Should you really use the extra calories from exercise?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I just read on another post that when you calculate your TDEE - 20% that you should eat the same # of calories a day and not eat back any exercise calories because thats already calculated into your TDEE. Which makes sense but now im confused because others say that since you have the 20% deficit already taken out you can eat back your exercise calories to keep you at that deficit and maintain muscle. Can anyone clarify this. I dont understand why it has to be so confusing and controversial.

    If you are doing 20% cut from TDEE, was your regular exercise routine included in the TDEE calculation? If yes, then don't eat them. If no then YES, eat them. Does that help?

    The point is, you don't want to eat the exercise calories twice.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Unfortunately, I do see a lot of "I exercise so I can eat more", which is not the point of it... not at all.

    Why not? It's worked great for me - it gives me a little extra incentive to exercise.

    You have to be realistic about how many calories you are burning, and not use 15 minutes on the treadmill as an excuse to eat a Whopper with Bacon.

    "Why not?" what?

    You contradicted yourself.

    "Why not" exercise so you can eat more.

    The post I was replying to said that working out you can eat more is "not the point of it" (implying "not the point of working out").

    Plenty of us use eating back our exercise calories as an incentive to do the exercise.

    The only caution is that you cannot burn 100 calories (15 minutes on the treadmill) and use it as an excuse to eat 1,500 calories (Whopper with Bacon). That would leave me with 1,400 calories I've eaten but not burned. You have to be realistic about how many calories you've burned/earned.

    I don't see how I've contracted myself at all.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Unfortunately, I do see a lot of "I exercise so I can eat more", which is not the point of it... not at all.

    Why not? It's worked great for me - it gives me a little extra incentive to exercise.

    You have to be realistic about how many calories you are burning, and not use 15 minutes on the treadmill as an excuse to eat a Whopper with Bacon.

    Exactly, I don't mean "eat more" as in an excuse to eat crap. It's tough to stay around 1200 calories, even with how small I am. When I exercise it means I can enjoy more chicken, eat a bigger breakfast, and not have to worry about it so much.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    I don't really eat mine back either. Diets should work mathematically. I desire to lose 2 lbs per week. 2 lbs = 7000 calories. I set my eating to give me a deficit of 3500 calories and then my exercise to give me a deficit of 3500. That way I should lose weight. If I ate them back then my deficit would be off which would require me to eat less or exercise more.
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    If you are accurate in your intake and burns, and you exercise a lot, then you probably ought to be eating them. I will crash and burn if I don't, but also, I am very honest and accurate about calories in and calories out.

    Same here, I have not been eating them back but I am starting too as of this week :) I have always counted very well and I'm hoping that increasing my intake will kickstart my weight loss again.

    I do notice when I workout in the mornings, I'm so much more hungry before lunch than I normally am. So I definitely need to be eating more on those days to keep me going.
  • Thanks for all your posts. I guess my concern is I am not eating enough and so I won't lose weight. I am still hungry on the 1200 calories. But I am hoping that will get better over time. I really only got serious two weeks ago. I have found it's easier for me to stay between 1300-1500. So I've been eating that much on work out and non work out days. So far not much weight loss. So I figured I would throw it out there to see if maybe it's because I am not eating enough? Or maybe I am eating too much on the non work out days? I just was introduced to protein shakes. Which is actually helping me feel full. :) Total I've lost about 2.5 lb's in the last week and a half. So I guess that's not bad. Thanks again. I appreciate it!
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    I don't ever eat them back - I find it pointless.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Do you want to lose fat or muscle and fat. A calorie deficit puts your body into a catabolic state. If the deficit is really high, your body will rely on your muscles to produce energy. It does this by converting the amino acids from muscle into energy. Also, when you properly fuel your body, you are able to push harder in your workouts where you burn more calories. In fact, if you don't believe me do some weight training. Set up a scenario where you do XX number of moves at 8 reps. Do the same exercise for two weeks (this is without eating back exercise calories). The second 2 weeks start to eat 20% below TDEE and see how much you can increase weight. I have done this experiment with several people on this board. Every one was able to improve strength.

    Also, high deficits cause your body to release cortisol, which make it harder to lose fat. Another reason you it's important to maintain a smaller deficit. Below is a little study (comparison) I have just started. I can tell you, of the people I have already, there is a huge difference in the amount of muscle loss. Those who eat exercise calories or eat 20% below TDEE lose about 10% of the lbm while those who do not eat back exercise calories lose 30-50% of their weight from muscle.

    Muscle is what makes your body look tight and lean, it's what burns more calories so you can eat more and it linked to insulin resistances and immune system issues. The muscle, the better your body will look and respond. Below are two great examples of women who gained muscle and weight.

    Some of you might say, well i will wait until I get to my ideal weight and gain muscle back. Well, it's very harder to gain muscle. Women can gain about 7-10 lbs a year and men can double. But when you gain muscle, you also gain fat (10% at least of the weight is fat). This means, after you gain muscle (while eating at a surplus) then you have to go through another cut phase. So while you could have maintained your muscle and made it easier for yourself if you ate more food to begin with, you end up trying to fix your mistakes.

    Also, I am a firm believer of "to look like an athlete, you need to train and eat like one". The fourth link is another MFP study I did. Those who are already cut, lean and have tight bodies all ate higher calories (around 20% below TDEE). Women averaged 1600 calories, men around 2400. So if you want to be one of those who have a tight body, why don't you train and eat like one.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    OP, if you want, you can update your activity level to lightly or moderately active and have your deficit over the week. This will also enable your body enough calories to be used on days it requires repair. Then you don't have to chase exercise calories.

  • Selfmadepsyche
    Selfmadepsyche Posts: 20 Member
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    If I do a lot of extra physical activity (800-a few thousand calories worth) and don't eat enough calories to compensate over the next few days, I get hungry, grumpy, and get headaches indicating to me that I have low blood sugar.

    I don't typically eat them all back, but I certainly eat as many of them as I am hungry for. When I look over the last several months, I can clearly see that the day of and a few days after a lot of exercise I will eat more calories than is normal for me. I did this without planning - it's just what my body wants and I seem to do naturally.

    When I just do my normal 200 or so calories of exercise, I use it if I want it and don't eat it if I'm not hungry.

    I like to listen to my body. My body says it needs at least some of them back and I have been losing steadily. And I hate being hungry.
  • Normally I don't eat back my exercise calories and lately I've been having a hard time eating my actual calories to start with. But, the thing that really bothers me is that some people complain that they are not losing weight on here, but they are logging high amounts of calories lost by doing little exercising. I have a pedometer that keeps track of steps, miles, calories and stuff like that, it is the one that Weight Watchers uses (my mom belongs and bought me one). I also have a stationary bike that I use at home that records calories burned and such, but the accuracy is better on my stuff, than on myfitnesspal's accuracy. When someone is logging that they are buring 400 calories by walking 90 minutes at a dog walking pace I find it hard to believe, please tell me your secrets. I want to be happy for you, but I can also see why you are not losing the weight all that fast too. Sorry for the complaints, had to get it off my chest.

    Anyway, I'm not starving myself, but can't seem to eat all my calories for the day, any suggestions?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Normally I don't eat back my exercise calories and lately I've been having a hard time eating my actual calories to start with. But, the thing that really bothers me is that some people complain that they are not losing weight on here, but they are logging high amounts of calories lost by doing little exercising. I have a pedometer that keeps track of steps, miles, calories and stuff like that, it is the one that Weight Watchers uses (my mom belongs and bought me one). I also have a stationary bike that I use at home that records calories burned and such, but the accuracy is better on my stuff, than on myfitnesspal's accuracy. When someone is logging that they are buring 400 calories by walking 90 minutes at a dog walking pace I find it hard to believe, please tell me your secrets. I want to be happy for you, but I can also see why you are not losing the weight all that fast too. Sorry for the complaints, had to get it off my chest.

    Anyway, I'm not starving myself, but can't seem to eat all my calories for the day, any suggestions?

    Eat higher calorie foods; nuts, avocado, cooking in EVOO or my favorite, grab a spoon and some peanut butter and go to town. Just did that today.
  • mystikalbeanz
    mystikalbeanz Posts: 192 Member
    I just read on another post that when you calculate your TDEE - 20% that you should eat the same # of calories a day and not eat back any exercise calories because thats already calculated into your TDEE. Which makes sense but now im confused because others say that since you have the 20% deficit already taken out you can eat back your exercise calories to keep you at that deficit and maintain muscle. Can anyone clarify this. I dont understand why it has to be so confusing and controversial.

    If you are doing 20% cut from TDEE, was your regular exercise routine included in the TDEE calculation? If yes, then don't eat them. If no then YES, eat them. Does that help?

    The point is, you don't want to eat the exercise calories twice.

    Thanks! Yes they are because i selected that im moderately active and exercise 3-5 days a wk. So ill just stick to my TDEE -20% and not eat the exercise calories! I got myself all confused because I originally had my calories lower then TDEE-20% and would eat some of my exercise calories back but wasnt losing weight and was always tired and hungry so i was advised to eat at TDEE-20%
  • OTchic
    OTchic Posts: 205 Member
    Unfortunately, I do see a lot of "I exercise so I can eat more", which is not the point of it... not at all.

    Why not? It's worked great for me - it gives me a little extra incentive to exercise.

    You have to be realistic about how many calories you are burning, and not use 15 minutes on the treadmill as an excuse to eat a Whopper with Bacon.

    haha whopper with bacon. i also workout to eat more. i eat healthy stuf or whatever ill have a brownie. but i exercise to eat more!! thats how i lost my 30lbs
  • As long as your net calorie intake is at least 1200kcal I wouldn't worry about it. Your body needs a minimum of 1200 calories to function. If you're exercising some of theses calories away you risk muscle wastage (which will lower your BMR) and malnutrition. It will also be a lot harder to maintain your weight loss if your net intake falls below this 'magic number'.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I don't, but I get why people do. I also focus on a weekly average instead of a daily average.
  • I don't agree with the "listen to your stomach." Your stomach sends signals based on the volume of food, not the caloric content of food, so it's rather irrelevant to the discussion of weight loss.
  • Sevio
    Sevio Posts: 181 Member
    I exercise so that I can eat more!

  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I exercise so that I can eat more!

    Me too! I rarely have a difficult time eating them back :tongue: