Green Tea OR Hot Water With Lemon

Which is more beneficial to drink... green tea or hot water with lemon?? & What time of day to drink it?
Could you drink hot water with lemon first thing before food and green tea at lunch time?



  • Yosemite4vr
    Yosemite4vr Posts: 84 Member
    I would go with exactly what you suggested. Hot water and lemon is great to prime you stomach for digestion and has cleansing properties. It also gives you a kick of vitiman C - just watch out on the acidity of the Lemon Water. It's even better with an organic lemon and steeping the whole half lemon, great benefits to the lemon peel too!

    Green tea is great for the nutrients it's has in it and the caffeine will help you through the rest of your day.
  • mirandamayhem
    yup, what you said sounds good. Hot water and lemon is lovely to start the day
  • joy31021
    joy31021 Posts: 216
    green tea with lemon
  • ziefit
    ziefit Posts: 4
    I would definitely combine both that way you get the benefits of each. Plus I love the smell of lemons. For me it suppressed my appetite which is always a plus for me.
  • rhiannecampbell
    Thanks everyone :)
  • Sampadan
    Sampadan Posts: 5 Member
    Why not have a green tea with a slice of lemon in :) ?

    Tastes great and you're getting the benefits of both!
  • KettleBellHoe
    I go a step further Hot water with squeezed lemon juice a green tea bag and a tablespoon of green matcha powder(this **** is top of the line and gives you a natural high as well as a burst of antioxidants and other beneficial properties)