weighing in


How often do you weigh in?

I have been doing a weekly weigh in, but noticed on the reports that they show weight per day. Just wondering what people normally do.


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  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    I weigh myself every morning to make sure I'm on track but only count the weightloss once a week since there are daily water fluctuations.
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    once or twice a month .. I mostly focus on how I feel, Like feeling how loose my clothes are.. or how tight the arm cuffs are getting around my biceps.. How much energy I have etc......

    I know I lose weight, I don't need a scale to justify me.

    The scale is just 1 of many ways to check your progress...
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    I weigh everyday but this morning when I weighed I decided I am going to not weigh again until next Monday morning. I am trying to just maintain and I flucuate between 141-143 (I am 5'9" med bone size 6) and instead of stressing over it every day I am going to just try a week of eating and counting here on MFP and stay away from the scales and see how that works.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Officially, once a week on Monday mornings, unofficially ever morning. I'm trying to get used to the natural fluctuations of my body.
  • For me weighing in every morning works. I hop on the WII before breakfast each day and it keeps me honest ;)
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    I weigh every morning after I pee. But I only record it if it is the same for two consecutive days (within a few ounces) . That is just my way to keep myself on track and accountable.... but there is no formal logic behind it.
    I find that if I keep my water intake around the same each day, the water weight does not fluctuate too much.. but if I am low on water, my weight is higher and does not move the scale in the right direction.
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    I weigh once a month, or so. What I do more regularly is mesure my waist. I find it less depressing. ;) My goal is to fit in my cloths, not obsess about the scales! A dietician told me that for every inch you lose, its 5 pounds lost! I think using both (scales and mesure tape) is more acurate (and easier on the motivation!).
  • ErB56
    ErB56 Posts: 71 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but I am an Engineer which makes the weigh in's more of a single data point in a larger 'experiment' than a daily measure of progress. I look at the daily weight fluctuations and compare them to the diet for the prior day or couple of days for a cause/effect thing. I now know that if I do the teryaki chicken for lunch, I'll weigh 1-2 pounds more tomorrow from the water gain from all of the sodium, and that it will take about two days to come back down. I know if I go to the birthday party and have the cake and ice cream that I will not weigh more tomorrow. It takes me about two days for the body to metabolize it into a slight weight gain.

    I think I'd recommend daily weigh ins for those that can look at the 30 or 90 day graphs and draw long term conclusions rather than someone looking for progress from day to day. That will simply drive you crazy . . .
  • moon01945
    moon01945 Posts: 3 Member
    I weigh myself daily, but I am an Engineer which makes the weigh in's more of a single data point in a larger 'experiment' than a daily measure of progress. I look at the daily weight fluctuations and compare them to the diet for the prior day or couple of days for a cause/effect thing. I now know that if I do the teryaki chicken for lunch, I'll weigh 1-2 pounds more tomorrow from the water gain from all of the sodium, and that it will take about two days to come back down. I know if I go to the birthday party and have the cake and ice cream that I will not weigh more tomorrow. It takes me about two days for the body to metabolize it into a slight weight gain.

    I think I'd recommend daily weigh ins for those that can look at the 30 or 90 day graphs and draw long term conclusions rather than someone looking for progress from day to day. That will simply drive you crazy . . .

    I do weigh in every day but only log it once a week. I also was thinking of doing what you do. Have my recorded daily weight to look at the overall graphs.

    I also am just looking to be healthy and not stress about the number too much, but I do have a bunch of weight to loose.

    Just wondering what other did. thanks!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I weigh in once a week, Saturday mornings.