Help me make my grocery list!



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Special K cereal
    Soy milk
    Veggies... tomato, cucumber, lettuce, sweet potatoes, spinach, onion, broccoli, carrots, greens (kale, swiss chard), avacados
    Fruit.... bananas, apples, berries. oranges
    Snacks... almonds, cheese, yogurt, rice crisps



    Soy milk has about the same cals (plain...not vanilla or chocolate)
    Avocados, while high in cals, but actually high in good fats that lower your cholesterol.
  • Well I have just started about a week ago. Let me add to the things posted. All are good but as a former mega eater, these things have gotten me through the hard start up period. And I am doing it all with 2000 calories or less per day.

    - Bananas - stick with ones no bigger than 7-8 inches. Those go about 100 calories
    - Peanut Butter - hi protein and 190 calories per serving. Never exceed the two tablespoons per meal.
    - Whole Wheat, Multi Grain bread - range in calorie count from 100 - 160 but are good for the body.
    - Lean Beef, filet, flat iron, flank steaks - Pork Tenderloin is low calorie count. Chicken breasts and tenderloins
    - Heads of lettuce. I eat 1/2 a head every lunch and dinner. I get lots of lettuce.
    - Green veggies tend to have zero calories or very few. Limit carrots, tomatoes and other sweet veggies if you are counting calories
    - Eggs
    - Can't believe its not butter spray
    - 4C flavored juice powder mixes. These are great. 0 Calories and several flavors. Help you get through that gallon of water per day.
    - Gallons, cases, or whatever of water. Drink Drink Drink. (Pee, Pee, Pee, but it works.)
    - Shrimp WonTon Soup - From Costco, perfect individual sizes at 115 calories per serving. In freezer section.
    - Smart Ones, Lean Cuisine, etc. At about 270 calories plus or minus 60 they have gotten much better.
    - Diet Salad Dressing. Maple Grove Farms of Vermont makes beautiful diet dressings. In dressing isle of stores. from 5-40 calories per serving of two tablespoons. When I eat salad, I count of 100 calories to an otherwise zero calorie salad because I have to load up on Raspberry vinaigrette.
    - Two percent or low fat free cheese sticks
    - Fat Free Shredded Cheese. A nice touch for about 30 calories onto salad or veggies.
    - Lots of spices and spice mixes. All for the most part free calorie count.
    - Steamer Single serve frozen vegetables
    - Apple slices in bags. about 30 calories per bag and make a nice mid meal snack
    - Single Serve Tuna in pouches
    - Light Mayo - 45 calories to tuna makes a tuna salad with low calorie count.
    - Fat Free Cottage Cheese
    - Boars Head Oven Rosted Turkey Breast - Chipped. Makes measuring on scale easier. 60 calories per serving
    - 100 calorie snack packs, fruit packs, whatever. Everything is being packed in 100 calories packs.

    There is so much more but these items have allowed me to get a very fast start on my new me.

    But one thing I learned is it is also okay to eat out. Stick with lean steaks, chicken, salads, smaller portions, steamed veggies, and don't be afraid to take home a doggie bag.
  • These are all AWESOME!! I've got my grocery list here next to me and it's getting LONG! Yay!

    Thank you and keep the ideas coming!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I always pick up a container or bag of already cut up veggies. I find I eat more of them if they are ready for me and I know I won't cut the whole ones up!:laugh: I'm a bit lazy, I know but I actually eat a LOT more veggies now!
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    Salsa for spicing things up a bit
    Healthy choice or local frozen entrees for lunch at work or a meal if the family wants something highfat
    stevia, natural sweetener
    lots of fresh & frozen produce for salads, snacking & side dishes
    brown rice
    multigrain oatmeal
    whole grain specialty breads
    100 calorie treats
    dark chocolate
    fat free sour cream
    spaghetti squash in lieu of pasta
    low fat cheese
    canned basil garlic tomatoes
    Baked Doritos
    leaner cuts of meat
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    100 % fruit frozen bars (next to the ice cream) I can have a bar after dinner (instead of ice cream) when I get a sweet tooth. About 90 cals, 20 g of sugar. Can't count it as a fruit but not as bad as other treats!

  • Breakfast ;; I buy 100 cal mini bagels and ww cream cheese and a banana or michalina's lean gourmet breakfast bites and activia light yogurt... or a bowl of special k choc drizzle cereal w skim milk and a bananna..

    Lunch -- Lean pocket and a 100 cal box of pringles if i am in a rush .. or sald with that pre cooked diced tyson chicken breast and an activia light yogurt ( if i didn't have one at breakfast) or I goto subway and eat one of their healthy subs..

    snack ideas.. sugar free jello with 2 tbsp of redi whip whipped cream is only 25 cal total ( got this from the biggest loser)
    Sugar free pudding
    100 calorie snacks
    grape and apple snack packs from walmart they ronly 45 cal for the package..
    100 cal pringles..

    Dinner I usually do a lean cuisine ww or healthy choice dinner ( i have 3 kids so by the time i cook, bathe homework them it's all I have time for or I cook a healthy meal for all of us once in awhile) with a salad and a whole wheat dinner roll and a veggie green beans , or corn etc..

    and desert I have .. a ww brownie sundae a la mode or a sugar free tasty cake or a bowl f cereal dep on my calories for the day .. good luck this is just what works for me.. my husband and I also go out to dinner once a week and enjoy chili's they have a low cal menu and their buffalo grilled chicken sand on a whole wheat bun w steamed veggies on the side is very good..
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I tip I have recently learned is to shop the perimeter of the store as that is where all the healthy stuff is. The aisles have all the processed and "bad" stuff. We only shop in the produce, meat & dairy, and bread sections. The only aisle I've gone down is the one with cleaning and bathroom paper!
  • sallymurph
    sallymurph Posts: 56 Member
    Chicken, chicken and more chicken. I buy a lot of it and precook it. I always have some in the fridge ready to throw into my salads. I also started buying the Dole pink grapefruit cups. They are only 100 cals and a great morning snack. Almonds are also a must. I have 24 almonds as an afternoon snack.
  • Fresh veggies - in season (green onions, sugar snap peas, broccoli & hot house tomatoes are staples) - I am lucky to live in a part of the country where fresh vegetables are always available & don't like the taste of frozen, but when pressed for time, I do get pre-cut varieties
    Avocados - always, despite the short growing season
    Fresh fruit - in season
    Frozen blueberries
    Baby lettuce mix, baby arugula, baby spinach, braising greens (all prewashed - I am too lazy to wash and spin my own and even though I like salads a lot, don't make them if I have to clean greens)
    Fish fillets, pork tenderloin (easy rub - curry sauce and mustard mixed with a bit of olive oil), chicken breast and whole chickens (in freezer - easy to roast), low-sodium lean deli meats
    Tofu - silken for smoothies, soft or medium for cooking (hard to find but it has a better texture than the firm kind and also takes to marinades better)
    If you have a Trader Joe's - bison burgers (very lean) and salmon burgers
    Whole wheat pitas, corn tortillas, whole grain angel hair pasta, soba noodles, whole grains - the smaller ones like teff cook faster
    Instant oatmeal
    Non-fat cultured cottage cheese
    Sardines and tuna canned in olive oil
    Garlic, herbs, spices
    Non-fat plain greek yogurt - very creamy and not as tart - add real vanilla extract, lemon juice or fruit + stevia to sweeten for a healthy alternative to ice cream
    Trader Joe's dark chocolate wedges - one wedge has 35 calories - makes portion control easy
    rye crisps
    Low sodium v8
    Mineral water
    Herbal, green and oolong teas
    Soup stock
    Low-sodium bean soups (fast healthy lunch - can easily up the veggie content with baby spinach)
    Goat and sheep cheese (can't eat cow's milk products unless cultured or reduced lactose, but while goat and sheep cheese don't come in "low-fat" versions, they are naturally lower in fat that cow's milk cheese)
    Someone else mentioned cheerios - I go for the plain but agree - fast and nice way to get some sweetness without the sugar
    Plain instant oatmeal - the organic brands, if available, are much lower in sodium - fast treat: plain unsweetened oatmeal, one small wedge dark chocolate & berries with a little stevia (plant-based no-cal sweetener that doesn't raise blood sugar so is actually pretty good for you)
    Salsa - not for chips but to flavor cottage cheese, grilled fish (add a bit of tropical fruit) and eggs
    Eggs - don't be afraid of the yokes - they have a lot of nutrients
    Olive oil, walnut oil, cold-press unrefined coconut oil for sauteing at higher temps
    Almond butter (higher in calcium than peanut butter)

    Other snacks I like - apple wedges with peanut butter, pear with cheese, baby carrots + red pepper slices + raw sugar snap peas with hummus, hard boiled egg, whole grain crackers with hummus or cheese, in a pinch a higher protein granola bar

    Good luck! You got a lot of responses! :D
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    I found the BEST Luna bar ever made tonight.... White Chocolate Macadamia..... OMG SOOOOOOO GOOOOOD! I love w choc mac cookies, these Luna bars are a perfect substitute!

    I too take Lean Cuisines with me to work everyday. My favorites lately are the turkey tenderloins w/ sweet potatoes & dressing and the cheese pizza.
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  • jbenoff1
    jbenoff1 Posts: 2 Member
    I love boca burgers. If you have a Costco membership they are bigger and for some reason tastier. La Tortilla makes low calorie wraps, and I load it up with veggies and crunchy stuff as well as a low cal dressing. I think it's yummy, but you have to like boca burgers.
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