
just started herbalife today. i have high hopes! don't get me wrong i'm all about the nutrition and counting your calories and exercising but i needed something more to really kick this weight... any input? has anyone tried it and had success or failed? i feel totally energized today!


  • mirandamayhem
    Keep going for as long as you feel happy with it :smile:

    I'm using it as a post work out drink now. It kick started my weight loss
  • MissErinPaige
    I'm starting it this week (as soon as it ships). The thing I am most scared about is the hunger!! How are you dealing with the hunger?
  • mrykyldy2
    mrykyldy2 Posts: 96 Member
    I used it several years ago. I was happy with it but ended up gaining the weight back when I had stopped using the pills to help with weight loss. Although, there used to be this liquid that I drank. It was black and tasted like black licorice. It was kind of odd tasting at first but I got used to it but it was to help give you energy through the afternoon or to get you through your work out.
  • nokuperus
    nokuperus Posts: 16 Member
    I sell herbalife and use it as well - when i started my program 2 years pre injury i loved it and it worked great - make sure your eating enough during the day. after my back injury i stopped everything including workout (plus became happy in a reltaionship) and gained a ton of weight back. I just started up again this month and am down 3 lbs in 2 weeks :)

    as for feeling hungry-

    eat every couple of hours:
    for example - this is what i am currently doing.
    shake for breakfast
    1/2 cup strawberries and
    2 tbsp greek yogurt

    10am -
    1 peach or 10 baby carrots (snack fruit will give more energy veggies fill me up more)

    noon -
    Lunch - 1 Shake
    Usually 2 cups lettuce and 1 tbsp western dressing with additional veggies inside the salad

    2ish- Snack
    Veggies 1-2 cups

    Full colorful meal
    usually 4 oz. chicken or fish or venison
    1/2 cup rice or potatoes
    tons of veggies - i love beans and corn and peas.

    after work outs i drink Herbalife24 rebuild strength - Chocolate (my guilty pleasure and encouragement to work out for chocolate)
    and of course i am doing the herbalife ultra plan so i take all my vitamins 3 times a day. :)
  • Brandon130
    Herbalife is good, but I quite using it. Just be careful, the major drawback to programs like these is that you are not teaching your body how to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

    Mentally you might understand, but your body needs to understand too, otherwise it conflicts. Once you quit the program, you body does not crave fruits, vegetables, and other healthy things that your body needs (that it would have learned from not relying on 3rd party supplements). It has learned to rely on the shakes, and it might even still crave some of those old habits that gave you weight to begin with.

    As long as you maintain a healthy living foodwise, herbalife is a good support, but it alone is not the answer. Just wanted to share, I'm not against Herbalife, even used it for a little while. For me personally, it wasn't the help I needed. Yes I needed to eat healthier, but I wasn't really learning how to by relying on Herbalife.
  • _dreaface
    _dreaface Posts: 41 Member
    I'm so over people telling other people that once you stop Herbalife you'll gain all the weight back! THAT IS NOT TRUE!
    I started Herbalife about a month ago and lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks! For the past 2 weeks I havnt been doing it because I have had no time. The main reason people gain the weight back is because they're dumb and they think they can go and eat McDonalds and Five Guys everyday like they used to. OF COURSE you will gain the weight back that way!
    I have my cheat days but for the most part I eat healthy now and snack throughout the day.
    Out of the 10 lbs I lost i've only gained 1 lb back so the product works you just need to learn to eat healthy and stop eating fast food its really not good. MFP helps so much with logging!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mrykyldy2
    mrykyldy2 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm so over people telling other people that once you stop Herbalife you'll gain all the weight back! THAT IS NOT TRUE!
    I started Herbalife about a month ago and lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks! For the past 2 weeks I havnt been doing it because I have had no time. The main reason people gain the weight back is because they're dumb and they think they can go and eat McDonalds and Five Guys everyday like they used to. OF COURSE you will gain the weight back that way!
    I have my cheat days but for the most part I eat healthy now and snack throughout the day.
    Out of the 10 lbs I lost i've only gained 1 lb back so the product works you just need to learn to eat healthy and stop eating fast food its really not good. MFP helps so much with logging!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are really generalizing, I gained the weight back when I stopped and it was NOT because I went back to eating McDonalds and 5 Guys Pizza either. I was eating very healthy and still gained all the weight back. I am glad that you were able to keep the weight off after stopping but not everyone is like you.
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    I'm so over people telling other people that once you stop Herbalife you'll gain all the weight back! THAT IS NOT TRUE!
    I started Herbalife about a month ago and lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks! For the past 2 weeks I havnt been doing it because I have had no time. The main reason people gain the weight back is because they're dumb and they think they can go and eat McDonalds and Five Guys everyday like they used to. OF COURSE you will gain the weight back that way!
    I have my cheat days but for the most part I eat healthy now and snack throughout the day.
    Out of the 10 lbs I lost i've only gained 1 lb back so the product works you just need to learn to eat healthy and stop eating fast food its really not good. MFP helps so much with logging!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't think 2 weeks off is really a good indicator of long term success. But hopefully you'll be able to maintain. It's interesting though that you stopped because you have no time. Is Herbalife time-consuming? I would have thought not as it seems you only have to cook one meal a day.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Supplementation attributes to about 1% of total weight loss. Really all you're doing is cutting your calories. You can do that without having to pay extra. And unless you're going to eat that way the REST OF YOUR LIFE, then it's just a temporary fix for most of the general population.
    Diets provide weight loss. That's why people keep going back to them after they regain.
    Learn to control your eating and you'll be able to eat whatever you want.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    a friend of mine uses it and it has worked well for her so far....I would only be worried about longevity....myself I think I would starve cuz i like EATING my nutrtion rather than drinking it if you know what I mean lol she did say that she needed to add some protein powder to the shakes to stay satiated :) keep us posted how it goes for you:)
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    I used it and sold it for almost 2 years and lost 20 lbs. After I quit because it was overpriced and I got tired of it, I gained it all back and then some over a period of about a year. As long as you're happy, enjoy but don't expect it to be a long term fix. That happens in your brain at some point when you decide the healthier lifestyle is better than yo-yo dieting.
  • aethompson5507
    aethompson5507 Posts: 251 Member
    Ive been doing herbalife & i love it!! Im not hungry between meals bc i get enough protein i think it helps. ...ive been so energized! So far ive lost 26inches & 15 lbs :-)
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I lost 40 pounds on herbalife last year. I think the products are good, and they work. However, I gained all of the weight I lost back because I fell back into old "bad" habits. Using Herbalife did not teach me how to eat well and lose weight by changing my lifestyle. For me, I do not feel that their plan/products are a sustainable way to live. As always, YMMV.
  • _dreaface
    _dreaface Posts: 41 Member
    I lost 40 pounds on herbalife last year. I think the products are good, and they work. However, I gained all of the weight I lost back because I fell back into old "bad" habits. Using Herbalife did not teach me how to eat well and lose weight by changing my lifestyle. For me, I do not feel that their plan/products are a sustainable way to live. As always, YMMV.

    That's okay at least you admit the reason you gained the weight back is because you did in fact go back into your old habits. I see you're at -12 lbs now, you can do it! :smile:
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I'm confused.

    Why have you joined a diet and fitness site if you're doing a meal replacement program?
  • ginabops
    ginabops Posts: 26
    Herbalife rocks!! I've been on the program for a while and I'm a distributor. Its a lifestyle!! At my Active Nutrition shop we"coach" people on herbalife AND healthy living so you don't slip and gain it back. If your supplier just sold you the product and left then they are not a good representative of Herbalife.
    Here's what I do: I check in with y clients weekly, We hold weekly classes on nutrtion, we hold a FREE fit club every Sunday for anyone to come and workout. We or "I" am involved is getting people healthy long term not short term.
    Hope this helps you. Youcan also friend me if you want support regardless of Herbalife proucts you buy from me or not.

    Be well and Get healthy - Gina
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I have a friend that has lost 120+ lbs using herbalife. He swears by it but then he is a "dealer". He has gotten many people to buy thinking they can lose 120+ on it.

    Well, I have lost 110+ in half the time he has lost 120+ lbs and I don't use it. I have tired it, tastes decent but here is why I do not use it --

    - I don't buy from "dealers". I am not paying more to fatten someone else's pocketbook
    - I am not paying that much. I can get a better product for less on GNC. $3+ a shake for herbalife when I can get for around $1.
    - Holy carbs Batman! Seriously, no. If I am going to eat that many carbs I will eat a Snickers bar and enjoy it a hell of a lot more.
    - I can get fewer calories, fewer carbs and more protein from Optimum Nutrition, Pro Performance or Premier Nutrition brands
    - The above brands I listed taste FANTASTIC and are available on store and the net not from a "dealer"
    - The above brands come in many flavors that I don't need to add pudding mix to so they taste better (remember I know a dealer, I have all their recipes and that is what they use to make their flavored shakes)
    - The shake bars in my town refuse to even send me the nutritional information or provide it to me when I have went into request it. Could it be the calories/carbs that their shakes have? Yup, I think so.
    - Opps, forgot this one. Soy. YUCK. They mix soy protein in theirs. I only buy whey or sometimes casein. I hate the taste of soy and I don't need estrogen problems and increase chance of breast cancer.

    So there you go. Do with it as you feel.
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    I did herbalife in the past and I lost weight on it pretty quickly. Of course, gained it all back gradually and then some.

    It's expensive and a waste of $$ IMO. I changed my lifestyle this time the old fashioned way. Diet and Exercise, and it has worked WAY better.

    I think those that have the best results are making money off of the program, thus the additional motivation.
  • zumbaa45
    I have lost 60lbs doing herbalife and Zumba. i lost the first 30lbs in 3 months! I have kept if off for two years!! It is a .lifestyle for me & my daughter. Just like any other form of weight loss, once you stop & go back to old unhealthy eating habits you will gain weight back. so i have made up my mind that I will always do Herbalife, a shake a day for nutrition is perfect! I LOVE THE SHAKES STILL TODAY AFTER TWO YEARS! GO HERBALIFE!!!!!!