high protein breakfast that isn't eggs



  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    I agree with a lot of the other posters, you don't have to have "traditional" stuff for breakfast. I sometimes have tuna salad on bib lettuce. I also like this recipe for a quick breakfast to go.

    A few times a week I have this for breakfast:
    1/2 cup coconut milk (I use the unsweetened kind)
    1/2 cup of vanilla kifer (or you can use greek yogurt but kifer has more protein)
    1 cup of mixed berries
    1/2 a banana
    1/4 an avocado
    Dash of cinnamon

    I freeze the fruit and avocado the night before, then blend in the morning with the kefir and coconut milk. It comes out to about 270 cal for the whole drink! Enjoy.
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    bump bump bumpity bump
  • chicken
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    Cottage cheese? or a protein bar/shake?

    I eat cottage cheese & a protein bar every weekday for breakfast. Usually around 30g protein which is what I aim for each meal.
  • Csitri
    Csitri Posts: 132 Member
    good question, look forward to reading some answers
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Turkey sausage
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    I have a smoothie with greek yogurt, frozen berries, half a banana, a little milk, and half an avocado and I get 20 grams a protein! Keeps me full for at least 3 hours!
  • beastlye
    beastlye Posts: 37
    bump :)
  • I eat grilled cheese (no butter, just a spray of Pam on the pan, but you can butter if you want) or turkey sandwiches with a serving of fruit for breakfast on the regular. I almost never eat "breakfast" foods. Apples and peanut butter are good too.
  • poeco76
    poeco76 Posts: 139 Member
    I don't eat eggs, so I do a scoop of protein powder in my oatmeal, and it seems to do the trick. On rare occasions, I also have cottage cheese with some celery, or a greek yogurt smoothie with protein powder and fruit for breakfast. Greek yogurt varies significantly in protein though, so you want to check them first. The one that I use has 23g of protein per serving. I believe I've seen them in the store up to 26g/serving.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Okay, I haven't seen anyone mention beans or potatoes!

    My breaky this morning:
    - baked potato topped with bean/lentil chili
    - buckwheat porridge with fruit

  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    I've never eaten eggs except the one time when my aunt forced my as a kid. I do protein shakes most of the time because I have to be to work early. But to mix things up I 've had toast with peanut butter and a peice of fruit. You mak ethink it's gross but I aslo will eat fish or chicken sometimes. The no such thing as dinner food for me.
  • I usually have some sort of fruit smoothie, but to up the protein I throw in one, or a combo of the following...

    Raw, shelled pumpkin seeds - great protein but lots of calories
    Dry lentils - I like Tru Roots Sprouted Beam Trio - lots of protein and fiber without the fat of nuts and seeds
    Cooked Quinoa - really makes a smoothie thick and rich
    Chia seeds - be sure to soak them first!
    Roasted Flax - yummy

    The key with the above additions is to blend them into oblivion along with whatever liquid you use for your smoothie. They will all become smooth and will add creaminess to the shake. Do this BEFORE adding the remaining ingredients.

    I can usually create a smoothie with 25-30 grams of protein this way; as much as a good protein powder. Calories can creep up though so measure portions.
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    sounds scary to me
  • cardsfanlv
    cardsfanlv Posts: 110 Member
    Turkey bacon or turkey sausage
  • aquiva33
    aquiva33 Posts: 85 Member
    greek yogurt is really filling
  • CO12294
    CO12294 Posts: 2
    I'm usually running out the door late for something in the morning, so I make my breakfast as fast, but as high-quality nutritionally, as I can. Usually that means one container of Chobani Vanilla (not as chalky as plain, half the sugar of the fruit-on-the-bottom flavors) and a MRM Veggie powder protein shake. It's pretty much what I eat every morning (boring, but effective).

    The stats, for both combined:

    Protein - 35g
    Calories - 250
    Fat - 3g (no saturated fat)
    Chol - 0mg
    Sodium - 365mg
    Sugar - 14.5g
    Fiber - 4g
    Carbs - 20.5g

    The MRM powder is $19 for 15 servings at my local vitamin shop. It has lots of stuff that people already posted (pea, hemp, brown rice, flax, chia, etc) and I don't have to do anything other than mix it with water in a shaker cup for 30 seconds. Other protein powders tend to give me a feeling like my throat is closing up - not good - and this one has been great. Ymmv.

    Good luck!
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I agree with a lot of the other posters, you don't have to have "traditional" stuff for breakfast. I sometimes have tuna salad on bib lettuce. I also like this recipe for a quick breakfast to go.

    A few times a week I have this for breakfast:
    1/2 cup coconut milk (I use the unsweetened kind)
    1/2 cup of vanilla kifer (or you can use greek yogurt but kifer has more protein)
    1 cup of mixed berries
    1/2 a banana
    1/4 an avocado
    Dash of cinnamon

    I freeze the fruit and avocado the night before, then blend in the morning with the kefir and coconut milk. It comes out to about 270 cal for the whole drink! Enjoy.
    That actually sounds really good. Would it keep well in the fridge if I made it the night before so I could just grab it out of the fridge on my way to work?
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    I agree with a lot of the other posters, you don't have to have "traditional" stuff for breakfast. I sometimes have tuna salad on bib lettuce. I also like this recipe for a quick breakfast to go.

    A few times a week I have this for breakfast:
    1/2 cup coconut milk (I use the unsweetened kind)
    1/2 cup of vanilla kifer (or you can use greek yogurt but kifer has more protein)
    1 cup of mixed berries
    1/2 a banana
    1/4 an avocado
    Dash of cinnamon

    I freeze the fruit and avocado the night before, then blend in the morning with the kefir and coconut milk. It comes out to about 270 cal for the whole drink! Enjoy.
    That actually sounds really good. Would it keep well in the fridge if I made it the night before so I could just grab it out of the fridge on my way to work?

    I enjoy it... I have never made it the night before but it wouldn't hurt to try.