New mommy trying to loose pre and post baby weight!

Hi everyone!
My name is Karla and I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl 3 months ago. Before I got pregnant I was trying to lose weight and I was doing good, but then I got pregnant! LOL And, now it's been really hard to stay on track, with a new baby at home and barely any time left I can barely keep up with eating right and working out! I am looking to meet people, to stay motivated and that have the same goal that I have: losing weight and stay healthy!
I live in Southern California and I work in a worldwide known pharmaceutical company. I love to read, go to the beach, go shopping, go sightseeing and, of course spend time with my fiancee and baby girl!


  • AngelaLang24
    AngelaLang24 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in a similar situation...was trying to lose weight from baby #3 and got pregnant with baby #4. Baby weight is hard to lose!! Feel free to add me for support!
  • ballousgirl
    ballousgirl Posts: 14 Member
    I was in the same situation... On a roll losing weight and then found out I was pregnant. My son is 8 months old and I'm finally starting to get a routine down. Don't beat yourself up... you''ll find a routine. Feel free to add me and we can share our "new mom trying to stay healthy" tips with each other. Congratulations on your little girl :)
  • racbergs
    racbergs Posts: 72
    My son is 20 months old and I've almost lost all the baby weight (like 2 more lbs) but I still have 60+ lbs to lose. Congrats on your new baby!!! And congrats on not waiting a year before trying to shed the baby weight like I did! Lol. Add me if you want :)
  • worldofme
    worldofme Posts: 87 Member I understand the baby weight thing on top of the 'other' weight.... I have a teenager, then in 2008 I had twins. When the twins were 10 months old I got pregnant with the 'baby'. The twins are 3 and the youngest is 2. As I am a stay at home momma, anything I do exercise wise has to be done with the littles in tow. I found that the best thing was the Leslie Sansone walk at home dvd. Now the kiddos 'march' with me and they think it is just how mommy has fun!

    Baby weight is hard to lose but I am now past that and onto the 'other' weight....yay!!
  • worldofme
    worldofme Posts: 87 Member
    By the way.....Congrats on that baby girl!!
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    I finally lose my baby weight recently and yes, it took me 7 years!!! So it can be done and may take time! Best of luck to you!
  • I just had my third six weeks ago. I have about 40 pounds to loose. Just starting out on fitnesspal and september first i plan on joining a gym. Would love to chat with people in the same situation as me.
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi congrats on the baby, I too have three month old and a fifteen month old, I found it easy to lose the weight after my first but this time I am struggling. It's hard finding time to exercise with babies around! Feel free to add me and we can maybe support each other to lose the baby weight. I'm from Ireland living in London but the internet makes the world a small place so I will try to help.
  • Thanks to all of you for your words! I think my problem started when I started working again! I was at home for two months and I was eating really healthy and I was able to lose the weight I gained while I was pregnant (21lbs.) but then I started working and now I have no time to prepare meals like I used to so I managed to gain the weight back in a month! :( I will be adding all of you since I need a lot of SUPPORT! THANKS!
  • Same thing happened to me..I actually lost weight while being pregnant and after she was about a month old i was 30 pds smaller than I was when I got pregnant. Went back to work and that all changed..All the weight came back.
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    I was in the same situation. I was trying to lose weight before I got pregnant, got pregnant, gained 36 pounds and 2 years later I lost all of the baby weight and an extra 30 pounds. I'm now trying to lose 10 more pounds before I get pregnant with #2. I am hoping for a much healthier pregnancy. Feel free to add me.
  • I was in a similar situation...was on a roll losing weight and then found out I was pregnant, too! It's funny how life works out sometimes.
  • cristino1985
    cristino1985 Posts: 63 Member
    I don't know if it will help but since you said you don't have time to prepare meals it might be an idea to use a slow cooker, I got one when I was working full time and put it on in the morning ( having done the food prep the night before) and when I came home from work dinner was ready, it's good for chillis, stews, casseroles, all which can be made low calorie. Just have to prepare rice or a salad when you get home from work.