Losing the will...

Hi all.. Just gona vent..
Have been doing WW since January 2011.. Lost 33lbs between then and November 2011.. And then over the period of my 30th Birthday and Christmas I gained back 5LBS... SInce then no matter how hard I try I can't seem to lose.. I've been losing and gaining the same 1 r 2 LBS since then.. Getting really fed up now and feel like packing it all in...
Saying that, I don't mean revert back to my old eating habits.. I am determined NOT to gain back the 28LBS I've lost.. But I feel like packing in weighing weekly and trying to lose.. I think 8 months of getting nowhere is good enough reason to believe I'm going nowhere :(


  • mirandamayhem
    Are you tracking absolutely everything?
    Are you getting regular exercise in some form?
    Are you allowing a few more cheat meals or day than you have been?

    Up your water, up your exercise, and track track track!
    Remember how badly you wanted this.
    Go and find a piece of clothing from before you lost weight. Try it on and remember how far you've come. You can do this! xxx
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    Hang in there, try eating real clean for a few days and get some good exercise. I'm sure it will start to turn you around. You are worth it, don't give up.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Your diary isn't open so it's hard to suggest anything without loads more information... How many cals do you eat, what's ur exercise routine etc etc
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    I sent you a message! Feel free to add me as a friend! :flowerforyou:
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    When I'm that fed up with my diet, instead of stopping everything all together, I grant myself one or two weeks totally away from mfp, calorie counting, etc. I go out, eat what I want (without binge eating though) and forget about it all. Then, after this week/those 2 weeks, I weigh myself, think "fair enough", record my weigh, and go back to being good. First, it enable me to be less frustrated with my diet; secondly, it often really helps with losing more weigh afterwards because it's like my body needed the "break".

    Sometimes, you don't lose any weight because you're just too nervous, too frustrated, and your mind messes with your body. Just my opinion :)
  • FrancesOReilly
    FrancesOReilly Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you ALL for the replies.. And sorry I'm only replying now.. Didn't know how to find the thread again once I'd started it.. Oops..

    I have upped my exercise.. As I was doing NONE! And now am walking 3 x 15-20mins per day.. I have just got a new puppy so my times will grow as he does as that's all he's allowed for now.. When we're out "walking" tho I take him off his lead and do some running around in the park too so while its a 15-20 min walk.. I've got a 5-10mins running in there too...

    I upped my water intake last week.. Was drinking min 3litres per day.. Some suggested maybe I was holding too much water, so I've cut it back again to 2Litres.. and whatever I drink after my walk I log as extra..

    I track EVERYTHING on here but really am following the Weight Watchers plan.. So all portions are weighed out etc.. Its very confusing tho coz my TDRR is 1400cals/day or there abouts.. And I don't reach it most days.. But I will have reached, and sometimes exceeded my daily PP allowance.. Weird!

    Anyway, thank you all for your words of encouragement.. I've not given up completely.. Am still tracking for this week and will continue to until I decide where I want to go from here.. Either way I know I will not allow myself to give up watching what I eat. I will not gain back the 2stone I have lost.. And I will lose this last stone (or more depending how I feel when I get there)..