the living proof
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Based on your stats, you should be eating 1900 calories daily. This includes a deficit so you dont have to eat back exercise calories. Also, your goal weight @ 18% bf should be 141lbs in order to maintain your lbm. If you want to be 136, then you need to cut to 15% bf.

    Also, your goal should be 3-4 days of heavy weight training with 2 days of hiit. P90X is a good program that can help this if you like to workout at home. If you like the gym strong lift 5x5 or NROLFW is a good program.
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    If you decide to start strength training, just bear in mind that -- at your weight (because you're already very slim) -- you most likely won't lose many more pounds. I'm a few pounds heavier than you, and I'm about nine weeks into strength training and have only lost about 3 pounds. However, I've lost almost 20 inches all over my body.

    So, my experience is this: you'll lose inches, you'll gain muscle, and will definitely get leaner. But I doubt strength training will get you down to the weight you want (however, you'll LOOK like you're at your ideal weight). If gaining muscle is more important to you than the number on the scale, then definitely go for it. But make sure you do NOT cut your calories. You'll need those calories to gain muscle.

    I highly recommend Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 for beginner circuit training. Best of luck!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    ok peeps. i NEED help. im hoping that i can find someone who is willing to make me a sort of guinea pig and push me to my limits. i seem to be gathering alot of info from here there and all over the place and not making any real progres or head way with myself even!!! i know im ripped to hell under all this damn fat! im strong, i have stamina, but body fat % is sitting at 20.8% and i want to get it down to 18% at least. i know alot of this has to do with diet. if theres any one who can help me with a routine and a strict diet I AM WILLING! its time. ive been going back and forth between 144-147lbs for what feels like FOREVER. im trying to cut back on my cardio addicition (which helped me lose 10lbs, but cost me 6lbs of muscle over the past 4months) and do more strength training. ive also upped my claories, but im finding its only leaving me with this false sense of "sure, i can eat that junk food, ive got lots of calories left!" i dont know if i sould cut it back again or what?!!

    I feel your aggravation. I am currently at 19.6% body fat my goal is 14%. I was hoping with my loss of body fat that the lbs will follow but it's moving in slow motion. I am currently fluctuating between 135-138lbs since I have started primarily weight training about 2 months ago. I take in lean protein (about my body weight in grams) and monitor my carbs the majority of the time. I just have to commit to sticking with a strict and boring eating regiment to get the last lbs off. It's all about the food. I am still doing cardio about 3xs a week but 5x a week is weight training. My goal is 124 and I'm 5' 3".
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If you decide to start strength training, just bear in mind that -- at your weight (because you're already very slim) -- you most likely won't lose many more pounds. I'm a few pounds heavier than you, and I'm about nine weeks into strength training and have only lost about 3 pounds. However, I've lost almost 20 inches all over my body.

    So, my experience is this: you'll lose inches, you'll gain muscle, and will definitely get leaner. But I doubt strength training will get you down to the weight you want (however, you'll LOOK like you're at your ideal weight). If gaining muscle is more important to you than the number on the scale, then definitely go for it. But make sure you do NOT cut your calories. You'll need those calories to gain muscle.

    I highly recommend Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 for beginner circuit training. Best of luck!

    She wont gain muscle unless she is eating a calorie surplus. Its extremely hard for women to gain muscle and even if you were eating a surplus and heavy weight training you might be able to gain 7-10 lbs of muscle in a year. Now one of the reasons you lost inches and not weight is probably due to water retention. If you stopped exercise for a week, you eould probably see a few lbs go away from that, especially if you are eating fresh whole foods.
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member

    She wont gain muscle unless she is eating a calorie surplus. Its extremely hard for women to gain muscle and even if you were eating a surplus and heavy weight training you might be able to gain 7-10 lbs of muscle in a year. Now one of the reasons you lost inches and not weight is probably due to water retention. If you stopped exercise for a week, you eould probably see a few lbs go away from that, especially if you are eating fresh whole foods.

    No. What? NO. Women aren't likely to build big muscles, not like men can, but we CERTAINLY can build muscle tissue. And I've noticed a huge difference in the muscle definition in both my arms and legs, which is not something I'd see if it were simply water retention.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    No. What? NO. Women aren't likely to build big muscles, not like men can, but we CERTAINLY can build muscle tissue. And I've noticed a huge difference in the muscle definition in both my arms and legs, which is not something I'd see if it were simply water retention.

    the difference in muscle definition is because you have lost fat.
  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    the difference in muscle definition is because you have lost fat.

    Um. Yes. That's half the point of strength training. Lose fat, build muscle mass.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Please feel free to check out my diary. I have gone from 119 to 108 and now I am sitting at around 18% body fat. I started losing the last 5 lbs I wanted to lose by upping my calories then continued to lose weight AND body fat as I upped them, but I eat 98% good whole non processed foods. (I do eat some crap so I am not perfect but I am way below my goal).

    I worked out with a personal trainer 3x a week as well as did an hour to an hour and a half a day of cardio for months and months and did not get to where I am today until I started eating. Who would have thunk it huh?

    What we put into our body is 100% responsible for how our body responds to it. :)

    Good luck.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    the difference in muscle definition is because you have lost fat.

    Um. Yes. That's half the point of strength training. Lose fat, build muscle mass.

    There are several points of strength training (fat loss, increase strength, or increase muscle mass) but you can NOT build NEW lean muscle tissue unless you allow your body to become anabolic. And you can't create an anabolic state with more fuel than your body burns. Below is the only bit of information that would support growth of lean body mass (aka muscle) on a calorie deficit. You can NOT create something from nothing. Now, I will ask you, when you track your weight, do you also track your body fat?

  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    nooooo you should not cut back your calories just stop eating all that junk food woman.

    you don't have to do this super strict diet thing. Just eat 80% healthy food. allow yourself treats, but stop overdoing it. keep lifting. you do that you'll be fine. mind over matter.
  • Wow, this is alot information to take in. You guys are amazing!!