Need friends on Atkins or Low Carb Diet



  • So I am on my third round of induction. Have been doing Atkins since Jan of this year and have lost almost 50 lbs. For some reason every time I do induction, the 9th or 10th day is the hardest craving wise and also emotionally. I feel like I want 8 loaves of bread and a good Does anyone else have a similar reaction after a week or so into it. I mean it generally only lasts for a day and then I'm fine afterwards.
  • Regardless of what Atkins says you don't have to start back at induction every time you "mess up" & eat sugar or bread etc... Besides, it sets you up for failure that way. If you have something you are not supposed to, just get up the next day & go back to whatever you daily net carbs should be. The reason they stress starting induction again is because if you eat high carb, then start back on high fat the next day, you will see temp weight gain. For me, that is incentive enough not to eat the sugar or bread in the first place, but we are all human & make mistakes. So I think it is better to just start fresh the next day & take the hit on the scale rather than beat yourself up & be miserable with the induction process & feel like a failure. Make sense?
  • woah! you have a hot rocking body
  • I am kinda stupid when it comes to posting but were you referring to me?
  • sefelch
    sefelch Posts: 1
    Count me in! Just started checking out the message boards and I can't believe how much support is on here! I need friends as well who are doing low carb/ Atkins. I'm 5'4, 48, and currently 236 lbs. (was 268 and started trying to lose weight because my doctor said I can't get my hip replacement until I lose it poundage) I came close to lap band surgery and was too afraid to go that route. It's taken me almost a year to drop 30 lbs doing all types of yo-yo dieting but then gained 5lbs in 1 week by bingeing. CRAZY. During that time I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Now Im on synthroid. I was so hopeful that getting that under control would help me lose weight faster...Not.

    It's been 4 weeks since I've been on Atkins induction. I lost those 5lbs very quickly and another 2, but I'm only losing an average of .5 lbs a week. So total, I've lost 32lbs. The pros on induction is that I have NOT been hungry. My brain fog seems to be gone as well. I haven't been using the food tracking faithfully because I was trying to avoid not counting calories. Now I think I need to start tracking that as well.

    I also haven't been doing much for exercise because any type of walking or even water aerobics has been extremely painful if it involves moving my hip at all. Thankfully the doctor let me get a cortisone injection and now the pain level is much much lower. I am hoping to start using an elliptical machine on Monday. Doc said it was one of the best cardio machines with people with hip and knee probs.

    Anyway...this past few days it's been HARD. Friends who I have asked support from are criticizing my eating choices saying Atkins is awful. I'm getting more discouragement than support! Now I just tell people that I am on a "no white" sugar, no bread, no rice, no flour, etc. I try to eat whole foods, stay around 20 carbs, and will occasionally treat myself to an Atkins endulge bar which is the only processed thing I eat.

    So here I am on a message board hoping to continue on this path to a healthier me and eventually a me with a new hip! How do I add friends?:happy:
  • PurpleGyrl13
    PurpleGyrl13 Posts: 84 Member
    Need to get on the low carb wagon as well (per dr's orders). Need friends to help with this....feel free to add and also send any pointers/suggestions my way. Any good books to read/follow? Is there someplace to calculate the amount of carbs needed per day to lose weight?
  • immarungirl
    immarungirl Posts: 35 Member
    Count me in and I need a lot of guidance and recipes. I started low carb today, I am a sugar and carb lover, but I find after eating them I am SOOOO bloated and feel terrible. Not sure how to track carbs vs. calories on MFP I guess you can just remove the calorie counter in the settings.

    Add me as a friend :smile:
  • Selfmadepsyche
    Selfmadepsyche Posts: 20 Member
    I've been doing low-carb(ish) for a year now. Have done South Beach, now on a system of my own: Eat low-carb during the week and then go crazy on day a week - eat anything I want and as much as I want. Seems to be working! Feel free to add, I have lots of recipes and low-carb alternatives.
  • youcandooeet
    youcandooeet Posts: 104 Member
    I don't do low carb anymore, but I did for my first month and a half. You should check out Low Carb Friends. They have a huge community there, lots of cool people and tons of recipes/advice. I don't remember what their website is exactly, but just google it and it should come up first! :)
  • Hi !! I am new to and have no idea how you can make a topic and ask everyone a question in this web.